Judgement – This Could Be Fun
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   This Could Be Fun
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Tue Aug 16, 2011 @ 3:00pm
Location   IRS V'Riel
Timeline   after the mission begins
Ashara had been informed a few hours before that one of the reporters, a Mr. Whitlock, would be joining her on the V'Riel for a couple of days, something about wanting to get a really good seat for the fight. ~A glory seeking newshound, just what I need.~ Ashara sighed silently to herself, laughing a bit as well as the similarities between her sister and her aunt surfaced yet again, ~Give either of them a headline and they're good for another ten thousand kilometers.~

Ashara nodded silently to her XO to assume command as she rose to meet her incoming guest at the transporter platforms, "Well, as the humans say, here goes nothing."

Thomas waited for the familiar blue lights of the transporter beam to dissipate then look around the room. He smiled at the woman standing in front of him and said, "Thomas Whitlock requesting permission to come aboard." It seemed a bit redundant since he was technically already aboard, but he saw no reason to argue that point.

"Granted." Ashara smiled and nodded her head, ~Well, he certainly is attractive enough, isn't he?~ "Welcome aboard the V'Riel, Mr. Whitlock. I am Arrain Ashara t'Khellian, commanding officer."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Thomas said, stepping off the platform and extending his hand. "I'm looking forward to seeing you and your ship in action."

"Yes, erie'Riov t'Khellian told me you wanted to see this operation from a different angle." Ashara smiled, "I can assure you you will get a very up close and personal view on the V'Riel, Mr. Whitlock."

Thomas looked at her and smiled. He liked that idea more than he wanted to admit at the moment. "So what happens now?" he asked.

"Now..." Ashara said, checking her watch, "Now we eat."

Thomas nodded and gestured to the door. "Lead the way, Captain."

And lead she did. The officers of the ship were gathered around a communal table packed with Romulan and Human delicacies, providing a welcoming atmosphere found on few Romulan vessels, especially for humans, "We're a trifle informal here on the V'Riel, Mr. Whitlock, it comes from many months long scouting missions spent in close quarters together. It's not at all uncommon for enlisted personnel to join us at the table, when merited by their performance and contribution to the mission."

Thomas looked around the room and nodded. Being around so many Romulans made him a little nervous and his did his best not to let it show. "I wasn't aware Romulans enjoyed eating human food," he said, trying to get the focus away from himself.

"Well, as much as I would like to say that these human dishes were prepared especially for you, they weren't. At least not entirely." Ashara explained, "Through my father's marriage with Eleni I've been introduced to many wonderful human cuisines, especially those of the Greek regions of Earth. Well, long story short, I fell in love with Greek food, and shared some of it with my staff, who began sharing it with other members of the staff and their families and friends and now we've almost always got something Greek on our table."

"And the Greek cafe on DS5 is full of Romulans." Her weapons officer laughed.

"Yes, it is." Ashara laughed with him, "But Stavros doesn't mind, our money is good, too."

Thomas looked at them and smiled. "Greeks have always had some interesting dishes. I'm more interested in trying some Romulan, though," he said, glancing at his hostess with a smile.

There was no way Ashara could've missed that, her sister had warned her about Thomas Whitlock and everything she'd said had been correct, "Well, I'm sure we can find something to satisfy your appetites, Mr. Whitlock."

"I certainly hope so," Thomas said with a smile. He turned and looked at the others, then looked at the commander again. "How often do you share your hospitality with Humans?"

"You'll find out." Ashara giggled, leading him to the table by the hand, "Come."


Arrain Ashara t'Khellian


Thomas Whitlock