Beg, Steal or Borrow – Trojan Horse - Part 2
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson

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Title   Trojan Horse - Part 2
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson
Posted   Wed Apr 29, 2009 @ 8:39pm
Location   Security Office / CO's Office / Lower Decks
Timeline   SD8 after 18:00

Meanwhile, back in the Cargo Bay, Corporal Jones slowly pressed his scanner up against one of the cargo boxes, and waited patiently while it scanned the large column of boxes for any lifeforms or weapon signatures. It beeped in the negative, and he moved onto the next stack. His fire and maneuver partner stood guard as he worked, and ran multiple sweeps with his area scanner in his armor. Unfortunately, there was too much interference from the contents of the cargo to get accurate scans at anything greater than 10 meters.

As he firmly attached the scanner to the side of yet another box, his COM crackled, =^= “Chief, we’ve got something over here…looks like a civilian who’s been knocked unconscious.” =^=

As Jones watched the scanner work, he triggered his mic, =^= “Roger…hold position, we’ll be there presently.” =^= As the scanner informed him that there was no dangerous contraband about, he gestured for the junior Marine to follow him. Together they weaved their way through the maze of gray containers, and arrived at the site of the other two transponders.

The scene they found there was somewhat different from what they had encountered so far. Several of the crates lay opened and their contents strewn about, and there was a scruffy looking character laying half in a storage locker where it looked like something had hit him over the head. Most likely the slightly bloodied corner of the container cover next to him.

He knelt next to the unconscious Bolian and felt around for a pulse. He found it to be strong, and aside from his unnatural sleep, he seemed to be in good health. He stood up and looked around at the mess. One of the Marines, a female private said to him, “What do you think sir? Fight between scavengers? Attempted robbery? Or something else?”

Jones gave a sigh of contemplation, “Not sure yet,” he knelt by the supine body again and with a grunt turned him over, “we’ll have to wake him up to find out what really happened here, if he knows…does anybody have a hypo, or something that-“

He didn’t get to finish his sentence as a hand reached out of nowhere and emptied a canteen of ice cold water all over the blue-skinned man. As he spluttered, Jones said in a deadpan voice, “Well…brilliant private. A nice…if unorthodox…use of canteen.”

He knelt closer to the man as he came around and said slowly and calmly, “Sir, I’m corporal Jones, SFMC. Do you know where you are sir? And do you have any identification?”

Mokab wiped the water from his face, the first time that he had washed in days and was not too happy at the impromptu cleansing which did nothing for the pain in the back of his head.

"Where am I currently situated?" He muttered, rubbing at the back of his head and bringing it into his field of vision and seeing blood, shuddered. He blinked, focusing on the man above him.

"Forgive my current antithesis, for I am usually in the vicinity of the promenade and I must state, upon wheres I am usually more discreet, nay than I give the outward appearance of that in which I am now." He rubbed his eyes and then felt again, his head. "Squires, my given title is Mokab Mellibrate and I am honored to make your acquaintance!" He offered, as he sat up.

One of the Marines leaned forward to get a better look at him and chortled, “Well I’ll be dammed. Sir, I know him. He’s a trader up on the promenade…I bought some power cells from his cart about a week ago. He may talk funny, but you can find some pretty nice bargains at his cart.”

“Hmmm,” Jones said as he stared at Mokab, “Alright then. Mister…Mellibrate, was it? Can you tell me what you were doing down here?”

"Doing? Here? I have accommodation down here," He pointed to his cardboard box, "but I find myself encumbered due to a person," He curled his finger to the men, beckoning them closer and they duly inched forward, "who I believe to be a Romulan," He whispered, raising his eyebrows and nodding his head, accenting the truth, "coshing me about the head as I came out from my place of hiding there." Pointing to the small storage locker.

Jones did not spare a second to lament the sad nature of the Bolian’s dwelling, but instead focused on the mention of the Romulan, “What? When was this? Did you see where he went?”

Mokab slowly moved his head side to side. "Alas, I was unable to distinguish direction, but forsooth, enquire upon yourselves, did you see a personage make a course opposite your own upon your arrival here?" He grinned, forgetting his headache, the search for the Romulan was now a matter of graver importance.

Jones hurriedly stood up. The Bolian had a point. He was quite sure that nobody had gotten past them, the scanners had not picked up any strong life signs moving through their search pattern. That left only one avenue of escape…in the other direction, through a string of un-used cargo bays, “Thank you for the information sir. I ask that you please remain here and wait for another search team, they will be able to provide medical assistance.”

He turned away and triggered his COM again, =^= “Home Plate, Home Plate, this is Charlie-Alpha-1. We have a 10-5 and 10-24 in progress. We have found an unconscious civilian in Cargo Bay 547-29-A. We revived him and he supplied us with information that his assailant is possibly a Romulan. Requesting backup and medical assistance at our location, as well as a lockdown of all access points in this sector.” =^=

The operator’s voice came back with a crackle, =^= “Charlie-Alpha-1, confirm 10-5 and 10-24. Backup is being dispatched immediately. Authorization to pursue and apprehend suspect with all necessary force. Reinforcements will join you en-route, and lockdown has been initiated.” =^=

=^= “Roger that Home Plate,” =^= Jones waved for his team to follow him and with only a short glance at the sitting Bolian to make sure that he was staying put, began to run for the opposite end of the cargo bay, brandishing his Phaser Carbine in an Alert position. The rest of his team followed suit, following him in a straight line.

While they were heading to the next bay, the COM crackled as the operator’s voice came on again, this time on a general channel, to all Marine personnel. =^= “Attention all units in the vicinity of Cargo Bay 547-29-A, we have a 10-24 in progress. Be on the lookout for a Romulan male in the area. He is a priority suspect in the recent attacks on the station. All personnel are authorized to pursue and detain with all necessary force. Be advised, he is to be considered armed and dangerous.” =^=


*Taps* "Gabriel to Marine Search team in Cargo Bay 547-29-A" Gabriel said into his comm unit. "What is the status on your team's search of the Cargo bay areas? I want to have all of you cleared out as soon as possible so I can shut down that entire deck. The last thing I need is for a fire-fight to erupt in a part of the station that still hasn't been signed off on by Engineering" he added.

As Jones moved steadily from one area of the Cargo Bays to the next, he didn’t stop as the voice of the CIO came over his headphones. As he swung the barrel of the Carbine back and forth he triggered the mic for his response, =^= “Lieutenant Gabriel, this is Corporal Jones. Sir, please be advised we are in pursuit of a suspect in the Cargo Bays. The search will continue as soon as this matter is resolved.” =^=

"Irregardless, that portion of the station has been labeled yellow by structural integrity teams. I want the entire area sealed off so repair crews can do their jobs. You don't like it, take it up with Freeman once they stitch his head back together." Gabriel responded.

Jones growled as he moved through the twilight of the compartment, his flashlight sending a bouncing aura of light in front of him, =/= “Sir,” he said with as much politeness as he could muster, “I’m not sure you understand the situation. The suspect in question is a Romulan, who may or may not have something to do with the attacks. As I am running point for this particular search, until I am satisfied with the results of my investigation, this deck will remain occupied Irregardless of any structural problems.” =/=

"That arrogant bastard" Gabriel said to himself as he began to think about what he had just said. If there was a Romulan in the area, then more than likely the Marines would detain him first. He'd be damned if he had to wait in line just to get a status report from Darson.

He stopped as heard a sound of footsteps from up ahead. He held up a fist to indicate the Fire team to stop behind him up against the container. He checked his scanner, and found that there was a lifeform 20 meters from their current position, and moving slowly away from them. He silently gestured for the Marines to split into Fire and Maneuver teams, and for the other one to go and try to flank the person. He spoke into his mic, =/= “Lieutenant, I’m going to have to call you back.” =/= With that, he cut the transmission. He began edging forward, drawing ever closer to the blinking dot on the screen.

To be continued ...


H'daen tr'Rehu, NPCd by Louise

Marines NPC'd by Major Darson

Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security/Intelligence Officer

Mokab Mellibrate
By Tasha