Cascade – The Lady and the Trill
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Malak Muz

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Title   The Lady and the Trill
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Malak Muz
Posted   Fri Mar 01, 2013 @ 5:54pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD70 1530 (backpost)

Malak slowly walked around the Promenade, his hands behind him and crossed. His eyes going over the odd person that happens to pass. He was people watching. His eyes slowly came upon the Box of Delights. An eyebrow raising as he watches the Bar. He finally opts to move forward into the bar itself, and walks up leaning on the counter. His eyes looking at the different types of Alcohol.

One of the tallest women he had ever seen, taller than him by several inches, appeared around the end of the bar, with a tray of empties in her hands. She tipped the glasses into the waste bin, and then turned to him. She gave him an appreciative up and down glance, and her soft violet skin turned a baby pink, her hair chaning to a darker shade of the same. "Well, sweetie, what can I get you?"

The Trill glanced to the sweet voice and paused a moment as he watched her. Her skin turning the hue and an eyebrow raised. He enjoyed the sight for a momet before speaking up,"Uh.. Yea. I'd like a.." He pauses and glances to the alcohols again,"Cardassian Sunrise.. and a Bajoran Ale - both, seperate Glasses, Please."

She started reaching for the relevant glasses and bottles. "Are you sure? You don't look like you play in the big leagues." she nodded at his uniform with its blue details.

The man raised an eyebrow a moment and then glanced down at his uniform. He slowly nodded his head,"Ahh.. Yea.. Some of us Starfleet types aren't really ready for the big stuff are we?" A slight smirk as he looks back at her,"We all have to grow up sometime." Malak offers,"So please..continue. At a minimum, If I am not ready - you'll get a good chuckle." Another pregnant pause,"Names Malak Muz.."

"Yolanthe." the first of the ingrediants for the sunrise were poured into the shaker. "Don't worry, I'll look after you. You're one of Rick's?"

"My hero.." The pilot says with a chuckle and waits for the glass to arrive, his eyes watching the concoctions coming to gether. There's a brief pause,"Rick's?" Malak inquires as he isnt' sure who she is talking about. It finally clicks,"Oh the Commander. Yea.." He stands up in a mock attention stance,"Lieutenant Muz, Executive Officer, at your service." He slowly moves to sit after that with a grin,"You know the Commander well?"

She laughed, "he's a sweetie, but he's like most men; shouldn't be allowed out by himself. just as well he's got the doctor to look after him."

".. Shouldn't be allowed out by himself - you say?" Malak muses as his eyes stay with her and then the drink. He considers and shakes his head with a chuckle,"Ok..I'll bite. Tell me why most men shouldn't be out by themselves?"

"All too innocent. Cant handle their drink, ignorant of money, overconfident trouble magnets." She tipped the Sunrise out into a long glass, and then carefully dribbled the syrup down a bar spoon. A deliate haze of colour began to suffuse. "I've broken up more fights than i've had drinks, and most of the time its boys who don't know anything, getting themselves hurt."

"When you live in a society that has moved passed the need of the material, money can be a hard concept." Malak offers with a slight pause,"Fortunately - I have several hosts that still remember that little tidbit of history." He slowly nods as he waits for the drink and then moves to take it when it is prepared,"It does sound like you have a lower opinion of males.."

She laughed, which turned her a sky blue colour. "I think you're all adorable.."

"I'm glad we can please you." Malak smirks and his head tilts at her color,"May I ask, where do you hail from Yolanthe? What Planet?"

"Cherulan. Its the arse end of the quadrant, about as far as you can get from here and still be in the galaxy." She nodded at his spots. "I can guess where you're from."

"Cherulan? Intersting.." Pause "Oh yea.. A Terran." Malak softly jokes with her good naturedly on where he is from. He dips his head,"Or Bolian.. I know that there are no identifiers on me." He watches the woman a moment and then takes another drink with a huff,"I probably should actually be on my way." He pushesdthe drink forward - having two thirds of it,"Thanks for the drink.. Charge it to my account?"

"first one's on the house." She told him. "And I promise you'll have plenty of opportunity to run up credit later on."


A JP by

Malak Muz
Starfighter Wing Executive Officer


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights