Cascade – Bitter dreams
by Arrival Atlana Durak

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Title   Bitter dreams
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Arrival Atlana Durak
Posted   Wed Jan 16, 2013 @ 9:24pm
Location   Her quarters
Timeline   SD71 0700
The sheets were twisted around her torso as she sleep albeit it was not a comfortable sleep. Her night had been plaqued with endless reminders of the torment she had seen over the year, the destruction of Tayla's school... the dreams were so real...

She stood there in the dust a mere teenager at the time, rubble all around her, the dust was so thing her face was the color of clay and her blue eyes red from rubbing them. They'd been finding children in the debris for hours and she stood there exhausted. The sun was setting, in the dust and dirt the sky itself looked on fire in the Cardassian sky. Atlana was beside herself and understood very little of the horrors of the occupation. This had brought it very close to home for her... very close. Her sisters school... her sisters class... when they pulled her sister's lifeless form from the rubble Atlana's father rushed in to lift her from the arms of a rescuer...

The little 8 year old girls' dress had been pink that morning, now stained with dust and blood it looked more brown, her black hair swept up in the breeze. Atlana stood there... lost in a sea of thoughts, emotions, and ultimately felt like her chest had been cut up and her heart ripped out.

"Tayla!" Atlana sat up in the bedding...her eyes wide with fear, her body soaked in sweat. She sat there for a moment in her bed, and as she pulled her knees up into her chest wrapped her arms around them and sobbed for the first time in a very long time. Her hair flowed around her and fell on the bedding, she wanted the nightmares to stop.

Atlana had hoped that why Sarish Anjar's death she would be able to put her sisters memories to rest, but for the moment that wasn't the case, there was no way to kill him on the base. Her chin lifted to settle on her knees, as she sat there. If she couldn't kill him, she would have to make a peace with him, the idea didn't thrill her but in the same breath she was not comfortable with losing sleep. But the idea of living on the base watching her back would only give her more nightmares, and it would only fuel Sarish's pride to know that he gave her nightmares.

Her sisters picture was on her nightstand, next to her mom and dad... all of them gone. Her sister was in that very same pink dress... and the smile that little girl had. Atlana pushed away a tear as she looked at them.

"I know I swore revenge, Tayla." She admitted. "This is just a set back." She offered.

Atlana then untangled herself from her covers and sheets, stepped barefoot onto the carpeting and went into the rest of her living quarters. She was dressed in a night shirt that stopped just based her behind... and her hair now feel just as long. Her quarters were decorated with mostly Bajorian Art, brilliant colors and paintings that she had collected over the years. She had always enjoyed Bajorian culture... she had not been engrossed in the enforcement side of the Order as far as Bajor was involved. She'd actually only been there twice, Atlana was more of a intelligence and covert intelligence operative and that arena was a much wider field.... she listened in on coversations, mingled in bars... and when necessary dressed for formal dinners on Cardassia Prime. In between those events she'd hunted for Sarish and his friends. There were other pieces of history and art around her living space but the bajorian paints were by far her favorite.

Sitting down to her computer with breakfast to which she had come accustom to human coffee she pushed on a pair of reading glasses. They made her eyes strain less when she was reading smaller print and had never really allowed herself to go to a doctor over it. Sarish had said that the intelligence had been wrong and that it had been leaked by the order... was he right?

Had the Obsidian Order used the school and those men to encourage the war? The order had come to her shortly after that wanting her to join them. Was that too part of it all? She wouldn't put anything pass the Obsidian Order... but she wouldn't trust Sarish either.