We All Fall Down – A Mutual Nuisance
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   A Mutual Nuisance
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sat Aug 02, 2014 @ 7:53am
Location   Subspace Relays DS5 Romulan Embassy-Bajor-DS5 Isha's Office
Timeline   WAFD: Day 1. 19:30

Moanara Bailan had just gotten off with his wife, Mercedes, and had planned to slip between the sheets and drift off while dreaming of her when his second, Beast, stepped into his room.

"What is it, Beast?" He sighed, knowing it was never good news when Beast wandered into his room this time of night.

"Got a guy on the line, Boss." Beast said, "Wants to put out a contract."

"Then tell him to call back during normal business hours." Bailan groaned, such was the life of an Orion Syndicate Boss.

"Boss, he says his name is D'Liin." Beast added, knowing that name would instantly get his boss' interests.

"D'Liin, you say?" Bailan grinned the grin of a shark who just found a fat kid on a raft, remembering back to the time of the Occupation, to a time when a Romulan Admiral named Eron D'Liin promised supplies and space support to the Bajoran Resistance, support and supplies which never came. He closed his eyes and he was back in Rekantha Province, at the First Battle of the Dunes, leading his men against a dug in Obsidian Order battalion, looking to the skies for help that never came. He and Beast had been the only survivors that day, he was only alive because Beast picked him up and carried him for twenty two kilometers to safety, and he'd been waiting for a chance to get even with the D'Liins, any of them, for over twenty years now. A quick check of his PADD showed that Eron D'Liin had a son, some minor diplomat, named D'Rek D'Liin, if this was him Bailan knew his time was at hand. He rose from his bed and put his suit coat back on, "Put him on, Beast."

"Okay, Boss." Beast nodded, turning the viewer on for Bailan and standing behind and to the left of him, just in the shadows and always ready to strike.

"Well, I normally don't do business this time of night, Mr. D'Liin, but I'm happy to make some time for you." Bailan greeted the little hobgoblin on his screen using an extreme closeup camera to appear larger than he was; he even looked like his turd of a father, ~I'm going to enjoy this.~ He thought, not having to cover his smile because the little frakhead would never know what he was smiling about.

"As well you should be, Mr. Moanara." D'Liin sneered, happy to see that at least one member of that obnoxious ridge-nosed subspecies knew his place, "Because, as your manservant has surely told you, my business will be quite profitable for you."

"Yes, Beast mentioned you wanted to put a contract out on someone." Bailan shrugged, "But there weren't a lot of details..."

"Because I don't share details with the help." D'Liin cut him off, "I don't waste my time with the rabble. Now, are you ready to discuss business, Mr. Moanara?"

"Of course, Mr. D'Liin." Bailan nodded, he could almost hear Beast fuming in the background, and decided when he was done with this piece of Romulan pseudo-elitist trash that he would let Beast dispose of him, "Please, continue at your leisure."

"Right." D'Liin replied, having no idea that he had just interrupted someone who would cheerfully kill him for it, "I'm transmitting a picture to you. That's your target."

Bailan looked at the image in a smaller screen, she was an attractive, small woman with messy curls and a porcelain doll face, "Well, she's very pretty, but who is she and why does she need to die?"

"She's my fiancée." D'Liin sighed, "And she needs to die because once we say 'I do' she has outlived her usefulness to me and my goals."

Beast ran the picture through the facial recognition program on his PADD and transferred the information to Bailan with this message: Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian, Sub Commander Romulan Galae, daughter of EnRiov R'Vek Tr'Khellian, Tal Shiar, and Eleni Monteros, CEO Monteros Industries.

Bailan looked over the information and whistled, "Well, well, Mr. D'Liin, this is sort of a big order. I mean, you want us to kill the daughter of one of the richest, most powerful women in the galaxy and her Tal Shiar husband. A member of a great house no less..."

D'Liin sighed and rolled his eyes, he knew what this was about, "And I suppose the price just went...."

"Way up." Bailan smirked, enjoying cutting the Romulan off and returning the favor from earlier, "This is something we won't even touch for less than a million bars."

"A... A million bars!!!" D'Liin repeated, almost choking on the words, "You can't be...."

"Look at it this way, it's worth the money." Bailan shrugged, "Survivor's rights on her fortune should be quite lucrative."

"Fine." D'Liin relented, "I'll give you your million bars..."

"Half up front." Bailan stated flatly, cutting him off again and, again, really enjoying it.

"What would possess you to think I would give you half a million bars of latinum before you start the job?" D'Liin snapped, this Bajoran was forgetting himself and getting under his skin.

"Because I'm sure the Khelliana would pay much more for the information of a traitor in their midst." Bailan shrugged, it didn't matter one way or the other to him at this point, either way he was going to be rid of this rodent before too much longer.

"And if they won't, I know the Monteros family will." Beast added, "And for the record, I'm nobody's manservant, You've heard the boss' terms, take it or take your chances, doesn't matter much to me." He knew it really wasn't his place to end the conversation like that, but he also knew Bailan didn't mind in the least , "So, transfer the latinum and we'll take care of your problem. Don't transfer it and we become your problem."

"Oh, very well." D'Liin sighed, he knew he didn't have the right cards this hand, he'd deal with these two once he was rid of his blushing, soon to be bleeding, bride. With a quick tap of his PADD he transferred the sum of half a million bars of gold pressed latinum to that arrogant Bajoran and his lackey, then shut the relay off, he was done talking to them anyway.

"Well, he's pissed." Beast laughed.

"Yeah, well, wait until he gets a load of what's coming next." Bailan chuckled, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder, "Now that we've got his money, let's get some revenge, shall we?"

"Whatcha got in mind, Boss?" Beast asked, raising an eyebrow and sincerely hoping that Bailan was going to tell him to track the little shart down and snap his neck.

"Get me connected to Deep Space Five." Bailan said, "We need to talk to someone important."

"We going to tip off the target, Boss?" Beast paused, knowing that, even with a client as repugnant as a D'Liin, any D'Liin, it was bad business to do that and would seriously undermine them.

"No." He shook his head and flashed that same sharkish grin again, "We're going to tell her Auntie." Bailan had plants on DS5, in the Romulan Embassy, and in Monteros Enterprises, so he was very up on things, and knew that, in spite of her recent absence, there was a certain lovely Romulan noblewoman who loved their target very much.

"Right, Boss." Beast nodded, setting up the link. He'd always known there were pieces in play Bailan didn't tell him about, it didn't even bother him, he knew Bailan liked to keep his cards close to his vest anyway.

In mere seconds a secure commlink was established and Bailan, now dressed in his finest suit, stood in front of his viewer, "Eron D'Liin, we are here." He said to himself as he waited for an answer.


Isha was not sure where she had developed a taste for Spring Wine - perhaps it had something to do with her acquaintance with Chelsea. The glass stood on her desk, condensation bubbling on the smooth surface.

As it pooled and a drip began its journey to the stem the comm sounded. What this time? The school? The Brass?

She extended a long slender finger and opened the channel.

"Greetings, Lady Isha." He began politely, "My name is Moanara Bailan, and you don't know me, but we've got a mutual annoyance and someone you care for is in grave danger. If you'll give me a few minutes of your time, perhaps we can cure both problems together."

"Its Commander T'Vaurek. Do I know you?"

"As I've previously stated, Commander you and have never met, but a man just called me for a favor. A man you know." Bailan replied, taking her in as he did. She was certainly lovely to look at, even that severe short Vulcan haircut seemed to work for her, though he still preferred the long, free flowing locks of his beloved Mercedes, "A man named D'Rek D'Liin, a low level diplomat and a member of House Tyrranus. He claims to be your niece's fiancée."

Four years and they still hadn’t wed? Isha doubted they’d had as much as a civil conversation in all that time – one of the reasons Isha had travelled home by diplomatic shuttle rather than the warbird she had gifted to Rianni.

"Sadly I am aware of him," she replied, "he would hardly be my choice of husband for her but, then my mother has some peculiar ideas. What is he to you?"

"Well, that's just the thing." Bailan continued, "He hired us to kill her."

A raised eyebrow was all the expression of concern she allowed to show, "What would be the purpose? If they are not yet wed he can hardly have designs on anything she might inherit. Tell me, are you planning to accept this … contract?"

Although it did occur to Isha that if it were to be made to look as though the Khelliana had a hand in it he would be in a position to sue the senate for compensation.

"Don't worry, we have no intentions of killing your niece." Bailan reassured her, she obviously loved this Rianni very much, if in some strange, very Romulan way, "Nor will we ever help a D'Liin, any D'Liin. In fact, lovely Commander, I was hoping we could help one another."

"You must tell me where your dislike of the family comes from. He’s the sort who leaves one feeling the need to bathe after being in the same room, however that seems a light reason for declining what I imagine is a lucrative offer."

"It's not my only reason." Bailan smiled, she was good, she was damn good, "And it's not even my main one. Oh, and I got half his money, it'll be distributed to the widows and orphans. Guess I should explain that, huh?"

"Please do," Isha replied, "but be aware that I will not be party to murder, even if I dislike the target."

"Okay, so here's my tale of woe. Once upon a time in Bajor, a group of freedom fighters were about to take it to the Spoonheads at a place called the Rekantha Dunes, and these freedom fighters were expecting supplies and space support from a warbird, a warbird that never showed up, a warbird commanded by EnRiov Eron D'Liin." Bailan began, "Only two of the twenty six survived, including their commander, who only lived because his best friend carried him 22 kilometers to safety." He motioned Beast into the picture, "So you're looking at two guys who owe that whole family some payback, not just for us but for the ones who didn't make it."

Isha nodded, her brow creasing slightly. She had lost her own husband and eldest son at Chintoka, and whilst it had increased her powerbase, the personal loss was still felt. "Betrayal," she said. At least his motivation for shopping D'Liin was clear. "Revenge at least is a legal recourse," or at least it was from a Rihannsu perspective. "You understand that I cannot be seen to have any hand in this matter."

"So, basically, here's my proposal," Bailan offered, "I'm going to protect your lovely niece, take care of your problem, but I need something for you. I need Eron D'Liin. Nobody will ever know you had anything to do with it, just like you didn't have a clue I had people on your station, all I need is a place I can find him, or for you to bring him to me. Twenty four men's ghosts demand it."

The corner's Isha's lips twitched. For her to lure the man to a location was tantamount to her walking down the promenade away from a bleeding, still warm corpse with a knife dripping blood in her hand.

"I'm sure I can locate him for you. I'm not aware that he's one to turn down an opportunity to enrich himself at someone else's expense. I will inform you of the location via ... with whom should I get in touch?" she asked - only a verbal message would do.

"You call me, then hang up. After that one of my people will come deliver flowers to you." Bailan replied, he'd done this before, "You just talk to them and I'll take it from there."

"Very well. Good day, Moanara Bailan."

Isha cut the communication. She leaned back in her chair mulling through the conversation. This ball was decidely in her court.