Judgement – Reporting In
by Ensign Addison Falkland & Lieutenant Mathew Totti

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Title   Reporting In
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Ensign Addison Falkland & Lieutenant Mathew Totti
Posted   Thu Jul 21, 2011 @ 10:30pm
Location   Diplomatic Offices
Timeline   SD37 18:00-backpost

Addison left her bags outside of the diplomatic offices. There would be time enough to go on a hunt for her quarters but right now she needed to report to her superior officer. It was also the first place she found on the base. She pressed the chime and waited.

Mathew had just sat back down after some business deals with Wayne and ambassador Se'lia. He opened up his schedule noticing a message from Elizabeth about a new arrival.
The door chimed as he opened up the file. "Come in."

With a final uniform adjustment in place, Addison stepped through the door into the chief's office. Any feeling of nervousness dissipated and a calm demeanor took over once she was actually faced with the situation.

"Ensign Addison Falkland, Alien Affairs reporting for duty as ordered, sir," she said as she gave him a salute.

Mathew stood up returning the salute with a nod then offering his hand "Good evening Ensign." He started very cheerfully "It is great to see new faces in this department. Can I offer you a drink?" He queried.

"A drink?" she paused as she shook his hand, "A cup of green tea would hit the spot right about now, sir." She waited for an offer to sit as she didn't want to presume on anyone's hospitality by simply taking an empty chair, especially someone she only just met.

Totti sensed that anticipation while ordering the drink "Green tea." On turning around to sit back down he placed the drink down "Have a seat please."

Addison sat in the offered seat and picked up the cup. "Thank-you, sir." The aroma of the beverage as she took a sip served to both soothe and awaken the senses. It was one of her relaxation techniques and it helped, especially since she was still feeling a little flustered.

Mathew sat straight becoming more business-like, his tone adopted the same stance "So Ensign, do you understand your duties here?"

"I have been understanding that my position would involve me serving as a liason between alien governments," she tilted her head as she answered and took another sip of her drink. "Was there something more specific you had in mind, sir?"

Mathew stood up and straightened his uniform "If I need something specific I'll let you know Ensign. I look forward to working with you."

"And I look forward to working with you as well," she replied, taking a cue and downing her now cold tea in a hurry. Addison stood, gave a salute and exited the chief's office.


Lieutenant Matthew Totti
Chief Diplomatic Officer
Deep Space Five


Ensign Addison Falkland
Alien Affairs Diplomat
Deep Space Five