Interlude – Too nosey for your own good
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Arrival Thomas Whitlock

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Title   Too nosey for your own good
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Arrival Thomas Whitlock
Posted   Sun Jun 13, 2010 @ 10:52pm
Location   Some corridor
Timeline   SD 19 - Shortly after "Professional courtesy"

Gabriel stepped closer into the man's personal space. "It is bad enough that I have Starfleet Command 'convienently' placing J.A.G. officers in command of the station, now I have terrorists trying to reset time. I *will not* have some spook snooping around my station without being informed on all significant matters." he said with increasing seriousness.

"As long as I am the Chief of this station's security, you will mind your P's and Q's, got it?" He asked rhetorically as he reached across his chest and adjusted the medical officer's comm badge in a patronizing manner. "Have a safe trip back to wherever you came from." he said with finality as he turned and began to walk down the dimly lit hall.

"Mr. Gabriel, perhaps I should stay." Burns yelled to him, "You may need my services. I'm Lt. Cdr. Charles Burns, MD! PSYCHIATRIST!" he shouted down the hall. ~Everybody on this station needs a psychiatrist!~


Thomas stepped off the turbolift and looked around. There was no one around and he wasn't sure where exactly he was. That was fine with him, of course. He liked exploring. He took a few steps and paused as he heard someone shouting. He couldn't make out everything that was being said so he moved closer to the corner and tried to hear what was going on.

Gabriel shook his head in annoyance as he continued down the carpetted hall and around the corner. His mind was focused elsewhere when he walked directly into the journalist.

"Ughf" Gabriel said as he collided with the man.

"Sorry about that," Thomas said as he regained his balance.

Gabriel brushed himself off as he looked at the man. "Who are you and what you doing down here anyways? The memorial service was for security department only." he replied.

"Thomas Whitlock, Reporter for the FNS," he said, stepping closer and extending his hand.

"Well, Thomas. As you can see, there is no further story here to obtain." He said quickly as he side-stepped the man and began to walk away.

Thomas looked at the empty hand and pulled it back before turning to follow the man down the corridor. "What was all that yelling about?"

Gabriel pursed his lips before responding. He turned around and faced the man to speak. "That 'conversation' that you just heard was a confidential matter between two Starfleet officers. It would behoove you to stay out of matters that do not concern you." he stated flatly.

"Didn't exactly sound like a 'conversation' to me," Thomas said to him. "What was that about a memorial service?" he inquired.

"The memorial service was for the security officers that died during the terrorist attack on the station. It was a final rememberance for men that died as heroes." Gabriel replied proudly. "As far as that conversation is concerned, you never heard it so just drop it." he said flatly.

"Nasty business, that," Thomas said to him. "So what's your opinion of the XO?"

"My opinion of our 'current' Executive Officer? I don't have one, hell, I doubt she'll be around long enough for me to develop one." He said as he began to turn again.

"Does that mean you found something in the investigation?" Thomas asked, looking for his PADD.

He found himself stopped again. "There is no investigation." He said. "There is nothing more than a bunch of over-zealous foreign interests that seem to have too much say in the going-ons of this station." Gabriel said angrily.

"Does that mean you haven't been able to find anything substantial?' Thomas asked, making a note on his PADD. "Better to say there's no investigation than to say the investigation failed?"

"The investigation was a crock of shit to begin with. It was nothing more than a prime example of why her existance on this station has been a waste of time and resources and anything that she has discovered in her 'investigation' isn't worth the electrophoretic display that it was written on." He replied even more angrily.

"Matter of fact, everything on this station has been nothing but one shit-show after another. War with the Boreans, Admiral's being assassinated, Commanding officers changing at the drop of a hat, not to mention foreign governments having carte blanche to meddle in the affairs of Federation citizens whenever it suits them." He rattled off as his anger continued to flow from him towards the reporter in front of him.

Thomas listened to the man rant and took a few notes. "Why can't your department keep everything under control?"

Gabriel's hand reached out faster than his mind could comprehend. Immediately the reporter was slammed against the wall with a resounding noise. "Take your padd and your insufferable questions and leave, before I demonstrate just how well starfleect security can keep things under control." he said through clenched teeth.

Thomas looked at the man with a shocked expression. "What the hell?" he asked. "I was just trying to ask a few questions. Don't get mad at me if you can't handle the tough questions. I have a right to ask the questions people want answered."

Gabriel had heard the lecture before about "constitutional rights" and "civil liberties". They were both luxuries that citizens of the Federation were granted because of the sacrifices that people like Gabrile and his men provided.

"Good day, Mr. Whitlock." he said intensely as he released the man's shirt and began to walk away.

"Thank you for your time," Thomas called after him as he straightened his shirt and looked around the hall. "Asshole," he muttered as he turned to walk back to the turbolift.


Thomas Whitlock
FNS Reporter

Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security