Interlude – Ouch!
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Ouch!
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Wed Sep 01, 2010 @ 11:25pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD30

Jana was mentally kicking herself as she clutched her wrist. She made her way from the holodeck to sickbay. Every step Jana took she could feel the bones in her wrist scrape along the muscles and tendons of her wrist. Her complexion was a greyish-green and sweat dotted her forehead as she entered sickbay.

As the doors opened, Chelsea looked up. The woman coming in looked in a bad way so she handed the routine task she was doing to a nurse and came straight over.

She put an arm gently around the shoulders of the new patient and guided her to a chair before she could faint.

"I'm Chelsea. Can you tell me what happened?" she asked, pulling a med-corder from her kit and scanning the most obvious hand injury first.

Jana looked at her, "I was bucked off a horse in the're Chelsea as in Rick Dunham's 'Chelsea'?" She asked wide eyed and groaned against the pain and the fact that she had unknowingly ran into her ex's fiancee.

"I'll give you something for the pain first, then we can see if that's fractured.... well, to be precise, see how many times it's been fractured." As she spoke Chelsea administered a hypospray of analgesic to the side of Jana's neck.

Next she passed the medcorder up and down over the wrist and sent the scans to the screen on the console above the bio-bed next to her.

"Yeah, I guess you could say I'm Rick's Chelsea." she grinned as she worked. "Or, as I prefer it, I would say he's Chelsea's Rick!"

The scans were very clear to read to a trained eye and Chelsea wasn't CMO for her baking skills. It only took one glance to be able to diagnose. "Multiple fractures - four to be precise. One hairline, one sheer, a clean break and the most difficult one is the last which is a fragment of sheered cartilage. It'll take me about 10 minutes with a regenerator for the first two, about another 10 for the third one and a quick five minute High-frequency Ultrasound surgery on the last."

She began to set up.

Jana nodded. "Do what you have to do. He and I knew each other a really long time ago. Congratulations on your engagement." She smiled. Jana hoped that she and Chelsea could be friends, she didn't really know anyone on the ship besides Rick.

"Thanks! I'm a very lucky girl." Chelsea blushed. She continued with the regenerating as they sat talking. ~Medical Teal? But I don't recognise her. Perhaps it's Science-Teal?~ she "Are you a Scientist?" she asked.

"Yes you are. I am an alien archaeologist and's a mouthful I know but I love every minute of it." She smiled.

"You must be very clever. That must have been a lot of studying at the Academy to get all that zeno-bio down!" Chelsea replied, impressed.

Jana nodded. "I worked really hard to get where I almost all got taken away from me when my research and artifacts were nearly stolen."

"What happened?" Chelsea looked shocked.

"Let's see...I trusted the wrong man...he got his ferengi 'friends' to come after me to steal the artifacts when he couldn't get my research. Since then I don't trust anyone...let alone men. I didn't know anyone when I came here. I knew Rick but he didn't remember from all those years ago until I told him. He may be my friend now but I still don't trust him enough to let him see my work. Is that fair or do you think I am wrong?"

"Well, judging from what happened to you, I'd say no if I didn't happen to know Rick and I can honestly say that if you need someone to trust, Rick's your man. He's totally awesome and .... okay, so I'm biased..... " she laughed. "He didn't remember you? Really? How rude... I hope you gave him earache for that!" she joked.

"It was when we were both fresh out of the Academy...I had blond hair then. Has he told you anything about me?" She asked.

"Nothing at all.... should he?" Chelsea looked quizzically up at Jana thinking that was an odd question.

Jana laughed, "just don't be mad at him. He and I dated 11 years ago and didn't end well. My cousin and I look enough alike that when he saw her kissing her Andorian fiance he thought it was me. Neither of us thought to ask each other for an explanation. He didn't recognise me because I was a blond. Does it bother you that he and I are friends now?"

"Of course not" Chelsea's answer was too quick to have been considered. It was a reflex. She always reflexed a show of no emotion when presented with something that shocked her. It was part of her professional 'straight face no matter what' that she had been obliged to learn so that patients were not alarmed by their doctor's reaction or personal feelings.

"Rick has lots of friends." she added, trying to make her 'knee-jerk' answer into something more credible.

"It sounds like a sad turn of events though, for you two only to have been separated by an accident of circumstance, rather than giving your relationship a proper chance to work .... or not.... for a real reason." Chelsea got control of the stiffness that had taken hold of her and smoothed back into her Carer's aura as the surprise wore off.

"I am sorry that I have shocked you. I am truly happy for the two of you. What happened between me and Rick happened 11 years ago. I care for him but nothing more than a friend." She smiled.

"Shocked?" Chelsea hadn't realised she'd been *that* affected. "I think that's a bit strong. I was certainly not expecting it, that's for sure, but that doesn't make it unwelcome. I think we should get a coffee later and talk about him mercilessly!" she laughed. It was a pretty, pleasant laugh, imagining how nervous he would be if he found out he was the subject of *women's gossiping*. She grinned at the thought.

"I'll have finished my shift by 18.00 hrs... how do you fancy joining us for dinner? Would that be okay? I don't want to put you into a difficult situation? Perhaps it should be just the two of us.... no flyboys allowed!" she grinned again, looking into Jana's beautiful eyes.

"It would be entertaining to see Rick squirm a little bit...but he only just learned who I am...again." She laughed, "perhaps it should just be the two of flyboys around. We could compare stories." She winked.

Chelsea laughed out loud. "Oooh, now what woman could resist *that* tempting offer!" She finished the regenerating.

"You have a deal." She agreed. "But i won't shake your hand just yet.... not until I've done the surgery on that wrist. You'll have to come over into the Theatre for this because that's where the HIFU laser is, but you'll be okay with a local block, i won't put you out."

"This will teach me not to disengage the safety protocols again." She replied wryly.

"i hope so!" Chelsea raised an eyebrow in her best 'Chief Medical Officer, scaring the new Interns' look. But she couldn't hold the disapproving look for long and the smile crept back. "A horse eh? Do you ride often? I love to ride.... could we maybe do some trekking? or hacking? together?" she suggested as she settled Jana into the operating chair.

"I would like that very much. I have a horse back on Earth...I created a program for the holodeck so I could ride him whenever I am not there. I was riding to clear my head...Rick set me up with his Ferengi friend Krem. I never told him that there were three Ferengi that tried to steal my work. I am afraid I stormed out after Krem asked a question about why I feel my life is complicated. I do not think I made a good impression."

"He set you up? Oh my God! Does he never stop digging himself into holes? Should I get him one of those mechanical digging machines they have in the Museums on Earth, to help him dig himself in deeper... no, he doesn't need one....on second thoughts." Chelsea really *was* shocked this time.

"He thought because he was happy and had found you that I should be the same way...he feels guilty because of the way we parted. You know...he couldn't stop talking about you Chelsea? I think you have succeeded in wrapping that man around your finger."

"I have?? OH GOOD!" Chelsea grinned mischievously. "And actually, it's mutual. I don't really believe he meant you anything but the best. If he introduced you to Krem then he would have only done so if he believes Krem is a good guy." She became serious again.

"Rick's a lot of mischievous things when he wants to be but he's such a gentleman underneath. He's knight out of his century." Chelsea's adoration became obvious now too.

"He is isn't he? He was scared that we would meet and share stories of him. I doubt he will set me up with of his friends ever again with the way I have acted towards Krem."

"Oh, I think Krem would understand. He's a very unusual person." Chelsea remembered meeting Krem and being impressed. She didn't want to see either he or Jana hurt but she instinctively felt they'd have been a nice match. She could see where Rick was coming from with that but didn't push it by suggesting that Jana might get back in touch and see if there was anything there.

"I know he is...but I don't think I could go back."

"Up to you, you should never do anything you're uncomfortable with." Chelsea replied gently as she was waiting for the nerve block to take effect.

"I think I have screwed up again." She laughed bitterly.

"Don't worry. Sometimes things aren't meant to be, but if you let go of something and it stays away, it wasn't yours to have, and vice versa... if it's meant to have been.... it'll come back to you." Chelsea screwed up her nose and wrinkled her slight Bajoran ridges. "Sorry, I'm trying to do something complicated and talk and the talk is coming out all messy... better that way around though! Don't want the op to come out messy! I hope that made sense somewhere in the middle of it?"

"It does make sense. I am glad we have met Chelsea and I am glad that Rick has found love with you too.''

"Thank you Jana. I'm glad we met too" Chelsea finished up the operation and started to put a support around Jana's wrist.

"The nerve block will wear off in about 30 minutes. You may need more analgesics, I'll prepare a couple of phials and lend you a hypospray, you can take one shot every 4 hours but no more! I'd like to see how this is doing in the morning please? Come by any time after 08.00 when I'll be on duty, would you?" she explained.

"I will...I'll meet you back here when your shift is over and we will go grab some dinner and some drinks?" She asked.

"Totally!" Chelsea agreed and gave her new friend a gentle hug goodbye. "See you later"


A JP between:

Lt. Jana Kasikova
Alien Archaeologist/Anthropologist


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams
