Beg, Steal or Borrow – A Personnel Matter
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   A Personnel Matter
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Sat Jun 27, 2009 @ 2:05pm
Location   Commanders Office
Timeline   SD9 07.05 - 07.25
Davids hand fell on Petros shoulder and she shrugged away.
"Sorry Petro, I meant no harm. Will you stay behind a moment?" Davies asked.


Petro nodded, her eyes on those that were departing. Maybe he had seen her altercation with Gabriel and now, well, she was technically being insubordinate to a superior officer. "Yes sir." She said softly, lowering her head. She was in for it now and she knew it.

His heart went out to her. Having just lost her best friend whom she had vehemently protected against Dorian, her low apologetic tone spoke volumes.

"Petro," He said, towering above her slight frame, "I know how hard it is to lose somebody, but she has not gone, just moved along." He waited for an acknowledgement from her before continuing.

"Not much of a difference." Petro whispered, trying not to think about the way that Rakka had left. Sudden and without much notice, but still taking the time to let her know what was going on. She supposed that was better than waking up one day and finding out that she was no longer around with no explanation. She could remember the things she had reviewed on the chip that she had given her, and how the nightmares of it would haunt them both for a long time.

"It feels the same." She added, also a faint whisper.

He nodded, feeling that his current position over her may be felt as threatening, so he pulled out a chair and sat, crossing his ankle onto his knee.

Her head still hung low as she seemed lost in the table, pondering her fate maybe?

"Besides, a woman such as you, should be able to command a little respect, after all, you have been on Deep Space 5 longer than most of the crew." He leant back in his chair, studying the profile of her thin face and the tension in her cheeks that held little pallor.

"Maybe, but I don't think that the others share that opinion." She said, thinking the way some people treated her. "And after today, I suspect that you'll wish to add to my embarrassment of speaking the way I did this morning."

"No," He smiled though she still did not look at him, "I am not going to berate you for your outburst, it was protective, besides, a few minutes later you stuck up for Dorian. You have a strong sense of right and wrong, an integrity. No, why I asked you to remain, was to enquire about your studies and what your future plans are?"

His leg felt uncomfortable so he slipped his foot from its resting place and cupped his hands, allowing them to rest between his legs as Petro replied.

"My studies?" she half asked. Sureley as acting commander he would have received reports on her progression. Then again, he was busy and it could be also that he wanted her perspective on it. "They're going well, I suppose. The work keeps me a little busy, but not more than I can handle. Except for when someone blows something up and I have to figure out the best place to get a replacement." She nodded slightly towards the box of Latinum that was left behind. "Some places can get things here quicker and in better condition, for a moderate fee."

She straightened up a little and looked at him, a solemnity still in her eyes. "I'm almost complete with my studies, as far as I know. After that, I'm hoping that I'll be able to retain my position here as Quartermaster - that is if I'm doing an adequate enough job. I'd also like to study other areas. As Gabriel pointed out, I'm really not qualified to work the tactical station."

David pursed his lips and nodded his head with thought. "That can be arranged, you only need another 4 hours theory and your ready for your practical, but I don't want you over exerting. You need to play as well as work. What are you doing to relax in between shifts and study?" His voice was gentle and reassuring.
He had to find out how she was feeling in herself as well as her own well being and stood up, moving back to the drawer of his desk.

"Relax?" she asked, watching him as he moved. "I'm not sure what you mean. I get at least four hours of sleep on a rotation." She wasn't sure if he meant having fun, the way that she did with Rakka from time to time or if he meant something like reading a book the way many Terrans seemed to spend their downtime, as they called it.

"When I'm not in the office or my quarters, I do an inventory of supplies on the various levels. There are others who do that for me, but sometimes it's good to double check."

"And that is how you relax?" He asked as he put 2 boxes on the table ahead of him. "Well, some people do the strangest things to hep take their mind off work, but what I would like to ask, is, er, being as you are due for promotion, I want to give you a choice." He stated, unsure how Petro would react. "Would you prefer Chief Warrant Officer," He paused, sliding the one box forward, "or Ensign?" moving the second box forwards.

Petro stared at the boxes for a moment. "I...but..." she stammered, not sure what she should do. Was she really ready to change ladders? What was all the studying for if not? Chief Warrant Officer would bring her higher up in the non-commissioned status, but to be commissioned. Well, she could eventually move up the ranks. "To be honest, sir," she started, not sure how to continue. "I've been studying to become an enlisted member. My results haven't come back yet but, if you don't mind my choosing..." She paused again, considering her options. "I believe Ensign may be the wiser choice. In the long run." She said, taking in a breath and holding it.

David smiled, hoping that her youthful wisdom would give her the sense of mind to make the correct choice. Pulling back the left hand box and sweeping up the right hand, he stood from his chair and made his way to Petro.

"Bravo, I was hoping you would say that." He said, offering her the box and he noticed his own hands shaking.
"Computer, register Ensign Petro as active and grant her the privileges that such rank holds. Transmit promotion details to Star Fleet with Captain Tahirs' recommendation and my own personal addition." His hand held forth to Petro, he realised that she was far to shocked to actually take his hand and shake it.
He wanted to cradle her, but that would not be right, even though she looked meek and timid, she also had the heart of a lioness.

It was a dream. That was the only explanation she could think of at the moment. It was a dream. Here she was being given the rank of Ensign after an impromptu morning meeting with the senior staff and she wasn't sure how to react. It could be that she was thinking about it now because she was so close to finishing her studies.

The computer responded to the Commander's commands and Petro stared at his shaking hand. She stood, accepted the box with some hesitation and, being as careful as she had ever been, gently placed her hand inside of his. Rakka had helped her get more accustomed to physical contact, but it was something that will always feel awkward for her. A brief moment of contact and she pulled her hand away, letting it slide back to her side. She looked up at him, not sure if she was smiling or crying. It felt the same.

Davies gave a solemn nod. "Carry on Ensign Petro." He replied simply.

Petro gave a solid salute. "Yes sir." She said and turned towards the door. She looked back and smiled. "Thank you sir."

Davies smiled back. "Your welcome."


Ensign Petro

CO: Commander David Davies