Beg, Steal or Borrow – Hope for the hopeless
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Hope for the hopeless
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sat Mar 14, 2009 @ 12:04pm
Location   Intelligence office
Timeline   sd 8 1340 hrs
Claire left the meeting still in shock and numb. She should care that the attack was imminent but she had something else to take of first, and she hoped that she would make out of the danger zone before the attack occurred. She ran down to Jarred's office, turned the lights on and started rummaging through the data.

"Can I help you ma'am?" Chief Ayers asked

~Shit!~ Claire jumped, she was concentrating so hard on trying to find something about Jarred that she had unknowing closed her mind to sense others besides Jarred.

"If your looking for where he might be the orders are copied onto a PADD that hopefully Lt. Dorian is taking too the captain." the chief said "Cadet get the phaser rifles not the hand units, and get that grey case, I think those are the new phaser pistols."
"I thought maybe there would be a message for me or his mother..." She said quietly.

"Dunno, he’s' listed as missing by HQ on Earth so his personal files are still locked. I'd help but we're getting ready incase the station gets boarded, and if this place goes to red alert your stuck here, just one second" he turn his attention too the Cadet, "I said the grey case not that one!" he grumbled.

"I was told he was dead..."

"NAH....Lt. Dorian didn't get confirmation of the report for all we know that ship is wreaked in space and he’s alive." he turned and yelled at Cadet Perth "Cadet get over here double time!"

"No..." She shook her head, "No, you're wrong...he is gone...I can't sense his presence like before." She couldn't hope, she refused to.

"Ma'am, considering how far away he is, I doubt you could sense him." The young woman said as she struggled with the phaser rifles and a grey field case.

"You have no idea what you are talking about, Cadet." She said the last word more acidly than the rest.

"maybe ma'am, but this place is hopping with activity isn't it possible your to distracted to sense anything?" she replied

"The only thing that is distracting me right now Cadet, is the fact that I have lost him!"

"Now, lieutenant, giving up is a bad thing," the chief spoke up "The ensign has more medals than half the Admirals I've served under, and there’s' one there you don't just get for having you boots polished." as he gestured to the Medallion hanging by a blue ribbon.

"May I hold onto this?" She asked, holding out her hand

"He'll want it back lieutenant, I got a feeling he'll be back." the Chief said
"I will give it back, when he does." Wanting to believe that he was alive and believing he was alive were two different things. Claire wasn't as optimistic as the two people standing out in front of her.

"If it’s any consolation ma'am. Ensign Wallaces' scores on the field survival and space survival testing are the highest in the history of the Intelligence academy, you'll need this ma'am" she finished as she passed her a body armor vest

"Thank you." She said numbly accepting the vest.

"If the Asia did survive the attack chances are Ensign Wallace did. That kid has all the luck, Cadet! Get the Smoke grenades....and maybe the flash bangs, at least we can slow'em down if we get boarded!" the chief barked. "ma'am he’s' gonna be ok, I was with him on the Melbourne, he’s' gotten himself outta worse!"

"Yes...thanks for the vest." She said slipping Jarred's medal into her pocket. She left his office comforted with the thought that she had something of his to hold close to her.

"Lieutenant, I think it might be wise if you stay here, be sides we need to stay here incase of trouble and I think you'd be better off here too. This location isn't a high priority target" the Cadet said trying to sound optimistic.

"No, I'll be ok." She said with a new found courage or foolishness she wasn't sure. She left his office and turned down the corridor.

The chief just shook his head, and then returned to the task of defending the office "CADET get those grenades’ now!”


Chief Ayers
Cadet Perth
Played by Andy E.

Lt. Claire Mackenzie
Played by Mandy E.