Beg, Steal or Borrow – Traveller, Trader and all round Trouble Maker - Episode 1
by Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon

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Title   Traveller, Trader and all round Trouble Maker - Episode 1
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Posted   Wed Aug 19, 2009 @ 7:08pm
Location   Undisclosed trading outpost in the Neutral Zone
Timeline   MD10

The human across the table from Glanf span the wheel and slipped some latinum into the purchasing receptacle. Behind him the busy bar come casino bustled with late night energy.

“Buy at 3, Sell at 4. Evade.” He grunted as the wheel span. As it stopped the pointer ended on the market reduction square. He slammed his fist on the table hard. Glanf grinned. He span the wheel.

“Buy at 2, Index at 4, Sell at 6. Acquire.” The wheel landed on the rampant profiteering square and Glanf threw down his cards. “Total monopoly.” He smiled and leant back in his chair. The man threw his cards across the table and stood up. His hand swung down to his belt and the phaser that sat in a holster.

“He’s cheating!” the man protested to the dealer, pointing the weapon at Glanf.

“Sir, please remain seated.” The Ferengi dealer edged slightly away from the table. He was finely dressed and clearly didn’t want to dirty his suit.

“He’s cheating and I want my money!” the human was getting pretty upset now.

“Calm down friend.” Glanf didn’t like the look in his eye. He’d seen that crazy look before. He slowly moved his spare hand down to the disruptor he kept stowed at his side. His other hand was on the pile of latinum in the central receptacle. “I won, fair and square.”

“Bullshit!” The man stepped sideways and in the moment Glanf saw the man had decided to fire his weapon. Glanf got there first. He slid the gun from his belt and released a shot. The ball of green energy hit the man in the arm and he hit the floor. The blast of the shot silenced the tables nearby and patrons turned to see what was happening. Glanf slipped the micro-gravity generator from under the table as the dealer went to help the man to his feet. His device quickly away he gathered up his winnings. Two Romulans entered the bar, drawn by the commotion and approached the table.

“What is going on here?” One asked. He wore the Seared Talon insignia, the mercenary company that ran security on the trading outpost. “Who shot this man?”

“That would be me.” Glanf replied placing his weapon on the table. “With this.” The other Romulan walked over and picked up the disruptor. “I think you’ll find it’s on a low setting and he was threatening me. The man’s a sore loser.” The second Romulan checked the weapon and nodded to his companion.

“He was cheating.” Said the human as the Ferengi helped him to his feet.

“You will both come to the security office and this issue will be addressed there. We will have no disturbances in the main precinct.” The first Romulan stepped between Glanf and the human addressing them both. As his companion moved to seize the human he drew his disruptor and waved it at Glanf. “You, Yridian, come with us.”

In the two weeks he had been on the outpost Glanf had seen a worrying rise in police brutality and had been building up to this game for days. It was the highest rolling game to have turned up in this squalid little corner of the neutral zone for months and Glanf had decided to make a play. He had also ensured that he wouldn’t be caught up in any unwanted complications afterwards. He slowly stepped towards the Romulan and heaved the sack of latinum over his shoulder, subtly pressing the hidden button on its handle. A yellow transporter beam appeared around him.

“Sorry, but I’ll pass.” He said as he dematerialised.

He reappeared behind the pilot seat of his ship and dropped the sack to the deck. He was glad he had made preparations. He always tried to have an advantage over those around him, a way out of trouble. Once again it had worked. He walked into the cockpit and slid into his seat. The comfortable leather accepted him again and he tapped at a few of his controls. The ship was on low power so that the cloaked vessel could remain hidden nestled under the outpost’s subspace transceiver array. Slowly he brought his navigation system, only the nearby star charts really and nudged his thrusters up to 10%. The ship began to ease away from the array and the station heading out into the system. Once he got clear of the outpost he’d turn all systems on and go to warp. He’d already laid in a course for Melgrinn, a small trading stop off far enough away. As the ship moved into space he suddenly noticed the outpost’s weapons coming online. The ship shook and Glanf brought everything up to full power. A voice came over the communication system.

“Stop now and we will not destroy you.” He didn’t answer, he merely raised his shields and brought the warp drive online. He stepped up to full impulse and began to fly erratically. His cloak had already shut down. Damn piece of Reman crap! He thought as smoke rose from the rear compartment. A second shot flashed past him, either his evasive manoeuvres were good or that was a warning shot. The warp core was nearly warmed up.

“You fool, using a cloak at a romulan outpost! We knew your ship was there as soon as you initiated your thrusters.” He could hear the arrogance in the romulan’s voice and smiled. He wished he could see the pointy eared fascists face when he pressed the button.

He pressed the button.

All non-essential systems dumped their energy into the warp core and the plasma injectors. The warp core reached full power in an instant and he reached over for the navigation controls. A third blast hit his ship in the rear. He went to warp with warning signs flashing across his control panels. The ship was shuddering as the stars stretched to lines around the ship and Glanf got out of his seat. He headed into the back and checked over the cloak systems. He slammed his fist against the wall. It looked pretty screwed. He’d need a better repair facility than Melgrinn could offer. He returned to the cockpit and looked on the navigation screen. As he thought the best place nearby was the Federation station Deep Space 5. He hadn’t been into the Federation side of the NZ for a while now, although he did know a few people in the station and had meant to go back for some time.

“Let’s hope those warrants have run out.” He murmured to himself as he changed course for DS5.


Lt Greo Tovon

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