Intermission – Butter Fingers
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani

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Title   Butter Fingers
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani
Posted   Mon Mar 24, 2014 @ 1:03am
Location   Docking Bay 4
Timeline   SD 79 12.30

[Docking Bay 4]

Akamu leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms. "She's in there," he said, pointing under the docking ramp, where he could hear the slave banging around in an attempt to effect some repairs. "I'll just hang back here, a few minutes. She might get a bit nervous if she sees me right away."

The bokkai picked up the case of Andorian Ale she had grabbed from the stock room at the last minute. "What do you need to know. Specifically?"

"I need to see the artifacts," Akamu said. "All of them, preferably, but three in particular if that's all you can manage. I swear, I'm not going to steal anything." Best to nip any of those thoughts in the bud. "Yet," he added under his breath. It would only come to that as a last resort.

"Okay. No problem." She moved forward into the Docking Bay. "Delivery for Lise!" She called out.

Kieshma poked her head out from beneath the bulk of the Desire, staring blankly at Yolanthe. "Delivery?" she repeated skeptically.

"This is the right ship yes? Lise the Ferengi? I've got his Andorian Ale."

At that, Kieshma perked up a little, eyes coming alert and a small smile forming. "Well," she said, her tone cautious, "I don't know if Mr. Lise ordered any ale. He usually prefers Betezed Whiskey."

Yolanthe swore inwardly, her body turning a dark sandy colour. "Well," She said brightly. "I've got 48 litres here. I doubt its for personal consumption. He did mention something about lubricating negotiations. Show me to your refrigeration unit."

Kieshma considered her for a moment, then nodded. She stood quickly, wiping grim hands on the back of her coveralls, and gestured up the ramp.

"This way." She led Yolanthe up the ramp and into the ship. The interior of the derelict was immensely better cared for than the exterior had been. Kieshma wound her way through the halls, eventually finding her way to the galley.

"Refrigerator's right there," she pointed to a big metal door at the back of the galley. "Need help with these crates?"

"No, I'm used to hefting heavy objects." Yolanthe had been keeping her eyes open for the items Akamu was looking for. There had been no sign of them so far, but she hadn't seen the cargo bay yet. She took the crate to the refrigerator door and examined the settings. "Have to admit when he said there'd be somewhere here to take delivery, I wasn't expecting an orion. At least not one wearing proper clothes."

Kieshma's eyes went wide, her smile vanished, and her back went as stiff a a steel bar. "Y-yeah," she stammered quietly. "I don't do that sort of stuff."

"Hey its cool," Yolanthe held her hands up in a placating gesture. "I had a friend like you. She didn't do that suff either, and of course everyone assumes she did. Its how we became friends actually. I pulled a couple of over entitled nobheads off her after they decided that she was part of the entertainment. She never stopped having people assume though. But she was a genius in a holodeck. What Klia didn't know about holosuite programming hasn't been done yet." For a moment she faded to a shade of grey. "She was a great friend. I miss her."

"I'm mostly just a mechanic," Kieshma said. "Lise and me have a deal, I take care of his ship, as best I can, and he never takes me near any of my people ever again. That's how I got off of Orion, away from... well, that stuff."

"Sounds like you found the one ferengi who isn't a little troll." She gave a frown she needed to get into the cargo bay, take a look for Akamu's stuff there. Time to improvise. "Hmm, , your unit is set to 4 degrees, but Andorian Ale needs to be kept at minus ten. But if I set your unit to minus ten, its going to give freezerburn to all your perishables. Is this your only unit?."

"Trust me," Kieshma said, "Lise is just like any other Ferengi. I just bit his finger the last time he tried to touch me. He's harmless, mostly." She took a long look at Yolanthe's crate, then shrugged. "We usually put overflow in the freezer at the back of the cargo bay. I can show you."

She led Yolanthe down the hall and through a set of double-wide doors. "The freezer's just over there." She pointed over the small pile of boxes tied down in the middle of the cargo bay.

The bokkai walked carefully through the boxes and started unloading the crated bottles into the freezer. She worked steadily, not slowly but enough to also give her a chance to ast her eye on the crates around her.

Many of the crates were clearly marked in Ferengi; mostly luxury goods being shipped to the Romulan Empire. But in the back corner, hidden behind a box of Cardassian silk, she noticed a oddly colored box. It was light brown instead of the charcoal gray of the other boxes. Under a slightly more deliberate examination, she realized it was actually made of real wood.

Now all she had to do was get inside. She picked up the empty crate and stepped to the side to close the freezer door. "There you go, all done." She turned back to Kieshma. As she did she twisted her left ankle out. The heel on her boot snapped, and then she was falling. As she fell she threw the crate aside. It looked ostensibly as if she was just throwing it aside to free her hands, but as she fell, it was bouncing away over the crates. As she smacked down on the cargo bay door, softening the blow as best she could without it being obvious that she had faked the fall, the empty crate bounced off the box of cardassian silk, and thudded down on top of the real wood crate.

Kieshma darted forward, extending a hand to help the fallen Bokkai up. "Are you alreight?" she asked, genuinely concerned.

"Bruised pride." Yolanthe stood up. "And a trip to the replicator." She took off the damaged boot. "I'll live. I just hope I've not damaged anything of yours." She went over to the drinks crate and put it aside. "Its a lovely box. I don't think I've damaged it."

Quickly, Kieshma pulled the lid off the top crate. "It's not the box I'm worried about." She reached in and pulled out a small statue, about two feet tall and three feet wide. It seemed to be made of some sort of hard volcanic rock and depicted three massive cat-like creatures running through the surf, the foremost of whom had a rider on his back.

"Lise will kill me if any of this merchandise is damaged."

"That's beautiful," Yolanthe breatherd, her mission forgotton a moment, the statue was beautiful. "Is it for sale?"

"Lise hasn't said if he's found a buyer yet," Kieshma answered. "But he seems really nervous about these." She gestured widely to the stack of five boxes, the topmost of which the cat-statue had just emerged from.

That had to be them. Job done. Yolanthe picked her crate up. "Well if he doesn't, tell him I'd be interested." She turned and headed for the way out. she wanted to be gone before this Lise actually turned up. "Have a good day." Time to find Akamu.


A JP by

Yolanthe Ibalin


p.s could you update the location?