Time is Fleeting – Mystery Men
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Colonel James Darson

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Title   Mystery Men
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Colonel James Darson
Posted   Mon Sep 07, 2009 @ 4:47pm
Location   Marine Barracks
Timeline   sd 09 1400(Backpost)
Chief Ayers was walking over to the marine barracks looking for an explanation, during the day he frequently checks the comm logs just in case someone is using restricted subspace channels for questionable activities, but someone using a secure encryption key especially one that is only supposed to be used in war-time, that’s a major foul and the chief wanted an explanation.

"Where’s the Colonel?" Ayers barked to a low level non-com.

The enlisted man stood up and looked at him in confusion for a second, then said in a barely respectful tone, “Sir, I am not privy to Colonel Darson’s movements…may I suggest that you try the office area or the CCC. If the Colonel is in the Restricted Section however, you will have to either wait for him to come out, or find somebody with clearance to accompany you in.”

"I've got the clearance sonny." the chief growled waiting for the marines to start something.

As several more of the enlisted men rose from their bunks and began to advance on the Intelligence officer, one of them glanced towards the door and shouted loudly, “Marines, Ten-hut!”

With amazing quickness, they snapped to attention and saluted towards the hatch, where the Vulcan ILO, Second Lieutenant Chau’saura, was waiting, “As you were,” she said in typical Vulcan tone. As the Marines dropped their salutes, she entered the barracks and said calmly, “Is there a problem in here?”

"Nothing that can't be discussed in the office with the Colonel, since it is a classified matter" The Chief spoke in more respectful tone to the Lieutenant.

She examined him silently for a moment and said dryly, “Colonel Darson is currently in his office…I will take you to him.”


A few minutes later, they both found themselves inside the office area, outside the door to Darson’s office. Chau’saura moved towards the Marine secretary and said, “Private, please inform the Colonel that Lieutenant Chau’saura is here escorting Chief Petty Officer Ayers, who needs to speak with him regarding some classified information. The young woman nodded without missing a beat, and opened a COM channel to the office. After a hushed conversation, she grimaced and turned back to the duo.

“You can go in, but he’s not in a good mood.”

The Vulcan nodded and moved across the foyer to the office and pressed the call chime. The hatch whooshed open and a gust of icy air rushed out. Darson’s voice emanated from inside the dark room with a tinge of annoyance, “Lieutenant, Mr. Ayers…please, come in.”

"Colonel, I'll cut to the chase. Why was a restricted encryption code used for a conference with some admiral?" Ayers asked

Darson put down the PADD that contained something or other he needed to sign off on and said calmly, "Lieutenant, could you excuse us for a moment?" Looking somewhat miffed, even for a Vulcan, Chau'saura reluctantly saluted and exited the room. Darson waved a hand at the chair in front of his desk, "Mr. Ayers, please have a seat. Can I offer you something to eat or drink?"

"No I'm fine thanks." Craig was about to get annoyed

"One track mind, huh? Well Chief...the answer to your question is thus: 'Classified'." Darson nodded happily and clapped his hands together, "Amazing...Another issue taken care of. Now then, is there anything else Chief Petty Officer, or can I get back to my paper work?"

"The use of Black encryption codes during peace time is strictly forbidden and is punishable by imprisonment for no less than 25 years, so are you going to explain yourself or do I go to the Commander and have you arrested?" Craig was ready to spar with Darson over this.

Darson’s tone darkened, “Mr. Ayers, I do not have explain myself in any way, shape, or form to you. And like many who have come before you and tried to wage war against me, you will fail. What was discussed in that transmission was the details of an ongoing Military operation of the highest sensitivity, and that means that it is far, far above your pay grade. And if you continue in this vein, I will be forced to detain you for interfering in a matter of Federation Security…which I assure you is very well within my power.”

"Don't hand me that cloak and dagger BS!" Ayers snapped

“But I do know who’s pay grade it isn’t above,” Darson remarked calmly, ignoring Ayer’s outburst, “Your boss, Lieutenant Wallace. I will talk to him and explain eeevvveeerrryyyttthhhiiinnnggg …so you can be a good little intelligence officer and put this out of your mind…and tell your boss that Colonel Darson wants to see him as soon as possible…is that understood, Mr. Ayers?”

Before the Chief could respond jarred walked in a PADD in hand, "You’re going to answer mine and the chief’s questions or you can do it at your court marshal. I now have a warrant for your arrest on this matter signed by Admiral Rittenhouse, and the Marine Commandant for this sector, start talking because I don't take the use of wartime resources lightly."

Darson pointed at his mask, “In case you couldn’t tell, I’m making my concerned face. Mr. Ayers, you are dismissed. I want to talk to Lieutenant Wallace privately.”

"I'll take care of this Craig, see you back at the office." Jarred said


Lt. Jarred Wallace

Lieutenant Colonel James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer
Deep Space 5