Unity – First, Do No Harm
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Richard Dunham & Sergeant Major Charles Doherty & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno

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Title   First, Do No Harm
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Richard Dunham & Sergeant Major Charles Doherty & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno
Posted   Wed May 12, 2010 @ 11:02pm
Location   Sick Bay
Timeline   SD 17 - 14:35

{ Sick bay }

Tan'Rek had memorized the route to Sickbay from his *drop off point* and on materialization he flicked a huge hand to indicate that his team should move out. Tan'Rek's team had all been briefed over and over and moved smoothly as they had been choreographed.

It took only a few minutes until they all appeared from different directions along the corridors and entered Sickbay as one, spreading themselves out like fluid filling a confined space. Tan'Rek himself marched on huge, heavily booted feet, straight down the main aisle and by the time the medical staff had looked up, stood up or challenged anyone, all his team were in place.

Tan'Rek's voice boomed effectively across the whole Bay.


Bo'Tal rushed into the room and picked out his first target. Experience had taught him that it was important to demonstrate how serious you are by making an innocent person a painful example. As he quickly scanned the room he found his target.

He crossed he short distance between him and Lieutenant Dunham and simultaneously raised his stolen starfleet weapon and brought it down forcefully across the face of the pilot.

"THE MAN SAID TO GET DOWN!" Bo'Tal shouted to re-reinforce Tan'Rek's previous announcement.

Dunham glared steel daggers at the man that had just smacked him in his face with the butt of his weapon, Dunham knew, he couldn't fight this guy. He was armed and had allies in the room, who also had some heavy fire power. Instead he didn't move, he didn't even flinch, so he spat a long trail of saliva, mixed with blood from the inside of his mouth from the blow, and possibly part of a broken tooth from the impact onto Bo'Tal's boot. But he didn't get down, in the momentary pause before the inevitable blow that would knock him to ground he took out a piece of gum and began to chew on it.

Tan'Rek admired that. He felt it was Klingon in spirit. He took a swipe at the back of Dunham's knees with his boot and crumpled him to the ground but without doing the dishonorable harm of smashing the skull of an unarmed, out-numbered man who was offering no threat. Tan'Rek had his own, some would say twisted code of honour but it was about to be tested.

Bo'Tal stepped back and walk to the console on the far wall and begin to input the Federation encryption model that he had memorized during the routine drills. Within a few minutes the doors to sickbay had begun to seal itself as the remainder of the team flooded into the room. Soon enough the room was sealed and site-to-site beam-outs were prohibited.

He turned back to face the gathered individuals and awaited the Klingon's next instructions.

Tan'Rek growled approval as he stood like a mountain in the centre of the medical facility, glaring a threat at any who made eye-contact or looked likely to be a problem.

Chelsea emerged from the Recovery room where she and Ryan had gone to pass over Rhianni's care to the senior nurse who would attend her for the next shift. It wasn't long after they had recently emerged from Theatre and announced that she was going to make it. They were discussing a medical technical point, expecting to emerge to a peaceful sickbay where perhaps Rhianni's relatives might still be there celebrating the good news.

Opening the door and stepping into the main bay still absorbed in their conversation, they suddenly stopped talking, realizing what they were seeing around them.

Tan'Rek loomed huge and menacing as did Bo'Tal behind him.

"What the Pah Wraiths is going on here?" Chelsea spluttered, horrified.

"JUST SHUT UP AND GET ON THE FLOOR" Tan'Rek bellowed, moving towards Chelsea, his huge hand curling into a fist, threateningly.

"My patients..... " the CMO replied, looking around with a furious face, seeing all these people with guns and other weapons contaminating her Sickbay.

"THIS IS A HOSPITAL" she raged, squaring up to the Klingon's chest, which was as far up him she measured.

Chelsea Adams wasn't a person known for temper. Many had never seen her in one, in fact MOST never knew she even had one. The only time she got riled up was if someone she loved was threatened or hurt or if her precious patients were compromised in their care.

Looking around she could see that all of these situations were happening here. Obviously her sickbay was full of rebels, one or two of which could do with lessons in hygiene. And on the floor near her was the prone shape of Rick Dunham, clearly bleeding from a split lip with contusions coming up rapidly from a very recent injury to the whole of the side of his handsome face. Her heart burned and her eyes reflected it.

Of the two doctors, Ryan was the one who was supposed to have the temper. Chelsea was the easy-going one. Except right now. The staff looked up from their positions on the floor and couldn't believe what was happening to the CMO. She was turning into someone they'd never seen before, right before their eyes. Just as Dr Milarno seemed to have done too, only he'd changed physically. Now Chelsea looked like she was changing characteristically.

Ed McBain felt the need to struggle to his feet to defend her, but Tan'Rek saw him move and kicked out, landing him square in the ribs, leaving him winded and with several cracked or broken ribs, groaning in pain, back on the floor.

That was the last straw for Chelsea. Another of her loved ones brutalized. She advanced on Tan'Rek giving him and his allegedly doubtful parentage an ill-advised, tirade in Bajoran, poking her index finger into his solar-plexus to punctuate each of her many objections to his behavior and his coup in HER medical principality.

It was a sight that was almost comical. Or might have been if it hadn't been so serious. Chelsea gave Tan'Rek several seconds of her reasons why even the lowest of the low didn't attack the sick and injured in hospitals, not even in times of war, starting to quote him the various conventions on sentient beings' rights at an extremely rapid and furious rate before he squinted at her, got over his initial surprise and amusement and finally brought up his fist launching her into the air and right across the sickbay central area.

The sight of the doctor in a set of navy 'Theatre Blues', her long dark hair freed by the blow, literally flying through the air like a fully-robed Vhorani was something to see and fortunately for the slightly built CMO, she landed on a bio-bed, the softness of which saved her from breaking her neck. Unconscious from the blow, she slid to the ground and her limpness again saved her from further injury on the way down but her stillness, as she came to rest, alarmed many around the room.

Tan'Rek punched his huge fist into the nearest bio-monitor, launching that into the air too and as it landed, smashing into pieces, showering nearby cowering hostages, he spun around snarling to show any would be heroes that he wasn't to be tested any more. He flicked the end of his gun to beckon Bo'Tal closer.

He then flicked his communication device, transmitting only two growled words. ^Sickbay secured^. He closed the channel again without waiting for a reply. The response would come in the pre-arranged manner. He then folded his huge arms across his equally gigantic chest and raised an eyebrow at Bo'Tal.

"Let's all settle down for a little wait, shall we?" he growled to everyone, and no-one in particular.

Dunham shook his head slowly from sided to sided, from his place on the floor, perched on his knees, looking like some sort of supplicant. But this Tan'Rek had just hit the one thing that good effect his endearing calm. The anger rising up in him, and no thought to his own safety or those around him, he leaped off the floor and charged Tan'Rek. However Dunham was warrior of space; fighting in the black, in the cockpit of a star-fighter. All he had combat training wise, when came to hand to hand, was the basics they taught in starfleet academy. So fuelled by anger and rage, not skill or training, Dunham found himself jumping on Tan'Rek fists flailing widely, hardly impacting at all, but giving it a damn good go.

Bo'Tal, nor anybody else for that matter, never saw Dunham gather the strength and courage to attack Tan'Rek, but he certainly saw his fist flying towards the looming Klingon with enough anger and viciousness to make up for the human's lack of statute.

Bo'Tal knew that this guy was going to be trouble. He was the typical Starfleet officer: Heroic to the very end, ready to sacrifice his own life to save those whom he had never met before. Well, it was time to see just how much he was willing to sacrifice.

Bo'Tal walked over to the prone form of Dr. Adams and pulled her by the hair while yelling to the scuffling pair.

"HEY FLEETIE!" Bo'Tal yelled from across the room. "You still wanna play hero!?!" He shouted as he aimed his gun to Dr. Adam's temple.

Even set on stun at close point range it would probably kill her. Dunham stopped what he was doing and put his hands up above his head, but his eyes looked like contemplating murder.

Tan'Rek was not one to take a dishonourable advantage but he had been made to look vulnerable to attack and his pride needed saving. Besides, he knew that if he didn't flatten Dunham, Bo'Tal would so he felt free to take a shot at him even though he *had* surrendered. He brought his huge fist up under the Squadron Leader's ribcage, knocking all the air out of his lungs and sending him flying backwards into the melee of medical staff that had gathered behind, all about to assist but stopped by Bo'Tal's threat too. They went down like skittles.

Tan'Rek's laugh echoed out. "You Federation idiots never learn!" he bellowed, not making it clear what exactly he felt they *should* have learned but it wasn't important to anyone but himself. He had re-established *control* of Sickbay, albeit by creating some more casualties but *that* wasn't important either, so he was not in the least concerned. He replanted his feet and beckoned his team into a closer circle, no longer needing the doors watched as they had been sealed. Now his only task, apart from awaiting instructions that Stage 2 was underway, would be to keep the hostages subdued.

Dunham shook himself, and gagged for air, he tried to pull himself from up off the ground but, his ribs were broken. He coughed. Dunham looked down into the palm of his hand; amongst the spittle was more blood. It certainly wasn’t as easy as those 21st century action movies. Dunham contemplated murder, a plan of escape and revenge but he was to beaten and battered to do anything.


A JP Between:

Solider for the Cause
NPC'd by Thom

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

Quartermaster and Would-be-Warrior
NPC'd by Jools