Beg, Steal or Borrow – Lunch, Klingon Style, + 1 Nausicaan
by Commander Rakka & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat

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Title   Lunch, Klingon Style, + 1 Nausicaan
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Rakka & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Posted   Mon Feb 02, 2009 @ 2:05pm
Location   Qe' Klingon Restaurant, Main Promenade
Timeline   SD 7
After getting his things transferred, Akhil requested some time to get aquainted with the children. So taken advantage of the free time he decided to take Ayren's advice and check out the local Klingon dining. Wlking into the establishment he was greeted by the darkened room and rich aromas. If the food matched the environment he had a feeling he was in for a good meal.

YInchu' stepped out of his back room, the shrieks and bellows of a variety of live animals escaping before he shut the door behind him. He noticed the Klingon enter but said nothing, letting him get settled on his own. YInchu' was relieved when real Klingons ate in his restaurant--they always knew their way around Klingon cuisine and weren't likely to do stupid things like ask for a fork or leave a tip.

Instead yInchu' turned to tend to a previously vacated table. After spilling plenty of flammable liquor all over the table, the idiotic tera'ngan had chosen to order qul DIr and succeeded only in setting the table on fire. The blaze had been quickly suppressed, but now yInchu' had to sand down the parts that were the most charred.

"WejpuH!" yInchu' muttered. He wasn't able to remove all of the burnt bits, but the table had at least gained some character.

Da`nal had seated himself placing his PADD off to one side as he looked about. The place was busy but as this was a Klingon restaurant he expected they would appreciate a Klingon acting like a Klingon and show these 'tourists' how to do things. Pounding the Table with his fist he shouted "jabwI'!" (server)

YInchu' would have more happily responded to "vutwI'" (cook), but he was still, after all, jabwI'. He approached the Klingon's table immediately and waited wordlessly for an order.

Da'nal looked at the made the came to him table. He had the look for of a cook than a server. ~Good~ he thought, ~at least my order won't get screwed up.~ There was no hello's, welcome's or what can I get you. It had been some time since Da`nal had eaten 'real' Klingon food he was looking forward to it. Giveing the man his order: "qul DIr, qagh, boqrat chej Qevlu'pu'bogh, je 'Iw HIq......porgh Hat."

[Translation - Fire Skin, Gagh, Stewed Bokrat Liver, & body temperature]

YInchu' could not keep back a chuckle. "I trust the qul DIr will prove less hazardous to you than it has to the tera'ngan." He nodded back toward the table he had just sanded, which had already filled up again with a group of engineers, boisterously daring each other to try random menu items.

The smell of the burnt wood was still in the air as was the faint scent of freshly exposed wood. "HA! Let me guess...the asked for a fork too!"

yInchu' laughed, nodded, and trodded into the back room to slaughter a fresh bokrat.

Rakka entered, glancing around, and found all the tables occupied. She was glad for yInchu' as she had never seen the place at capacity before, despite its small size. Unfortunately she was not a patient person. She lumbered up to the front counter and waited. She would eat standing up if she had to, but hopefully a table would open up soon.

Her eyes drifted across the assortment of patrons, lighting finally on the unfamiliar Klingon. Quickly her eyes flicked down to the floor.

See the Nosican avert her eyes as he looked over he grinned, leaning back as he waited for his meal. After a few moments it wasa clear that she would be waiting for a table as the line behind her began to form. Noticing her rank he called out, "Lt. Commander!" Indicating the seat opposite him."

Rakka stood up straight and shrugged back the dreadlocks that had fallen down to screen her face. Warily she stepped toward the table.

Standing as she approached, offering his hand as he introduced himself. "Lt. Commander Da`nal."

She relaxed slightly to find he was an officer, although she stiffened somewhat as the hand was offered. She gave it one brief shake before pulling back again.

"Rakka... Chief Security," she replied, sitting down across from him with some discomfort, her eyes flicking toward yInchu''s back room periodically. "I, er... haven't been keeping up with... staffing bulletins.... unfortunately. Your position...?"

Being out of uniform since he wouldn't be checking in until tomorrow he could understand her confusion. "Well as I haven't reported in yet, there probably hasn't been a bulletin yet. However once on duty I will be filling the Chief of Strategic Operation post. Though I was a CSEC myself at my last well as 2nd Officer." As he spoke she continued to glance back towards the back and he was beginning to get irritated. "Is there a problem?"

"I...." she began, stammering, but yInchu' appeared presently, a dead animal in one hand and a mug in the other. The animal went down on his counter and the mug he brought toward their table.

YInchu''s expression shifted as he spotted his parmaqqay seated with the Klingon who had entered earlier.

"Rakka!" he said with what seemed like false warmth--a tone she was not accustomed to from him. "You have made a friend, I see."

"I am conversing with a FELLOW OFFICER, if you don't mind," she snarled.

He bared his teeth and set the bloodwine down heavily in front of Da'nal before turning back to Rakka. "If you need somewhere to sit I can find a place for you in back, with me."

"Are you insane?" she hissed, trying to maintain some discretion despite the proximity of Da'nal. "I will not be shut away with your livestock!"

"I am merely thinking of what is appropriate," he returned, taking hold of her hair firmly, like an animal marking its territory.

She slapped him away roughly. "It would be appropriate for you to take my order, jabwI'! I want bIreQtagh, qompogh with Daghtuj, and whatever is left of the ghab of that bokrat you have there, which is quickly getting cold. And an 'awje'. GO!""

YInchu' looked torn for a moment, but decided his duties as vutwI' overcame his duties as parmaqqay at the moment. He left the table, prepared her drink, and brought it silently before turning his attentions to the preparation of meats, keeping a sharp eye on their table meanwhile.

Glancing to the other patrons that had stopped eating and were still watching his table. "Return to your food," he said sternly. Da`nal was impressed by her actions but surprised that he had retreated back to his pots and pans like a whipped dog. "It would seem that you have him by the balls." Noticing his repeated stares. "Is he normally that jealous?"

Rakka was embarrassed by the comment--she didn't want yInchu' by the 'anything'. "Yes, I suppose," she replied. "But usually he behaves better. I wish he would just get tired of me and move on!" She took a drink, glaring at yInchu', realizing how little she really liked him. But he liked her... and it was a proverbial bandage on her hemorrhaging wound of self-loathing. And he made such good chocolate....

Realizing the truth of the situation, "Ahhhh I see." Moving the subject away from love struck Klingon cooks. "You are the first Nosican that I have met that serves in StarFleet. Are there many?"

She was relieved at the subject change, although this wasn't one of her favourites either. "Only one, as far as I know. The males are devils, every one, and females never leave the planet," she muttered.

Da`nal could tell she didn't care for the current topic by her tone. "Well must always be a first. There was a first Andorian, Tellarite, Vulcan, Bolian, Klingon, even Ferengi...if you can believe that." Lifting his glass. "To the the first Nosican!"

Rakka raised her glass half-heartedly. "The only, I hope," she murmured. She hadn't run afoul of her people since childhood, and she prayed she never would. "So you're St-Strategic Ops," she went on, moving the focus away from herself. "I can't express what a relief that is. I've had... internal as well as external s-security matters dumped on my shoulders lately... and it's been a... a burden to my short-staffed department. I came from St-StratOps myself, before moving on to my current post. Wh...Where were you stationed before?"

yInchu' presently came forward and laid out before Da'nal three platters--stewed bokrat livers, squirming serpent worms freshly doused in their lethal sauce, and cheerfully flaming animal skin. Rakka pointedly ignored him.

Taking a skin from the bowl, letting it drip as he replied. "I was stationed on the USS Tempest as Chief of Security and 2nd officer." Igniting the skin he popped it in his mouth as he continued. "If you ever need assistance do not hestitate to call on me or my staff. This is a big station after all." Next he grabbed several qagh, lowering them into his mouth.

Rakka paused to appreciate his deft handling of the qul DIr. "Yes... it is. And a station is always a very different exp-..experience from a ship. There is one... issue... for you to be aware of, but I will... perhaps... save it for a more formal meeting. A good Klingon meal is... challenge enough for one sitting."

She leaned back to receive three meaty plates of fresh, bloody animal matter of various types, and immediately dug in with her hands, leaning protectively over her meal. In Klingon cuisine there was plenty of reaching and grabbing and no politeness, but she was not a person inclined to share her own food. It was several moments before she realized yInchu' was still standing next to her. She looked up with irritation.

"Are you waiting for something?" she snapped. "A parade, perhaps?" She felt bad quickly for her quick temper, and toned it down a little. "It's good," she admitted. "It is."

"Will you want dessert?" he asked, his eyes full of meaning.

"No," she said flatly.

"Later, then? Come tonight, after closing. I will make you something special."

She sighed. "Fine. I will come."


"Yes, I promise!" she exclaimed. "Now go away!"

He did so, and Rakka breathed a sigh of relief, turning back to her food.

Popping another flaming skin in his mouth, nodding after yInchu'. "So are you actually going to show or was that just to get rid of him?"

Rakka swallowed a mouthful and wiped away a trickle of animal blood that had escaped down her chin. "I wouldn't lie to him," she stated bluntly, and then added, more sheepishly, "He does do wonderful things with yuch." (chocolate)

Laughing heartedly as he imagined. "yuch makes everything better doesn't it?" He asked as he started in on his bokrat livers. Whatever the cook's relational problems, the man could cook.


CSec: Lt. Cdr. Rakka

CSOPs: Lt Cdr. Da`nal