Beg, Steal or Borrow – In the Land of the Blind - Part 4
by Colonel James Darson

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Title   In the Land of the Blind - Part 4
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson
Posted   Thu Aug 06, 2009 @ 4:57am
Location   Classified
Timeline   SD9 - Unknown

There was another bout of silence as the Committee members conferred privately. Odin shot Loki a slight glare, but he pretended not to notice. Soon enough a verdict was reached, “In this matter,” the Chairman dictated calmly, “we believe that the interests of the Federation would be better served by acquiring Mr. Raedheol’s services. Loki, one of your agents will see to that. However, if he does prove to be a liability…Odin, you have our authorization to have your agent terminate him.”

“Good,” Loki said happily, “and we know where he is too. He is heading back to Deep Space 5. None too happy about it, I guess. But convenient for us.”

Odin said agreeably, “Alright then. Loki, how long would it take to get one of your intelligence agents onboard?”

Loki gave a smirk like an animal about to devour a fresh meal, “As luck would have it, the Red Horse is still on station. And she carries an agent that I think will be more than suitable for this mission.”


“One of the Seven. I thought it best to have a large insurance policy in place should your agent fail. But who cares about that, right? She can be onboard in a matter of hours.”

“Fine…but my agent is in charge…is that clear, Loki?”

“Of course, of course. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Well well,” ‘II’ said, “this has grown far out of proportion, hasn’t it? I trust that since we are allocating both two of the Seven and two of the Nine, you will see this resolved in short order. Now, was there anything else, Odin?”

“Yes…though the Romulans are at the crux of this issue, the Federation is also involved. At approximately 0730 this morning, my agent was approached by Lieutenant Colonel Jacinta Banks, who had a message for him to contact a Starfleet Admiral clandestinely. He contacted me first, and I gave him permission to go ahead…when Fenrir talked to him, he displayed a disturbing amount of knowledge about his operational history, and us.”

“That is a very dangerous thing,” ‘III’ said, “that a Starfleet officer knows this much. What did he want?”

“He wanted to use my agent to track another operative that another Admiral has sent to Deep Space 5 to check if any of the staff were colluding with the Romulans.”

“Do we know who either Admiral is?”

“The first one made a grave mistake in giving us his codename and the manner of contact,” Odin growled, “we traced his location. Though the second one is still unknown. But…I think in this particular case we should let it play out, and see where it goes.”

“Insurance would be wise however,” the Chairman said, “Since he already seems to be aware of you, Odin, look into this matter. Make it known that we do not appreciate him going around our backs to steal our tools. Though do not take any ‘permanent’ action.

Although surprised by the request, Odin bowed his head in acknowledgement. He had planned to go to Earth anyway, so this would be nothing more than a simple diversion call.

“Unfortunately, it seems that the Admiral in question chose a poor means of covering his tracks,” Loki said casually slipping into the conversation again, “I’ve intercepted communications from the intelligence department on Deep Space 5 to Admiral Rittenhouse for a warrant of arrest for him for using wartime resources.”

“We’ll need the authorization then,” Odin mused. “This is far too important to risk my agent being interrupted. However, to provide a plausible excuse for the use of wartime resources, or to override this warrant, we’ll need clearance from the top.”

“We’ll see that you get it,” ‘II’ said, “Now, is that all this time?”

“One last thing,” Odin said doggedly, “Considering that the Romulans, Klingons, and Cardassians are all being reinforced as I mentioned at the beginning, I recommend a Regiment be sent to reinforce our Garrison there. The task force that just departed was going to be participating in training exercises anyway…I think they would be better used as protection for DS5.

“Sif will draw up the orders,” ‘I’ said, and the largely neglected Vulcan woman nodded.

As the meeting was obviously being concluded, the Chairman laid down his final words, “The matter of Deep Space 5 and this Romulan conspiracy has grown far beyond what any of our threat projections have predicted. As such, I am declaring everything we have just discussed here be classified Top Secret and be encompassed as part of Operation: GREEN RAIL. We must take any and all measures to protect this Federation from becoming embroiled in a war with the Romulan Empire. To that effect, Odin I am granting you full discretionary powers to take these measures on both sides. There are to be no arrests, Colonel. I hope I am making myself clear. I want this problem taken care of once and for all…and we certainly don’t want it coming back at us. I trust you and your discretion…Is this understood?”

The Colonel stared firmly back up at the screen, “Yes sir it is.”


With that said, the screen went dark as the transmission disconnected. Odin looked down at his podium for a moment, then turned to the hologram on his right, “Loki, have your agent inserted on board Deep Space 5 ASAP,” He turned to the hologram of the woman.

“Sif, I’m very sorry for ignoring you,” he muttered honestly, “There just wasn’t much Logistical stuff this time, at least up until the end.”

“Do not worry about it, Colonel,” she said flatly.

“What is the status of the Pale Horse ?” he asked quietly, turning away from both of them and leaning back against the podium.

“On schedule. The shipyard reports adequate progress at this stage.”

“Good. Keep me appraised. When I return, I should have the package we were expecting for you, direct from Fenrir. You’re dismissed.”

She nodded, touched a control out of sight and disappeared.

Odin heard Loki chuckle behind him, and turned back to face him again, “What?”

“Oh, nothing…it’s just that I love dancing around all these issues…these meetings are the best part of my day. By the way, I hope you don’t mind me interrupting you back there. That glare you were giving me nearly gave me a sunburn.”

“No…I don’t mind. In fact, I would have been disappointed if you hadn’t. It’s your job, Loki. Never be afraid to do your job.”

The man chuckled again, “And what was the deal with Raedheol? Have you really not met him before?

Odin went silent and stared off into space for a couple of seconds as he gently touched the eye cover again, “I haven’t met him. Now drop the matter.”

“I’m surprised that you didn’t bring up more of him. You do know that he is part of the Tal’Shiar, right?”

“I know.”

“And that he and Isha have had an intimate relationship?”

“I know

“And you know about the whole ‘Latasalaem’ angle? What he’s been doing since then? What he’s been doing during the last few days?”


“Why didn’t you tell the Committee then?”

Silenced permeated the dark room, and the question hung heavily in the air. Odin didn’t even look at the holographic man as he lapsed deep into thought for a couple of moments, before saying coldly, “It is not your place to question me, Loki…Tell your agent to get onboard the station and get to work…and tell another one to get ready to leave.”

Loki just looked right at him and laughed, “So cold Colonel.” With that he disappeared, leaving the man alone in the dark communications room with whatever demons were haunting him.


Lieutenant Colonel James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer
Deep Space 5