Cascade – This station can be very, very cold and empty. . .
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Arrival Atlana Durak

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Title   This station can be very, very cold and empty. . .
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Arrival Atlana Durak
Posted   Fri Feb 15, 2013 @ 10:45pm
Location   Provisional Cardassian Embassy
Timeline   SD 71: 07:00
"With the tragic, but temporary, loss of Gul Tharek Getal during the bombing of our Embassy, I have stepped in to fulfill his duties." Legate Hydel Turvan stated to the holographic projection before him. Councilwoman Madred of the Detapa Council was rightly concerned about the conditions of the Cardassian Mission to the station since the unexpected attack.

However, where Cardassia Prime saw a crisis, Turvan saw an opportunity. The Legate had stepped into a position of responsibility and stability during the chaos and mass panic throughout the Embassy. With Getal severely injured and Gul Turrel Gmar reassigned off-station, that left only Legate Hydel Turvan as the most senior member of the Cardassian Central Command to lead. A opportunity that Turvan intended to use to the fullest extent.

"I understand your concern, Councilwoman Madred. Getal has been a close friend of mine for years." Turvan lied. "There is no one onboard this station hoping for his full recovery more than myself. In fact, I've been to the Federation Medical Bay to many times to ensure that he is receiving the best medical care this station has to offer." He said, omitting his confrontation with that bigoted Bajoran half-breed Doctor Milarno.

The daughter of Cardassian Hero, Gul Madred sighed in resignation. The current series of events was less than she had hoped for in regards to the Embassy, but there were more serious matters that needed her attention and it appeared as if Legate Turvan had things in proper order.

"Very well, Hydel. We shall allow the Warship Dumar to remain docked at Deep Space 5 in order to provide any assistance necessary." She stated. "However, I expect a full report to give to the Detapa Council on a regular basis." She stated.

"Of course," Legate Turvan nodded as the image before him disappeared.

"Legate Hydel" came the voice of Glin A'dan Galen, his trusted Attache'.

"I believe the proper term is, 'Ambassador' " Legate Turvan said with a knowing smile as he turned to face the younger Cardassian. "How can I help you?"

"Yes sir," Galen replied with a slight smirk. "Atlana Durak is here to speak with you." He replied.

"Yes! Of course, show her in." He said quickly. He had requested her presence as soon as he first learned of her arrival on the station. Her prompt response could only speak highly of her integrity as a Cardassian.

Galen nodded as he gestured the woman into the Legate's spacious office.

Atlana had not been sure what to expect when she got the invitation to visit the stand by Embassy and was naturally suspicious, trust was just not something that came naturally to her. "Good Morning," she offered politely when she saw Turvan at his desk.

"Hello and welcome to the Embassy for the Cardassian Union, or at least its stand-in until repairs are completed." He said with a joyous smile as he walked around his desk to embrace the hand of his visitor.

Atlana took his hand in hers and was interested at the invitation. "Thank you for your invitation."

"I was afraid that you might've ignored my request." He said to the woman.

Atlana didn't ignore invitations, especially when the embassy was concerned. "It's not in me to ignore a request by the embassy, you're an extension of our government in my opinion." Atlana retorted. She wasn't exactly in hiding but hadn't announced herself to the station either. "How is it that the Embassy know's or cares for that matter that I'm on the station?"

"How did I know? The better question is WHY WOULDN'T I know about the arrival of a Cardassian citizen with such a storied past." He said as he walked to his replicator. "Dulrochean Kanar." he commanded.

"Would you like a glass?" He offered.

Atlana shook her head. "No, thank you." She was not in the habit of dining with people barely knew. Again training habits were hard to break. A storied past... she was under the impression most of her history was secure in the Orders archives. "I'm sorry, to what stories are you referring?" She asked. Hoping perhaps he made mention more of her fathers legacy then her own.

~ She's testing me. . .~ Hydel thought to himself. Undoubtedly she knew that he was not a member of the Obsidian Order; undoubtedly a good and a bad thing. Good, because Hydel would not have access to an extensive amount of her personal information due to the inherent secrecy of the organization, or what was left of it. Bad, because she could not automatically count Hydel as a presumptive ally, due to the abrasive nature that existed between Central Command and the Order.

"I know enough to know that you have a particular interest in a certain Bajoran that has come onboard." Hydel said calmly as his drink materialized. He gently grasped the cup and walked back to his chair and gently sat while still keeping his eyes on the woman. "Please, have a seat." he stated

Atlana was instantly suspicious of anyone who was command as much as they were suspicious of her. She silently cursed herself for such a public exhibition of behavior the day before. "I'll stand." She retorted. Atlana didn't have to be pleasant or warm around Hydel, he already knew enough to know it was a secondary personality. Not necessarily fake, just not who she could be. "Sarish Anjar is my business no one elses." It was personal.

He shook his head dismissively. "I'm not concerned about some Bajoran or his actions while a part of that rag-tag group of terrorists they called a 'Resistance' Turvan replied. "No, I'm much more concerned about your future plans on this station and how they relate to furthering the interests of Cardassia." He said with a smile.

Atlana folded her arms across her chest. He reminded her a serpent, most central command personal did coiled up waiting for prey to move past quiet, still. "I'm retired, my plans are my own." She wasn't going to admit that she still had her contacts within the Obsidian Order and was of course only waiting for a message to become un-retired as it was only a matter of time and she knew it. "I'm not entirely sure I could be of any assistant."

"Tell me, what do you know about our former Ambassador Getal?" Turvan inquired.

Atlana felt an eyebrow lift over one blue eye. "I understood Getal to be the current Ambassador since he's still alive in medical." this was becoming a game of cat and mouse and at the moment Atlana wasn't exactly sure which one she was.

Turvan sighed outwardly as he glanced at the ceiling. "Atlana, Atlana. . .our enemies would love nothing more than to strike at us during this moment of instability. We cannot focus on the past, we must ALWAYS be prepared to move into the future." He said as he brought his eyes back onto her. . . alluring figure.

"We *all* will continue to hope for the best in regards to Getal's health. However, until I hear otherwise, I will have shoulder the burden of leading our people's interest on this station." He said humbly. "This series of events is not something I DESIRE; however, it is responsibility I'm prepared to take on." he said with a smile.

"But what of you? Where will you fit into all of this?" He asked.

Atlana couldn't help but smirk, well rehearsed if nothing else but his words just seemed to lack conviction as far as Getal was concerned. Atlana had heard those words once between when recruited by the order, maybe not those exact words but the underlying meaning was the means. Snake might have been putting it nicely. "Again Turvan," She offered. "my past is my burden and my future does not necessarily involve command or the order." She added. "However, if there is something you're like of me, then by all means." She insisted. "Getal, was a a Gul, he served with my father before being reassigned to a task force aimed at hunting down the resistance." She offered the common or mostly common information. "That Bajoran, Sarish... rescued him from a mine cave in during an interrogation. Sarish got away, or was left to get away." She offered. "Intelligences suggests, that incident tarnished Getal's record and reputation he became a member of the diplomatic corp a few years later."

"was there more you wanted to know, Turvan?" She did have a sassy side to her. Atlana was good at her trade and she knew it. That had it's down falls, hence her scar and another reason why she kept that hidden. But Turvan didn't need to know about that.

~So the Bajoran saved Getal's miserable life. I guess he could become useful. . .~ Hydel mused as he continued to focus on the slender woman in front of him.

"Those. . .'facts' you just recited could be easily retrieved by a schoolboy." Turvan replied. "I know that Getal still has connections with the Order. What I do not know is what exactly do you hope to accomplish during your time on this station, Ms. Durak." Turvan stated as he leaned back from the desk and sunk into the leather of his chair.

"Or do you actually expect me to believe that you are a simple shopkeeper?" He asked.

Atlana had a belittle smirk about her, that smile she had about her when she knew she had something that someone wanted. Her body language suggested she knew more, it gave off exactly what a well trained Obsidian order agent wanted it to give off and little more. "Get a schoolboy to serve your needs, Turvan." She offered as she unfolded her arms and started for the door. "I'm not here to entertain your delusions of grandeur." She added. "You are a temporary Ambassador, and Getal knows exactly why I'm here." She hinted at him. "I guess he didn't feel the need to fill you in."

Was she bluffing? did Getal know she was there? Her body language was confidence, cocky... definitely a turn on.

Turvan continued to sit as she turned and began to walk away. He wasn't concerned about Getal, he he knew how to handle and control. However, this newer character would prove to be more difficult.

"Atlana. . ." Turvan said, still remaining in his chair.

Atland turned to look at him her head just turning enough to look at him over her shoulder her dark hair fluttered backwards some, she had it braided most of the time... today was one of those few days where it was left to be free.

"Please. . .do not take my passive engagement as a sign of weakness. Having me as your ally will benefit you much more than any other option. This station can be very, very, cold and empty." He said with finality.

~Oh,~ she thoughts, there is that little underlying threat she'd been waiting for. "Turvan, if I thought you weak I wouldn't have bothered coming at all." She offered a compliment that was dripping with threats of her own. "I look forward to our next encounter."


Hydel Turvan
Ambassador for the Cardassian Union

Atlana Durak
Owner: Unique Antiques