Unity – Cocaine
by Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   Cocaine
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Mon May 03, 2010 @ 3:36pm
Location   Somewhere close to the 'Box of delights"
Timeline   Backpost: Before the Attack
["What do you mean it is power? How do they use it?" Cane asked leaning forward.]

[Nak chuckled. "Cocaine is snorted, traditionally through a straw and heroine is intraveneously injected. We give you a chip with the replicator instructions, recoding what you replicate and we take thirty..."]

["Thirty! That is high for my risk!"]

["It is a small price in comparison with the benefits...." Nak said coldly, not telling him that he still would have to pay for the raw materials. "If you are not interested....."]

A tap on T'Pal's shoulder let her turn her head, looking into the face of a man. "Can I help you?" she asked half annoyed.

["Of course.... I just hope we can negotiate the deal..." Cane tried.]

"I think you ought to come with me, T'Pal" said the stranger. "Your mother got sick and is calling for you," he said.

Recognizing the coded message from her previous intelligence unit, T'Pal got up slowly. She didn't know that dark haired stranger, but it was the best course of action to follow him for now.

T'Pal pressed her thumb on the credit PaDD and smiled a thank you to the Bokkai woman. It was clear that she would be back for more. Without a glance to the table where a discussion was ensuing, T'Pal walked out with the man, supressing her frustration at the interruption, but of course, if this was what she thought it was, they would know everything already.


"What do you want?" T'Pal asked special agent Allanger when she set the receiver of the listening device, embedded in the skin on the back of Malcolm Cane's arm, on recording only.

"You can turn that off," Allanger said, referring to the listening device he saw her plant on Cane. It was a known fact that T'Pal always did her own research before she executed her contract. "We have proof that he wants to set up a drug ring on the Singi Starbase, your client. He is also involved with human trafficking, and not only with the Orion syndicate. We are talking a whole new ball game here. If you take him out, you take out our lead..." he urged.

"Did you pay me?" T'Pal asked with a quircked brow. "I don't work for you, so I am not obligated to assist you, get another lead. I will complete my work," she said coldly.

"You don't understand...."

"No," she interrupted him. "You don't understand. This man will go back there and sell this cocaine to the youth of that community and you will still follow your damn lead! You forget how long I was in *your* information gathering business! I know *exactly* how it works!" she near growled.

"T'Pal, you can help us, you know that!"

"Have you spoken to Intel here?" she asked. "I thought not," she gathered from his expression and started to move away.

"T'Pal... you know I can alert Intel to your presence. They might even know already, you are on the SF database and your record could always be made to draw attention to you," he threatened.

"Do your best!" she snarled, her Klingon temper rising.

Allanger bit back another remark, but bit his tongue. This was not going very well. He was warned that he would encounter opposition and they were drawing attention as it was. "I am serious," he said and used his access codes to *update* T'Pal's Starfleet record enough to draw attention to it.

"So am I," T'Pal said. If he did good on his threat, she would counter it in her own way. For now she had work to do.

"Ok..... damn you!" Allanger said. "Go ahead, but then help us," he said.

"You will *allow* me to continue and then I am to *help* you?" she asked with cold sarcasm. "I make my own way...."

This time Allanger interrupted. 'Dammit T'Pal, see the bigger picture... *Human Trafficking!* he repeated. "This is what we are following here. The kids he enslaves to cocaine, would be easy targets for *that* market. But that is not all. At this point cocaine and the other 20th century drugs are infiltrating other rings as well. We need all the help we can get...come on, be reasonable...it will come here too," he urged.

"I will do my contract, then we will see from there," she said but made no promises. She would rather alert SFI on DS5 or Security anonomously than get involved with her previous unit again. That was exactly what she tried to get away from.


Who knows?

Special Agent Allanger
Intelligence Agency associated with SFI