Incommunicado – Into the Breach
by Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Into the Breach
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Mon Sep 03, 2012 @ 10:54pm
Location   Senior Officers' Conference Room, Deck 14
Timeline   SD58, 0825 hours
"Science officer, forgive me, I don't know your name, but can you stay for a minute." She saw Karen was already partially through the door and in her current state, Tasha decided it best to let the Commander take the time to shower and change for her daily duties and looked towards her 2nd executive officer, "Commander Dunham, would you remain also please." Tasha requested as she rose from her seat and nodded at each of the staff as they departed.

"Of course Captain." Chelsea replied and moved from one side of the CO to the other for reasons of her own.

Saria smiled and said "Lieutenant JG Rex, sir." She saw the rest of the senior staff depart, and wondered why she and Commander Dunham were told to stay.

Tasha waited for the doors to close before she made her way to replicator and ordered herself a fresh, cold pineapple juice and took the glass as it appeared and drank half the beaker before she turned back to the two waiting officers.
"Forgive me, I really needed something to drink. Please, help yourselves."
Tasha offered as she retook her seat.

"Thank you" Chelsea replied and took sparkling water for herself; she had developed an uncharacteristic thirst lately.

The captain waited without showing any cause for the time as the meeting had now concluded and this was a rare occasion where she could just sit and watch the stars from a different vantage point as both Saria and Chelsea settled back into the closer chairs.

"A good meeting." Tasha directed the comment to Chelsea before continuing.

"Yes, lots was covered." Chelsea agreed. "It was an eventful one though, I felt the *reasons* given for some of those who would not normally be invited were .... er.... perhaps a little shall we say.... *thin* but I don't suppose it mattered in the end."

Tasha nodded in semi agreement. The fact that Miss Monteros had been invited had somehow fired up some crew, whilst calming others. She had been an excellent pilot and could have been a real asset had she not decided to throw off her Starfleet mantle and embrace her heritage, but that was not open for debate or regret. She took a breath.

"Well, firstly, thank you both for staying. Lieutenant, I apologise for not meeting with you sooner. We have been rather pre-occupied of late with all that is going on," Her hands went upward as if to show frustration, "and I have missed a few of the transfers into the station, including your own." She said as she faced Chelsea, "Commander, I appreciate you being here also and giving me some extra time as I could not impose on Commander Villiers any further."

Tasha explained as if in excuse but not actually giving a reason. She eased herself around in the chair a little, so as not to appear pompous but still maintain her position in authority.

"Only too happy to help, Captain." Chelsea smiled affably. "You and the XO have huge amounts on your plates at the moment....." she added "as always...." before continuing "and the load should be spread where possible."

"That's alright, sir. I understand the situation you have ongoing on the station at the moment." Saria replied.

Tasha made a mental note that she should pass along some of the burden. She was about to ask if Saria was happy with things thus far, but the sweet smile on the science officers told Tasha she didn't need to ask and changed tack.
"How have you found the science department? To your liking?" She asked Saria whilst casting Chelsea nod of gratitude.

"Yes, sir. I must say, the Scientific facility on this station is far beyond one an a starship. Here, I got all the room and hardware I need." Saria replied. "And of course, a whole new experience. I haven't even worked with some of the equipment that I have access to."

Chelsea smiled. "The Medical facility is also state of the art, as they say. I understand how you feel about that."

Saria smiled as well. "Well, on a station the size of a small city, I'm sure it is. I will come by once to check it out, if you of course don't have any problems with that."

"Not at all, you'd be very welcome to call in at any time." Chelsea answered reassuringly.

Tasha had found the station too immense and even though she had been in command for over a year, she still didn't know every aspect of the station. Now though, was not the time for exploration of the internal structures of DS5, but she had more pressing matters with the suggestions thrown up by the meeting and she needed to have a science officer who was willing to take up the rein of department head whilst Jana had returned to Earth.

"It may take you longer than that to fully immerse yourself with all the facilities this station has to offer." She recalled the hyper drive assembly that was being worked on in the University area and had been "borrowed" by Moldriva. She shook her head, bringing her focus and attention to the present.
"Anyhow, the real reason I asked you both to stay, is for very selfish reasons." Tasha began as she moved in her seat, trying to find that comfortable position.
"Lieutenant, your department head, Lieutenant Kasikova had to return to Earth for personal reasons, but that has left us understaffed within the science department. We have plenty of technicians and science officers, but no one to take charge of the department, especially considering our current situation." She began, allowing Saria to concentrate on what she was saying, before carrying on.

"I see. I've been responsible for the Science department some time now while I'm not a Chief. But I'm ready to do what I'm ordered." Saria said, folding her hands together.

Tahir glanced at Chelsea, knowing that she had her own department to get back to also before continuing.
"What I am trying to say," She paused, "rather what I am offering, is an opportunity." Her hands spread apart as she thought on how best to put forward the motion.

"I want you," Again she looked across to Chelsea, "to take charge of the science facility and departments, on a trial basis, after all, going from science officer to department head is a big responsibility." She began, making it sound more like a chore rather than the opportunity that she was trying to portray, "one that can lead to a fast track in Starfleet promotions." Tahir shrugged her shoulders, not getting a inkling of how Saria was taking the offer and looked to Chelsea for support.

Chelsea got the silent message that this would be a good time for her to encourage the youngster and tell her that she would do fine in the role, but the CMO had already ascertained that this young woman was more than she first seemed. There was a confidence, perhaps a little too much so, about her. She didn't display any shyness or timidity at any time that Chelsea had seen so far.

Dunham remembered her own feelings when she found herself in charge of *her* department and didn't think she herself had been this confident, so by comparison she was pretty impressed already.

"I know it's a big step but in my opinion, I think the Lieutenant is up to the job." she smiled again, more broadly this time. "What do *you* think Acting Chief of Science?"

Saria smirked. "It is indeed a great step, sir. But I'm willing to take full responsibility of the Science department. A station without a functioning Science department is a very strange one."

"Indeed. But a station with a Science department that functions but off-kilter, is a worse one. You will have your work cut out but I'm sure we can count on you to give it 100% of your best efforts and there isn't much more anyone can promise than that." Chelsea continued.

Tasha nodded in agreement and leant forward, folding her hands together.
"I am sure that you will bring in your own style of leadership, but first and foremost, is the analysis of the data we have thus far as we discussed in this mornings meeting. Any questions Lieutenant?" Tasha enquired and leant back into her seat.

"I agree, sir." Saria smiled, again. "I'm ready to take the "acting" helm of the Science department, and do whatever needs to be done."

"Good." Tasha said, leaning forward once again. "Forgive me," The Captain began, thinking that the lieutenant may be a little young in appearance. "lieutenant, I must admit I don't know how your appearance, as one so young would give those who serve under you and I, if you don't mind, have just one question." She looked into the eye of the Science officer avoiding her left implanted one. "How old is your symbiont?" She asked with a captains tact.

"To be exact, sir... 1208 years. My symbiont, Rex, is a rare breed. Usually, common symbionts reach up from 700 to 1000 years, but mine has the luck to be living even longer." She said, looking at the captain.

Tasha had heard symbionts referred to in a number of ways, but never as 'Common'. She pondered for a second, if there was a status amongst them, but also moved the thought aside as she remembered that Saria was watching and waiting so covered her pause with a smile.
"I don't think then, that age will be an issue!" Tahir remarked as she stood and extended her arm across to the Trill. "Congratulations on your new post. Shall we say a few days trial, see if you enjoy the role?" She proposed.

"Thank you, sir. Doing a trial first will be no problem." Saria said, smiling of satisfaction. "I must say, every time one of my previous hosts was promoted in Starfleet, they would have such a great feeling afterwards, and I can still say I got that feeling."

"Commander?" Tasha said in opening to Chelsea to add anything.

Chelsea nodded. ~Yes, that might explain the young woman's air. She certainly comes across as someone 'beyond her years' as the expression goes.~ She mulled it over in her head, silently taking stock of what she had seen so far which wasn't much yet so it was too early to judge.

"A trial like this will give us all time to see if you take to leadership and also to give you an opportunity to shine." she said softly.

"Well no time like the present, lieutenant." Tasha said as her arm now rose to the door signalling the exit for Saria.

Saria nodded politely, and walked trough the doors.

The door closed as Saria left and Tasha slumped into the seat beside Chelsea as she pulled the hair band from her head with one hand and reached for the half glass of juice with the other.
"Chelsea, can you arrange a full medical for Saria Rex, at both yours and her earliest convenience. Something about her."Her voice trailed off as Tasha spoke. She she upped the glass finishing the juice and placed the band on the table.

"I know exactly what you mean, Captain" Chelsea's soft Bajoran ridges creased. "She's young and over-confident but with an experienced symbiont there's no reason why the two shouldn't compliment and balance each other along the way."

The CMO justified her own reasoning over this particular case, explaining herself outloud both to rationalise her own early-forming thoughts and to open the discussion and or rejection of them to her trusted CO for her opinion too.

"Isn't it just a matter of whether or not they can level their contrasts fast enough to handle this sudden uplift of responsiblity?"

(OOC: Further tag? Or does this merge sufficiently? love j)

Tasha shook her head. "No, I don't mean that. She has a drive, a passion and an aloofness. I can't describe it. She was not phased in the slightest by either of us as though she has no fear. That is not good. I practically fear for something every moment on this station." Tasha admitted as she put the empty beaker onto the table and eased around to look at the doctor and how her eyes would respond.

"Y...e..s....." Chelsea drew out the word pensively with a long breath. "It is said that true bravery is not simply an absence of fear, but having the courage and strength to withstand and overcome fear when it arises. Fear is a natural warning and a person without *any* fear can become a danger to themselves and a risk to others until they learn to see *red flag areas* and how to deal with them without being blase or dismissive. "

This was text-book stuff but Chelsea was still holding eye-contact with Tasha, sharing an undefinable, seemingly instinctive, mental note.

"An *officer* without fear has the potential to become a danger to their personnel simply by not being aware of the whole picture. They also need to understand how fear or would affect others, which is hard if they know none for themselves." Chelsea went on trying to rationalise her own dogma on this.

"We all *know* we have to be able to put ourselves into the big overview but there's also into the smaller over-picture that presents to each of those we are responsible both *for* and *to* and that needs an empathy and an awareness......" She didn't finish the comment as she wasn't sure yet if all of this applied in this case. It was still too soon to be sure what the signals would truly reveal in time.

"I will do the medical but I doubt if this is of physical explanation. Still, while we're on the subject of responsibilities *for and to*.... it's my job to tick all the boxes." Her serious expression lifted and she smiled at Tasha again. "I'll make it a priority and let's hope we're just being overly cautious and it's just her way."

~But if we *both* had that uneasy feeling, there must be something that set us both off. Let's hope it really *is* only the way she presents herself. Life usually shapes us all in time.~ the CMO's subconscious thought but was dissmissed to the "wait and see" tray.

"We'll have to wait and see, but I wish her all the very best." Tasha said as she stood, reached for the band and moved towards the door.
"After you, second officer." Tasha grinned as she reinforced Chelseas' position in the command structure.

Chelsea stifled a grin at being teased. Her cheeks pinkened pleasantly.

"Aye Sir!" she muttered good-humouredly as she passed the CO politely accepting the deference but with a sparkle as her own and her friend's eyes met again. The grin broke free. Tasha was indisputedly a wise and outstanding CO but it was a deeper feeling to know that she was also a good friend at the same time. Chelsea left the room an inch or two taller, reassured enough to lighten up about the Acting Chief Science Officer and her future. None of them were facing their fates alone here. That was what was so special about this station and it's team she thought.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Cmdr Chelsea Dunham
2CO & CMO - DS5

Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Acting Chief of Science