Unity – A Hidden Agenda
by Colonel James Darson

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Title   A Hidden Agenda
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson
Posted   Thu Mar 04, 2010 @ 4:24am
Location   Deep Space - Normandy Class Carrier "U.S.S. Nimitz" - Approaching Omicron Theta System
Timeline   SD 17 - 1000

Darson stood silently on the bridge of the starship, brooding silently as he stared out the main-viewscreen at space traveling by at warp speed. The rest of the bridge crew went about their duties diligently, for the most part ignoring his presence. But there was a subtle tension in the air, caused by having a dangerous Marine on the bridge of a Federation starship.

The Captain, a trim man in his 40’s, and with four shiny pips on his collar rose from the center seat and made his way over. Darson didn’t look at him as he drew close, maintaining his stare outside. A small cock of his head to the side was the only indication that he was listening to what the man had to say.

“Colonel,” the Captain said in a terse tone, “we’re approaching the coordinates you provided us with…estimated time till reversion is about two and a half minutes,” already annoyed with the fact that he had been diverted to carry out what amounted to chaperoning a training exercise with the SFMC and the Klingon Empire, it was a further insult to him that his superiors had made it clear that the Colonel was in charge. Even though he was the Captain, it wasn’t him giving the orders.

Darson nodded without moving his gaze from the screen, “Very good Captain, you and your crew are to be commended…it has been a very smooth ride so far. Now, when we arrive I want you to set a course for the only planet in the system and enter into a high orbit. We will take transports down to the surface to conduct the remainder of the training exercises. Unfortunately, owing to certain events that have transpired since we departed from DS5, I am truncating this training schedule. Although we originally planned for two days, I’m cutting it down to six hours.”

The Captain whistled and said dryly, “Wow…that’s quite a cut Colonel. Makes you wonder if it was even worth coming out here at all.”

For the first time, Darson turned to look at him and said in an oddly sure tone, “I can assure you Captain…this will be well worth the time spent. Now…the orbit, if you’d please?”

The Captain stared into the death mask that was Darson’s face and felt a shiver run down his spine. He turned on his heel and returned to his seat. The helmsman began to count down.

“Approaching the Omicron Theta star system…dropping out of warp in three…two…one…dropping out of warp,” the space around the ship resolved itself from a series of stretched lines to stars as the ship slowed.

“Helm, one half impulse…set course towards the first planet in the system…sensors, report.”

The operations officer worked his panel and responded, “Sensor sweeps report no ships in the vicinity sir. Omicron Theta is in unclaimed space, and there are no warp-capable civilizations here…or any recorded civilizations for that matter. One planet, class-M…non terraformed. Spectral analysis of the planet has revealed relatively miniscule deposits of minerals. There are three moons around the planet, comprised of-“

“That’s enough,” the Captain said cutting the lower ranked officer off. He spared a glance at Darson, who was still staring at the screen, “What are you planning Colonel?” he thought to himself. He turned back to give further orders to the helmsman, “Helm, put us in a high orbit around the planet”

“Aye sir,” the helmsman said as he complied with the order and tapped his console, “Course laid in Captain. Estimated time till secure orbit is seventeen minutes, fifty-three seconds.”

The Captain turned to report this to Darson, but when he looked to where he had been standing, there was nobody there. He glanced quickly from side to side and saw the turbo lift doors sealing shut with a hiss. He shook his head and went back to directing his ship.

Darson stood still inside the lift as it dropped him into the bowels of the starship. So far everything was proceeding according to plan. He could tell that the Captain didn’t like what he was doing, but at least he had no clue what Darson really intended to do on the planet. If he did…well…he would be obligated to at the very least file a report with Starfleet, and maybe even place him into custody.

Luckily, that wasn’t going to happen.

He opened up a secure channel in his armor to the squad leader of the Pathfinder squad he had brought onboard for this exact purpose, “We’ve arrived. Get your gear together and get ready to move. We have 6 hours to accomplish our mission.”

There was a small pause as the squad commander responded and Darson replied, “Of course. Don’t make a move yet, but keep him monitored. I apparently did not deal with the last traitor severely enough in order to prevent another incident.” He paused and his voice darkened, “I won’t make the same mistake again.”


Lieutenant Colonel James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer / ???
6th Combined Operations Group