Judgement – Hopes For a Diplomatic Future
by Commander Richard Dunham & UFP Ambassador Cyi Ainari

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Title   Hopes For a Diplomatic Future
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & UFP Ambassador Cyi Ainari
Posted   Wed Jul 13, 2011 @ 9:03am
Location   UFP Department of State (DS5)
Timeline   SD38

The gruff scruffy looking Tellarite scratched his red beard as he stared at the pile of Padd's on his desk. He swore a small curse under his breath to whom ever came up with the great idea of sending a representative of the United Federation of planets Department of State to Deep space five. A place in his opinion that was already over crowded with representatives from several major galactic powers as well as starfleets own Diplomatic Detachment staff. He grunted as he tried to make sense of it all. It was his job to aid the UFP ambassador in anyway he could, but this was a long way off his job back on earth at the Palais de la Concorde working as a assistant to the presidents secretary (one of many secretary's). But he was a Federal employee and went where he was told. But he still couldn't get his head around what they where suppose to be doing here when starfleet already had their own Federation Envoy onboard. He grumbled again, when their was a tap on his door. "Come in" he said gruffly

T'Fel stepped into the office. "The Ambassador has called an all staff meeting in the conference room in 5 mins," the Vulcan Chief of Staff replied.

The Tellarite nodded with mumble of acknowledgement. He then gathered his paper work, or in this case the data slates with his needed information, and made his way to the meeting.

Cyi sat in his office, staring off into space instead of making inroads into the mountain of PADDs currently residing on his desk. His mind drifted back to the conversation with Lt. Totti. while it ended civilly enough, Cyi knew that he was going to have continuous problems with him and the Diplomatic Corps. When the full extent of changes come to pass, he was sure the Lt. would come to pay him a visit again.

Cyi sighed. He tried to be friendly to the CDO but if icy diplomatic relations where what was going to happen he was prepared for that as well. Changes WERE going to come and duty demanded his silence, honour prevented him from breaking it. With a sigh, he forced the thoughts away. It was over and done with now, no matter how much he wished otherwise.

He looked at his viewscreen into the briefing room, he grimaced as he noticed people starting to arrive. He stood, pulling his jacket from the back of his chair and slipping it on. He glanced out the window as he fastened the buttons and adjusted his sleeves. The room was filling up quickly. This was his life now. He was finally resigned to it. If this was all he'd ever have, then he'd do it all to the best of his ability. He headed out of his office and across the hall to the briefing room. He looked around seeing his staff and nodded at them in turn. He moved to the head of the table. T'Fel was to his right and Christopher Smith, his political consultant, to his left. He surveyed the rest of the table. He saw his press secretary, Inadria, and his friend Marc. His eyes fell on the Tellarite. "Hey, how are you, Gral?" Cyi smiled.

"still Alive" said the squat alien gruffly, his red bushy beard twitching slightly. This was a rather short and brief answer from the Tellarite. This was odd as Tellerites loved to argue, it was part of their cultural. But even though this stock hairy alien walked with a storm cloud over his head, he was one of the most caring people around. He used his gruff vale to hide his caring nature. His job was to advise on welfare and social policy, and the Tellerite had a background in political activism helping those federation citizens who didn't get the 'paradise' lifestyle that humans did on earth.

"In these dangerous times, that is saying a lot." Cyi replied. "Alright people," he spoke up getting everyone's attention. "We are going to start with updates. Gral, here, volunteered to start us off. Gral." Cyi grinned.

"Thank you sir" said Gral miserably. He got up from his chair to address the rest of the team. "Well where to start" said the bushy bearded alien rhetorically. "Like the rest of you I'm still settling into a role that we don't understand, our presence here is confusing at best as starfleet have though own diplomatic branch here on the station, I have tried to contact their offices but with no luck....." he looked around the room "Has anybody?"

Cyi rose his eyebrows at the comment. "I just completed a meeting with Lt. Totti, the Chief Diplomatic Officer, and a few of his staff members. I will have that during my update. What is the social situation on the station?"

"Complicated" Gral looked at his Padd with the relevant information it chirped obediently as he pressed its touch screen. Not only does this ship have a large Starfleet personnel, and a transit starlfeet population as well from arriving and leaving starfleet starships, but it also has a large civilian contingent comprising of all walks of life, minning companies, mercs, bar owners all sorts, and then you throw into the mix the staff from all the embassies. Its a total cauldron of culture and races, and so far they all seem to get on, apart from the usual diplomatic incidents. There is one area that I am a little blank on, and thats the Marines. They pretty much keep to themselves, and if your not a marine your not allowed in."

Cyi nodded. "I am honestly less concerned about the Marines. If my recent meeting with the Chief Diplomatic Officer, was any indication, we may become very unpopular among them and the military personnel in general, very soon. No it is best to solidify the base, to focus on the civilians. Do what we can to endear me and this office to the civilians and embassies. T'Fel, the embassies will be our main focus. You and I will make the rounds, identify needs and concern. Marc, I want you to focus on the trader and business men. Find out what we can do to help things out. Chris, I want you to make some overtures to the local members on the Council. Find out what their pet projects are and identify any way we can help. We are going to need some favors soon so better start dishing out some political capital. Inadria, lets call in the press. Get the FNS out here and have them catch everything, well all the good work we are doing. Keep them under tight control, Dria. Don't let them focus on the murder of the Romulan but rather the Starfleet investigation. Get it? A 'person' was killed but Starfleet was investigating. Spin the whole justice is being done angle. We don't want Romulans to seem to be victimized on station. It could be problematic in the future. Gral, id the top social issue among station civilians. Lets see what we can do on it."

Gral nodded thoughtfully agreeing with what the Ambassador had to say. It pleased him that the man was taking the reins of control in this matter and that he was giving the UFP Department of State a level of direction. Perhaps they could do a lot of good here, and Gral already had a few ideas where the social policies and welfare issues of the space station may lie. He was very happy to do these things for his boss but he still had one more question. "Sir If I may? What's our actual overall goal here?"

Cyi smiled his trademark disarming smile. "Continuing to secure the ideals of the United Federation of Planets guiding principles. Representing the UFP Deapartment of State onboard Deep Space 5." Cyi did not need to be a telepath to understand that was not a statisfactary answer. "I know, I know. That's a sound byte. That is the one we are to give when asked that question by anyone. Beyond that, I am unable to disclose since it is considered a classified matter by the President."

Gral was a mix of feelings. First off he groaned inwardly at the ambassadors ominous words; that did not bode well. Secondly he was forcing down that Tellarite urge to argue. Though on his home world it was expected of him to argue with the boss, he had learnt quite quickly after moving to earth that this was not ho others did it. So he simply said "yes sir."

Cyi nodded knowing it was a difficult thing for the Tellarite not to argue with him on this. "If there are no further questions, we all have work to do." Cyi replied standing.


Ambassador Cala Lurn

Social Policy Adviser Gral
Ambassador Cala Lurns Staff