Judgement – Meetings in the night
by Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Ambassador Cala Lurn

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Title   Meetings in the night
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Ambassador Cala Lurn
Posted   Sat May 07, 2011 @ 11:51am
Location   CDO Main Office
Timeline   SD37 0100 Hours

The docking bay doors opened and the inhabitants started staggering out.
Mathew remained seated until the group had dispersed.
He stood up. Something he had not done for too long, and started on his way towards his part of the station.

As the turbolift doors sealed Mathew caught a glimpse of his reflection.
He hadn't showered since the mission began. His hair looked more like medusas than his own. "Deck 56."

Cala once more pulled an all nighter. Being her age, there was times she would forget to sleep. But she to get some peace treaties written for Star Fleet. Apperently some off worlds were fighting and they needed her help. She rubbed her eyes lightly before she continued to read information on the races feuding among one another.

He soon found himself in the main foyer. A diplomatic admin had to look twice to fully recognize him. He smiled.
His office opened and he moved forward to get his padd.

On turning around he noticed a woman in a dark blue flowy gound. The dress covered her from neck to toe only showly her bare arms. She had her dark brown hair pulled back in a bun with a gold pindent holding her hair in.

Cala didn't realize that she walked right up to her superior's office. Her ear picked a coughing like sound. She looked up from her reading and saw a young, messy Trill male ina star fleet uniform. She couldn't help but to keep staring at him and the smell she faintly picked up. But she gave him the benfit of the doubt and asked, "May I help you find something?"

Mathew knew most of his staff by name, but certainly all their faces.
This face however was not in his memory. He eyed her for a moment wearily.
"Who are you?" he said in a low tone. Possibilities filled his head. In particular his last meeting with Isha, who he had managed to severely annoy. Perhaps she had sent an assassin. His body was to weak to feel the newcomer's motivations, so it was just regular intuition to go on.

Cala arched her eyebrow up to the man before her on his body lanuage. She slowly walked over to the replicator and not keeping her eyes off from him. She ordered him a drink, grabbing it she walked over to him slowly. When she reached him she brought warmth to her face as she handed him the drink. "Long travels I see," she started kindly, "It puts alot of strain on the body." Then she handed him the drink to show good gesture. "It's a herbal tea. It will not bring you harm. Just relaxation."

Mathew was still very weary of this woman, and he certinly was not going to drink the tea."Thank you but You did not answer my question, Ms?" He put the tea down gently after pretending to sip at it.

She back up a few steps, placing her hands togeather with her PADD in them. She slightly tilted her head and stated calmly, "You may call me Cala." Then she fluffed the back of her dress forward as she sat down in a seat. She sat at the edge of the seat, with her back stright up and both her eyes on her lap looking at him kindly. She looked as thou she were posing for some one to take a picture of her. "Please don't be alarmed. I'm no harm to no one here," she reasured him. Then she gave a small smile, "It's been a long time since some one has called me Ms. my dear Sir."

Mathew sat down at his desk as well.
He tapped one button on his desk to silence the beeps that would follow as to not alert the newcomer to what he was doing. He then ordered the computer to scan his tea, for anything suspicious. The scan came up with only micro traces of sodium fluroacetate so he sipped at it again. He looked up and smiled at her "Mrs then?"

She chuckled, "Aw no. My late husband has been dead for at lest 87 years." Then she paused to let this dear man take in such information. She knew she didn't look like a woman in her early ninties, but she loved to look on there face when they studied her for a few seconds.

"I'm an El-Aurian," she stated kindly easing the man's confussion, "You must be Lt. Totti?"

He leaned forward playfully "Ahh I though so! "Quinalis, my third host was a tactical officer aboard the Enterprise-B when your people requested refugee status." He sat back again "I have only had dealings myself once, at a bar."
He glanced down at his padd. A file caught his eye about a newcomer in his department. On opening the file a picture of the woman in his office : Envoy Cala Lurn.

Cala nodded her head and gave him a smile, she knew to whom he was talking about. But she kept it to herself as he was looking over her file.

Mathew stood up and bowed his head slightly "Well Cala, I have been up for..." He thought for a moment then smiled "Far to long. I look forward to working with you."

She slowly stood up and bowed her head slightly and replied kindly, "As do I. I would advise to drink the tea. It will help you sleep and feel refreashed for the morning." Then she turned and walked out of the room, in the same way as she did before when she entered in it.


Lieutenant Mathew Totti
Ambassador Cala Lurn