Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon’s Personal Log - DS5 - Lt Cmdr Greo Tovon - Scientific Journal - Radiative Intermittent, Cascading Temporal Anomaly

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Title   DS5 - Lt Cmdr Greo Tovon - Scientific Journal - Radiative Intermittent, Cascading Temporal Anomaly
Author   Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Posted   Tue Dec 22, 2009 @ 7:38pm
Preliminary status report following RICA incident in near-DS5 space.

This anomaly deviated from normal RICA incidents in that it had a temporal element on top of normal entropic factors. Propose new classification of the RICTA, a sub-classification of the RICA anomaly scheme.

The Class 1 RICA appeared near the DS5 facility following a military training incident. Investigations are ongoing into the precise cause of the flexures opening. It is assumed that a malfunctioning tri-cobalt device caused a subspace explosion of such intensity it interupted the zero field bonds of the localised subspace layer. This rupture caused a gravitational inversion releasing lethal radiation into the neighbouring area as well as causing cyclical gravitational anomalies, as with all RICA events. See associated visuals and data stream on anomaly appearance.

Note: another source of evidence for Anomaly Equifinality, concept of similar anomalies being created by completely different events.

The RICTA caused various effects in the local area. Thoron radiation was emitted and there were graviton fluctuations as mentioned above. High levels of Chroniton particles were ejected from the event horizon of the anomaly causing localised temporal anomalies. Data from around DS5 indicates that various areas within the station suffered a 'slowing of time' to varying degrees. These effects are documented in Appendix File 1.

Several Valkyries encountered the anomaly first hand (see Appendix File 2). Some were destroyed by shear forces, others 'passed through' the event horizon, being catapulted forward through time. It appears that the increase in Chroniton radiation caused more 'time' to exist on the radiative side of the anomaly (namely the DS5 region) giving the effect of slowing time on this side of the anomaly. Gravitation shear forces also wrenched at the station itself, but all ship travel had been prohibited after the Valkyire event.

The Tempus Array was employed to find the correct Chroniton frequency of the anomaly on a 3 second predictive basis. A modified tri-cobalt device was fired into the eye of the event horizon. The opposite and correcting frequency was then transmitted to the tri-cobalt device in transit. The explosion sealed the anomaly through corrective disruption of the zero field of local space and the reinstituion of the subspace layer.

Further Work:
The next step is to do an insitu sweep of the area using state of the art sensor arrays at the subatomic level. A correctly fitted runabout with a full scientific package will enable further study of the subspace layer itself. Studying the subspace layer will also completment the data gathered by the Tempus Array.

Data gathered by the Tempus Array is still being analysed, but it was a perfect performance for the device on its first run through. Further analysis will allow preparation for future events should the zero field be sufficiently degraded to cause subspace instability in the local region.

Finally an examination of the Valkyrie wreckage that emerged from the anomaly will also prove invaluable as the actual effect on composite materials will allow precise assessments of the primary forces and shear stresses within a Class 1 RICTA.

Report by:

Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Assistant Chief Science Officer - DS5