We All Fall Down – Shopping Sprees.... For a Sociopath
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Shopping Sprees.... For a Sociopath
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Wed Sep 10, 2014 @ 12:24am
Location   Verex III Slave Auction

Verex III was a scum pit. it had always been a scum pit, always would be a scum pitt. Tucked neatly into Orion space it was out of reach of any law but that of the Syndicate. Right now, the goods for the auction were arrayed for viewing. Muscular males good for labour or food there, skilled males for useful tasks here. Non-orion women over there. And finally, the real reason people flocked here, the Orion animal women. They posed, they pouted, they provoked, till the testosterone of alpha males in the air could be chewed.

All except one. Where the others revelled in the attention, emphasising their voluptuous allure, this one sat at the back of her cage, knees drawn up, defending her half naked body from prying eyes. She flinched when prospective buyers talked to her, and kept her eyes on the floor. Most turned away from her. It was the enthusiastic pursuit of their legendary appetites that gave Animal Women their appeal, and this pathetic creature clearly didn't have it. But there's always some who find that very patheticness attractive. The same sort of people who like pulling wings of flies...

Torm strolled the line of cages and podiums, his breathing slightly shallow as he contemplated the choice of fleshpots before him. He'd promised himself he wouldn't. Not after Fiyara. He'd become completely obsessed with her. The way she moved, the way she smelt, they way she moaned when he got on top of her and had his pleasure. He had given her everything his wealth could provide. He'd been a hairs breadth from giving her his entire fortune just to make her happy.

If it hadn't be for Valak. His Major domo had seen what was happening, and snapped him out of it with a trip away. The boslic merchant would have given her everything. when he returned, Torm took Fiyara to the gardens and cut her throat. She had been an arrogant cow to the end, didn't even try and ask for forgiveness. She didn't even scream.. Just spat in his face.

But he wanted to feel the thrill again. It was like a drug. So here he was. So many to choose from. All supple and sinuous and lush. He would be on his guard this time. He didn't want to risk losing everything. He wanted one he could tame. He wanted one that would scream, rather than moan. He wanted one that -

He crashed into another viewer, and rounded on him. "Watch where you're going targcrap! Or I'll have you up on that podium for use as food!"

"Watch who you're threatening, you inbred oaf!" D'Liin snarled, "You're pawing Romulan nobility, animal!" Without another word D'Liin turned and walked away from him, he didn't have time for the rabble today.

"Romulan Nobility? Here?" Torm gave a laugh that shook his rolls of belly flab. "Romulan whoreson more like! Maybe you are for sale!"

"I've neither time nor patience for your childish antics nor your pungent odor." D'Liin sighed, "Now, move along, imbecile." With that he pushed his coat back to show the butt of his disruptor, "And I'm sure you'd much rather not discuss parentage. Go bid on someone or whatever you do..."

Torm's eyes flickered to the Orion women again. "At least I can afford to bid."

D'Liin didn't reply, merely scoffing at the ruffian, knowing in his heart that if he truly wanted to he could buy that oaf.

Sniggering at D'Liin's failure to match wits with him, Torm turned back to his animal women. Such delights. Such dangers. All of them too relaxed, too confident, too proud to make him risk everything again. Except for the last. The miserable wretch was sat on the floor of her cage, not making eye contact. She was perfect. He grinned. She would be his. He joined the scrum at the auctioneers podium, and waited.

It took sometime for the girl to be brought out. She just walked, head down, lead by a guard. She made no show of allure like her fellow animal women. Torm pushed forward, and seeing the idiot Romulan from before, took the chance to 'accidentally' elbow him in the kidney.

D'Liin was very seriously considering simply shooting that fool from earlier, but his eye and mind were distracted by the pathetic creature brought out for bids. She looked so familiar, to the point where if he didn't know for an absolute fact that she was dead he would've sworn on his family's name that this girl was that prostitute from the Box of Delights, ~Another one of my wretched fiancée's fancies.~ He remembered with a laugh, quickly dismissing the idea since, after all, that green skinned whore was quite dead.