Things Past – What Happened that night
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   What Happened that night
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sun Aug 14, 2011 @ 3:47am
Location   Mars, Utopia Planetia Colony
Timeline   August 16, 2379

It was late, the streets were dim. A lone figure was walking down the street, the long coat he was wearing was definitely out of place is this slightly up scale area, his long hair and scruffy appearance made him even more out of place.

As the figure slowed to look where he was, he walked over to an apartment building and with minimal effort worked the lock and entered the building. Choosing to avoid the lift he hiked the six flights of stairs to the third floor, walked down two doors and knocked.

"Yes" a female voice called

"Its me" the man said.

"Oh, thank the gods your OK, what happened?"

"I got recalled to the Cardassian territories, I could be gone for awhile this time." He said

"Why.." she cried bordering on a full on sob "Can't they send someone else, why you?"

"Mainly because the Klingons only trust me, and Admiral Janeway wants this to say within the disarmament commission." he paused "If I was going to be aboard anything besides a klingon ship I'd take you with me this time, but this one is going to be dicey."

"When do you leave?" she spoke

"Not for a couple of days."

"Good your mine until then, and I don't intend on letting you out of my sight Mr Wallace." she paused "Go change and tie that mop up I made dinner reservations at O'hallarans."

"Ok, but what are you wearing?" Jarred said with a wicked smile as he popped his head out of the bedroom.

She turned the robe she was wearing slid off, "besides this?, that little blue dress you like."

Jarred emerged ten minutes later his long hair tied back, he was even clean shaven. "Dara lets go hun..."

"Not this time, give me the files!" a black clad figure wearing black head to toe wielding a rather nasty looking knife of some kind to he neck.

"There not here, don't hurt the girl and I'll get them." Jarred said pleading for her life

"Not good enough, she dies!" his hand rose up attempting to thrust the knife into its intended target Jarred on instinct lunged at the intruder pulling Dara away from him, only to have the knife plunge into jarreds back. Dara let out a loud scream, panicking the intruder ran out the door.

Dara kneeled next to jarred, the knife was in deep and she knelt there panicked by the events that had just taken place, weakly Jarred pointed to his coat "hurry" were the only words he could muster as he could feel the blood pouring out of his back.

Dara unsure what to do she picked up the coat when a metallic rectangular object fell out. Thinking it was a tricorder of somekind she opened it, only to discover it was some kind of communicator, "Help me please, hes' hurt, help me!" Dara cried into the device.

As if by some kind of magic or witch craft three men materialized one appeared to be a medic or doctor "Stab wound with a twenty centimeter blade, blood loss is reaching critical."

Another man in the group looked at Dara, "Female has some scratches and signs of shock, we should transport them both now."

"Team three to Nautilus five to transport directly to sickbay."

After the transporter completed its work the medical teams took over first lifting Jarred onto the trauma bed, the Doctor looked at the knife, "Orion if I'm not mistaken."

A grey uniformed Lieutenant took the knife from the nurse, "Very good doctor but which clan?"

"Smart ass, that's your job mine is to patch him up again."

Dara looked around still confused "Where am I?"

A nurse was scanning Dara with a tricorder, "USS Nautilus, Don't worry he'll recover, this isn't the first time we've pulled knives and other shrapnel out of the Commander."

"But how..." Dara was more confused than ever

"Maybe I can explain Ms Dara, I'm Lieutenant Ericson." he paused "why don't you come with me and let the Doctors do there work, he'll be ok he has come in here in worse shape and walked out under his own power."

"What kind of ship is this?" Dara was swimming with all of the information that she was being bombarded with.

"USS Nautilus, Guardian Class. Commissioned in 2375 shes' the only one of her class, and is used exclusively by intelligence, and you're now one of a small number of civilians who know of her existence." Lt Ericson said

"Wait a second, Jarred is assigned to the USS Asia, some kind of special envoy." Dara said

"Jarred was under orders to keep this part of his assignment under wraps, with all of the cleaning up we do from the war with the Dominion alot of it is kept under tight security, not all of it is to keep the public from knowing, but to keep people like your assailant from finding out what we have found, some of the stuff we have found in the wrong hands could be used to terrorize the federation and other powers."

"But who was that in the apartment?"

"An Orion pirate in all probability, I'm sorry you got caught up in this and I'm sure Jarred is too." The lieutenant said

"this is a little intense, so Jarred isn't going around making sure the Cardassains aren't abiding by the treaty, hes' actually dealing with something more serious?" Dara was starting to see the bigger picture and she wasn't sure what to do.

"In a short answer yes, in a long answer no there's more to it." Lieutenant Ericson said, "Jarred has been working for intelligence since he graduated from the academy, he's served in a few different capacities with intelligence, in all honesty hes' one of the few field agents whose been able to keep their work separate from their personal lives, but these are the risks that come with the job at this level."

Dara had to think for a moment, she knew his job was dangerous, but this was becoming too much, "I want to leave, I don't think I can keep going, I feel faint"

Lieutenant Ericson rushed to her side, "Its ok, things will sort out."

Dara was shaking as she was helped to a chair, she looked up at Lieutenant Ericson "This is insanity, how does things like this happen?"

"Since the first Khitomer accords Starfleet has gone out of its way to keep large scale weapons of mass destruction and other technologies out of the hands of rebels and other powers, but following the war with the dominion fear that these weapons would get out in large numbers has kept us busy." he paused "Now we're struggling to keep up with the stuff that we know is out there, its the other technology that we only have suspicions about that keeps us on the move so much."

"So I'm supposed to live in fear, and wait for him to come home in a coffin?" Dara was boardering on crying.

"This is the first time this has happened to an agent who was off duty, we're going to take steps it doesn't happen again."

Dara looked at the lieutenant, "I want to leave"

===12 hours later===

Jarred felt horrible, his body ached and his head was throbbing. He looked to his left to see Lieutenant Ericson standing there he was a little confused, "wheres' Dara?"

"We sent her back to Mars ten hours ago, she was pretty broken up, and frankly I think she was overwhelmed with what happened."

Jarred looked ahead, he felt his heart start to crumble. "Get me to the Cardassian frontier, I'm already late."

As Lieutenant Ericson started to leave "Sir I'm sure things can be sorted out."

Jarred knew otherwise, his life was going to be solitary again, maybe he was destined to be alone in the universe without any meaning and without any future, either way his time in starfleet was about to change he leaned over and reached for a PaDD and looked over his orders, this was going to be a long mission.


Lt Cmdr Jarred Wallace
Starfleet Intelligence Operations