Cascade – Spring in One's Step
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Spring in One's Step
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Thu Nov 08, 2012 @ 8:31pm
Location   Hangar Bay
Timeline   SD70: 10:15

As soon as the flight team signalled and began their approach, Tasha tapped her com.

=^= "Commander Dunham, can you meet me on the flight deck please?" The Captain requested as she left Operations for the chance to bring a little joy back to the day.
So far, it had been nearly all grind since she rose this morning and what she had hoped wold be a run of the mill day, had turned itself around to be quite the opposite.

=^= Aye Captain =^= Chelsea replied, the words *flight deck* and the need for a medic to be there formed together in her head and made a pattern that she didn't like. Perhaps she was getting ahead of herself, she hoped so. She still had memories of Rick coming back from what had been supposed to be a routine mission, burnt to a crisp and hanging by a thread to what, if he had been a proverbial cat, would have been his 9th life.

She shoved that memory firmly out of her mind as she made her way to the assigned decks. ('Flight' being in need of more depth, occupied a triple deck area with a form of mezzanine which held Rick's office, above the craft inside.) Chelsea knew the whole set up well and arrived quickly.

=^= "I'm already on my way. Rick is inbound and I want you and a medical team on hand to check everyone out. We may have a casualty." She advised referring to both Anais and probably Rick once he was presented with an extra pip for his wings.

=^= On my way too, ETA 2 more minutes." Chelsea replied and quickened her pace. Her constantly appendaged med-kit was over her arm as always as she arrived at the turbolift.

~Those dreaded words. "May have a casualty" but who and how bad? ~ she couldn't help but wonder. However, the CMO was experienced enough to remain calm, despite what her subconscious was tempting her to think. She walked purposefully towards where the Captain was already standing, glancing out towards the force-field that was just being lowered, glimmering as it began to fade to allow the approaching Valkyries to sweep inwards and line themselves up for the last few hundred kilometers of their final approach.

As they appeared like little silhouettes, two of the craft looked to Chelsea as if they were almost *welded* together with two of the others. Did that mean they was being tractored?

Commander Dunham knew enough to realise which was her husband's craft from its familiar markings but these weren't visible until it had nearly landed. She looked at Tasha, waiting to hear an update on the casualty but not wishing to make contact without the CO having made her own first.

"You wanted to see me Captain?" was the proper thing to say, so that was all that came out of Chelsea's mouth at this moment in time.

Tasha didn't look around to Chelsea, her concentration on the craft now landing on the decks.

"I do." She replied equally distracted. "I did think it would be pertinent if you were to present Rick with his promotion." She began as she eased around to the spouse of the man she was referring to, "but looking at that, I am not sure now is the best time to do so. We've yet to have a report on who, if anyone, has been injured. Two ships are radio silent, but now seeing Ricks craft is there, I believe it is safe to assume that he is unharmed. Once we get them taken care of, I want Rick to report directly to me in his office, but I would still like you to do the honours." Tasha said, but realised she sounded like she was making little sense.

"I'll check out any injuries first, naturally, but thank you Ma'am... I'd really enjoy doing that particular presentation, as you can imagine." The CMO smiled broadly, her dark emerald and amber eyes shining and no sign of the characteristic frown that she often wore across her soft semi-Bajoran ridges.

The Vulture like Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighters landed gracefully on the deck....except for the two craft being tractored into space dock. These two were encased with a blue nimbus glow when they were released by the craft towing them and suspended just above the ground in another tractor beam. Rick didn't even wait for the ladder to be placed next to his small craft before he climbed out, and used the nose of the craft to jump off. He was heading over to the other paralyzed craft along with the other pilots to see if they were ok. As engineers got the hoods off the pits the 4 pilots gave thumbs up to indicate they were ok.

Chelsea Dunham also moved across towards where the two *stricken* Valkyries were landed but was waved cheerily away by both crews, all giving thumbs up signals and jumping spritely and clearly unharmed from their cockpits.

"Could you please get them all to report to Sickbay later for a complete check over?" Chelsea asked Will, the Gold Wing Leader who was just crossing that way to check up himself on *his* "darned" Cadet to see why she was being hauled in under a tractor beam. "Pesky kids!" he muttered good-naturedly, having become a self-appointed mentor to Cadet Jackson since she had arrived in his wing.

Chelsea grinned, stood back and noted the other crew who were also showing no ill-effects. "All of them, right Will?" she called, getting a friendly thumbs-up from Will as he receded towards the underside of the Valkyries which were rapidly being over-run by technicians, engineers, other pilots and a sea of attention. She returned to Tasha's side having reassured herself that no-one actually needed immediate medical care.

Tasha felt somewhat relieved as Chelsea made her way back to rejoin her and Tasha's hand went to her upper arm, guiding her to the CAGs office.
"We'll get the AA then as soon as Rick is done, I'll take a single step backwards, to which you can then give your husband a relieved hug and then, however you want to present him with his promotion. Sound like a plan?" Tasha asked as she pushed her hand into her pocket and retrieved the neat blue velveteen box and offered it to Chelsea.

"Thanks Ta... Thank you, Ma'am" Chelsea whispered back, gratefully taking the box and hiding it in the top of her med-kit. "I can't wait to see his gorgeous face."

Chelsea followed the CO into the CAG's office and waited for the right moment.

"Commander, remember, what we are about to do, is a serious occasion and must be duly respected." She gave a solemn nod coupled with a wink as she opened a channel to the Tyne.

=^= "DS5 to Tyne. Commander Villiers, just to advise that the fighters have returned and following our earlier discussion, in your absence, the escalation of Lieutenant Commander Dunham's position will be carried out." Tasha advised.

"Captain, this is Ensign DeRoot, the away team is still on board the unidentified vessel. I'll forward your communication to Commander Villiers directly she returns."

=^= "Understood, Tahir out." =^= Tasha responded.

After having a quick word with his engineers and checking his pilots were ok the CAG started to remove his gloves from his flight suit and then started to unfastened the latches to the rest of his suit, he was about halfway into doing this when he entered his office to find a small gathering was taking place. "Ma'am's" he said with a polite but wondering nod.

Chelsea’s smirk played about the edges of her lips but she curbed it and straightened her face formally waiting for Tasha to speak.

"Commander, can you give a brief After Action report?" Tasha stated in her best authoritive voice as she sidestepped

Rick didn't stop taking his flight suit off, being protected by the elements by his uniform under it. As he un-kitted, casually tossing parts of his flight suit onto the offices sofa (which did not really make much difference to the offices messy outlook, you couldn't really see the sofa any more, it was so covered in everything) Rick gave his a brief after action report. "Well we approached the planet and scanned it, their were about thirty life forms and some sort of debris field. The debris field seemed to contain some sort of converted borg tech. Then we got shot at by some sort of ground based heavy plasma weapon, which disabled to craft, then we came back." It was a very brief after action report.

Tasha nodded n the right place and shook her head when necessary.
"Excellent. I trust you'll get that into a report as soon as possible Commander." Tasha stated and took a single step back form Rick's desk, giving Chelsea her cue.

Chelsea stood tall - as tall and as formal as she could muster under the gaze of of 'those' eyes. She spoke formally as if she were passing some kind of sentence or official declaration.

"Lieutenant-Commander Richard Eric Dunham" she addressed him properly, carefully avoiding direct eye-contact so that she could carry this out without breaking her straight faced expression. "In recognition of outstanding service and the carrying out of your duties in an exemplary, courageous and dedicated manner, you are hereby awarded this promotion to the rank of Commander. Congratulations Commander Dunham, you deserve this."

The Second Officer then held out the soft blue, material covered box and opened the hinged lid, taking the new solid pip between her fingers and slipping it deftly into the place of the hollow one on the collar of the CAG, her husband and hero. She then stepped formally back and stood to attention in front of him, offering an old-fashioned salute to mark the occasion and make him smile.

"Thank you" said Rick beaming and glowing with pride as Chelsea pinned the pip to his collar his hands slightly trembling. He grinned at Chelsea returned the old fashioned salute.

"A well deserved promotion, Commander." Tasha grinned as she stepped forward with an extended arm to congratulate Rick on his promotion.
"I'll leave you two alone, but it would be appreciated if you can get your report uploaded as soon as you can." Tasha said as she gave her usual nod and dismissed herself.

Chelsea waited for Tasha to leave and those few others who were already in the office, did the same, filtering out tactfully to leave the Dunhams alone.

"I'm SO proud of you babe." Chelsea breathed, her eyes shining with adoration. She slipped forward and nuzzled his cheek, her face tilted upwards to look into his eyes.

Rick wrapped his arms around her waist and drew her closer, kissing Chelsea with a gentle stroke of his lips then embracing her in a long celebratory kiss.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Commander Richard Dunham
CAG Squadron Leader

Ensign Cori-Anne DeRoot
Strategic Ops
NPC by Louise

Commander Chelsea Dunham