Unity – So Much Pain
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   So Much Pain
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Mon Apr 12, 2010 @ 4:41pm
Location   Rianni's Quarters
Timeline   current
Tag   Chelsea? Rick? Isha?
Rianni had had way too much to drink, she'd passed a little too much about four hours ago but had kept right on going. Staring at a picture taken of her with Ayren, the one she thought would actually be the one, "Just another one to get done with me and kick me to the curb." She laughed sadly, refilling her glass.

As she sipped this fresh drink she felt compelled to find an old picture of herself with Lee, as though she weren't suffering enough, "Another 'one' bites the dust." She sighed, draining the glass and refilling it again.

Slumping into her chair she reflected on all her failings, in love and her career, deciding she belonged nowhere and that there was nobody for her, "So why am I even here?" She asked the emptiness of the room she'd shared with Ayren, "What's the fracking point?"

Finishing her drink just in time to start another she looked herself over in the mirror; she was still young, still beautiful, by all outward appearances quite a catch, but for some reason she kept getting thrown back and she couldn't understand why. "Not again." She vowed, finishing her drink in one gulp, "Never again."

Walking, actually more like stumbling, into her kitchen Rianni found the large porcelain knife she kept for cutting meat for gyros, an idea forming in her mind that probably really shouldn't have, "They won't have Rianni to kick around anymore." She vowed with a defiant smile as she slashed across her left wrist, sending a ripple of green blood down her arm that she watched in utter fascination as she walked into her bedroom.

Three minutes later Rianni had changed clothes and brushed her teeth with the wound on her wrist still pouring blood and returned to sit in her favorite chair and await her release.

[Ten Minutes Later]

Ashara walked quickly to her sister's cabin, Father wanted Rianni to join them and she had come to fetch her, having decided to herself to try and convince Rianni to stay the night with them. Instead of ringing the chime she put in the personal access code her sister had provided her and stepped through the whooshing door to find a horrifying sight: Rianni, slumped in her chair in her dress uniform in a pool of her own blood.

Ashara dashed across the floor to her sister, nearly slipping in the blood in her haste. Once there she found a pulse, faint, but there, and knew there was still time for her to save her sister. Tearing a piece of cloth from her dress and binding Rianni's wound tightly she stepped to the door and screamed into the corridor, "SOMEONE HELP ME! SHE'S DYING!"

=End Transmission

To Be Continued.........