Unity – Count Down
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Count Down
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Thu Jan 07, 2010 @ 3:16am
Location   Intel office
Timeline   after first meeting
The entire intel staff walked back into the office, Chief Ayers walked over to the intel armory, and began to pull out cases and packs, John and Marti stood there looking at him, Jarred walked back in to the main room, "Chief, I know you want to do this, but is it for the right reasons?"

the chief turned, "Boss, its simple, I'm the best choice, I did my share of recon before I joined intel and I'm the only one who isn't an officer who can go in, we need all the marines that are assigned to this one on the ground, not playing hide and seek with a bunch of POW camp guards."

Jarred looked at his old friend, "Ok, lets get the gear your going to need."

As the four intel officers assembled the gear the chief was going to need Jarred pulled out one rifle case and grinned, "Chief, I found the M6."

John looked confused "what's an M6?"

"A very simple rifle," jarred said as he opened the case and lifted it up "Shot gun barrel and 22 calliber barrel on the bottom, single shot, and eight rounds in the stock to reload."

"whats so special about it?" John asked

"Intel used to issue these to field officers as a back up weapon when working missions like the chief is going on, can't always rely on phasers kid, plus nothing is more certain that a bullet wound."

John seemed kind of shocked at that thought but then realized that was the part of field work, "so what else are we packing for the chief?"

The chief looked at his equipment, "Jungle fatigues, phaser, rifle, and the M6, field pack, tricorder, and rations, can't think of anything else."

Jarred looked in the back corner of the storage room, his field bag was there, but his duty was to lead this expedition if the need arises, "lets get the raptor loaded up." Jarred said hiding the concern in his voice.

As the four officers walked into the the hangar where the Raptor was sitting they said their goodbyes, they stepped back as the chief started his preflight. jarred knew this was a critical mission, and he knew even more that this was make or break for alot of people on this station, so he needed to make sure this went off with any problems, "Ok kids, lets get organized, if things go to hell, we have less than 30 minutes to be ready to ship out."

Marti stood for a moment looking out as the talon winked out of sight ~good luck chief~
