Beg, Steal or Borrow – Joan of Arc and the army of the damned
by Arrival Kaia

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Title   Joan of Arc and the army of the damned
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Arrival Kaia
Posted   Wed Feb 04, 2009 @ 2:13am
Location   Civilian Ship: K'Zhixrian G'Jeniva, Docked at DS5
Kaia lay back on the deck and sighed. It had been an arduous couple of days, to say the least, but at long last, all the modifications were finished.

While it was the least complicated procedure, Kaia was most proud of the new holosuite. She'd been talking about installing that ever since she got the ship, and now finally it was a reality. It was modest, as far as holodecks went. It could only accommodate three people at most, maybe four if the ship wasn't at warp. But, it was hers, and it would make some of the longer trips a bit less tedious. That, and she wouldn't have to wait for any of the civilian holosuites on the station, or feel guilty about depriving Natrina of more lucrative customers.

She sorely wanted to try it out, but Kaia would need to acquire some programs for it. While she already had a small selection, it consisted entirely of the exotic dancing tutorials given to her by Natrina along with Kaia's own personal selection of combat simulation modules. She was too exhausted from all the recent technical work to be in the mood for any of the programs she had. Perhaps a trip to the promenade would be in short order. But, first things first.

The other modifications had been significantly more substantial, at least in terms of modifications to the ship's systems as a whole. Whereas the holosuite was fairly standard plug n'play technology, she was flying by the seat of her pants with the rest of it. Despite her xenoarchaeological business, she was, first and foremost, a computational power systems technician. She could hack, splice, and program with her eyes closed, but reconstructing a prototype warp field matrices constructor was a different kind of beast.

Granted, she'd had help from her "friends" who had a bit more experienece with warp field systems technology, but this was new ground, even for them. Kaia closed her eyes and cleared her mind. While she could not argue that the help they provided was indispensable, the obligations that came with assistance was burdensome, to say the least. There was a lot of unbridled malice contained in those minds. It was almost like working for her own privately contained syndicate at times. Through really, all they really requested of her was to stay alive. But sometimes, even that felt like they were asking too much.

But among all the anger, hatrted, depravity, and malignant technological brilliance, there was one mind that stood out like a beacon. It had been a mind of light and honor, sacrifice and charity, clarity and love... and Kaia had been unable to do anything as she watched her fall to the distruptor blast for a cause that, even then, she had barely known.

"Sh'Zhan'n" Kaia whispered. Suddenly, she was in no mood at all to try out the new holosuite. Kaia opened her eyes, picked herself up off the floor, and examined her work for what seemed like the hundredth time.