Judgement – The Last Help In The Universe
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   The Last Help In The Universe
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Tue May 10, 2011 @ 8:49pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 37 1030

Pelin was last to arrive in the morning. All the other senior staff at the Box of Delights had got there early. In the staff room, crowded round a table, was the usual suspects. Jessica and Ahjess bickering, Vedra flirting with Blake. "Okay I'm here." he announced quietly. They looked at him expectantly. "We probably won't get long. Security will probably be back soon. Between the Borg thing and the body last night, we're going to be full of yellow shirts."

"The Boss is going to go spare." Blake sighed.

"No she's not." Ahjess shook his head. We'll be full of disaster tourists, we'll rake it in."

Jessica gave him a look. "You're sick." He smiled sweetly, and gave a little bow.

"We need some help. I was talking to some of the security people," Pelin pulled a chair up to the table. "Things look bad for Yolanthe. They think if she didn't kill Klia, then she's protecting the person who did."

"Well she is," Ahjess shrugged. "We all know it was probably Getal. If she wasn't banging him senseless, she'd see it too."

Pelin chose to ignore the bitching, "So... what do we do?Things are going to hell, and this place won't survive without her"

"What about that Edward?" Vedra asked. "he seemed nice."

Ahjess shook his head. "He's got enough on his plate, his table was fleeced."

"Denoublier?" Jessica threw the idea in to the ring.

Ahjess scoffed. "We want someone who can actually do something."

"Why don't you come up with someone then," Jessica snapped back.

The Trill croupier gave his human counterpart a filthy look, but then looked thoughtful. "There's always Getal. He got her into this." Everyone looked at him, horrified. "What?" he asked their open mouthed expressions. "Can you think of anyone more likely to kick up a shit storm on her behalf?" He looked round, waiting. "Didn't think so."

"Alright," Vedra said at last. "Who goes and asks? Because I'd rather not go down to Spoonhead Central without an armed guard."

Everyone replied "Not me!"

"Well that's just dandy." Ahjess muttered.

"It was your idea," Jessica shot back. "Why don't you go."

"Because I thought of it. Which is something none of you did." Ahjess crossed his arms

For a moment they erupted into angry shouts and sullen protests before Blake said. "Let's draw lots then." No one protested. So he went across to the drinks table and picked up some mixing sticks. He broke the end of one then nestled the lot into his fist. He held his hands out to Vedra. "Ladies First."

One by one they pulled a stick from his fist. One after the other, Vedra, then Jessica and then Ahjess breathed a sigh of relief when they pulled a long stick. Blake faced Pelin. The Bajoran looked at the handsome human, then shrugged, and pulled the stick.

It came out short. For a moment Pelin stared at the splintered end before snorting to himself, "Typical."

Jessica stood. "I'll do it. Its not fair for you to go down there, if any of us shouldn't be doing it, its you."

But he shook his head, setting his earring jangling. "Maybe it will help. Show how desperate we are if a bajoran is rolling up grovelling for help." His lightness of tone, didn't match the expression on his face. "Besides, if anything does happen tome, it will give the captain an excuse to go in and get him."

But his gallows humour fell on stony faces. He shrugged and headed for the door. "Wish me luck."


The staff of the Box of Delights
NPCs by notty