Interlude – Pesky humans and protective Cardassians
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Pesky humans and protective Cardassians
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Tue Oct 26, 2010 @ 8:38am
Location   Lower Decks - Bar
Timeline   SD34 - 20:00 hrs

After getting themselves together after their scuffle in the holodeck, Arrienye and Sotar separated briefly as the Romulan wished to pop back to the Consulate just to check herself over in case the pain in her ribs was anything serious. He'd teased her but Arrienye didn't really care. She felt it was best to stay safe. After the medic on duty assured her that her ribs were simply bruised and that she should take it easy for a while, Arrienye changed out of her combat uniform and into something more comfortable.

Half an hour since they separated, Arrienye met Sotar in their regular bar, the only decent one on the lower decks. Walking over to the table he'd gotten, she smirked at him. "Settled in?" she asked before looking around. There wasn't a waiter in sight.

"Very well thank you." He replied sarcastically.

"I'll go get us that drink," she said, not asking what he'd want. They'd gone out drinking enough times for her to have a fair idea. Giving him a nod, Arrienye gently nudged her way towards the bar through the gathering mass of people.

"Hey watch it buddy" Lance snapped as he got bumped, spilling his drink, he turned and noticed Arrienye. A grin spread accross his face. "You know its customary if you spill somebodies drink to buy them another one. But in this case I would like to be the one buying you the drink."

Arrienye raised an eyebrow, trying to be diplomatic and keeping the annoyed look of her face. She just shook her head. "No thank you. I'll buy you the drink. I didn't mean to spill yours," she told him, looking down at what he was having.

"Well in that case, I'll have what you're having." Lance replied smoothly.

"Alright," Arrienye nodded as they reached the bar. She turned to the bartender - a tall Yridian. "I will have two Romulan Ales and a Kanar. The black kind," Arrienye ordered before pressing her thumb onto the credit padd to pay. "I'll be seeing you around," t'Merek told the human then, picking up her drink and Sotar's before turning to go back to their table.

Lance followed her back to the table, "It's also customary to enjoy said drink with the person who purchased it. Hi, I'm Lance Murdoch." He introduced himself.

Noticing he was following her, Arrienye sighed and turned back to look at him. "I'm Arrain Arrienye t'Merek, and I'm afraid I'm not familiar with such human customs. I would however suggest we follow an old Romulan-Human custom and you leave me alone." She'd tried being polite, but this was one annoyingly pushy human. Hell, they were all pushy, this one was just taking it too far.

Lance smiled "Well Arrain, its a new era of Romulan-Human co-operation, I suggest we do our part by getting to know each other a little better."

"I think I'll pass," Arrienye told him. "I think I know you well enough and you know me as well as you ever will."

"Well that's just not true," Lance perssisted "For starters I don't know which side of the bed you like to sleep on. Why don't we start there?"

Arrienye's blue eyes widened in surprise at his statement. "Excuse me?" she asked in disbelief, sure that she'd heard wrong.

"You're excused" Lance replied smoothly. "If you'd prefer we can move right along to what you like for breakfast?"

"Nothing that would concern you. How dare you speak to me this way?" Arrienye asked, raising her voice slightly.

"No insult meant," Lance said quickly, to calm the situation down. "You are a very beautiful woman Arrienye, your eye's sparkle like twin sapphires blazing against the infinate heavens. I would like to get to know you better is all."

Arrienye rolled her twin sapphires at his words. "I'm flattered," she lied. "But I'm not interested."

Lance shrugged his shoulders in resignation. "Oh well, your loss... I doubt you could handle me anyway." He turned to walk off.

Arrienye laughed. "Oh please! To even hear a human say that to someone else is ridiculous!" Later on, while thinking of this incident, Arrienye regretted speaking up.

Sotar noticed the Human talking to Arrienye. And Arrienye obviously getting a little pissed off. He stood up and dwarfed a passer-by, who seemed to scuttle on faster when Sotar stood. He hulked over to Arrienye and Lance and spoke in a profound voice that seemed to echo over everyone elses. "Is there a problem t'Merek?"

"There's no problem here friend." Lance spoke up. "The lady and I are just getting better acquainted."

"Everything is fine, Sotar," Arrienye assured the Cardassian. She didn't need someone to protect her. "He's just a very....persistent human," she explained, sipping her ale before handing Sotar his Kanar.

"See everything's fine, now move along friend, you're interrupting our conversation." Lance commented.

"Don't dismiss him!" Arrienye told him. "He's with me," she said.

Lance raised an eyebrow, "With you?"

"Yes. We're...friends," Arrienye decided with a bit of a heavy heart. She couldn't really classify what kind of relationship she had with Sotar. They'd both just kind of...grown together. "We're having a drink together," she added.

"Is my opinion valid or should I just stand here and look pretty?" Sotar piped in. Not only did he find this Human odd to be in a mostly, if not all, alien bar, but the fact he was rude toward Sotar wasn't good. Sotar was the type of man you didn't want to be on the bad side of.

Arrienye laughed, looking up at Sotar. "Excuse me," she told him. "What did you wish to say?"

"Well, no disrespect to you Arrain, but I'm not exactly defenseless. And, I'm confused as to what a Human is doing in a bar like this."

"Having a drink, friend, and doing my bit for inter-species relations" Grinned Lance. "You got a problem with that, buddy?" He asked.

"Firstly, I'm not your 'buddy'. Secondly, I despise people with problems. Humans with problems just burn my nacelles." Sotar said through gritted teeth.

"Great! Well I don't have a problem, you don't have a problem so clearly there is no problem, so why don't you pop off to the bar and get us another round of drinks? I'll have what the lady is having. Run along now."

Sotar looked at Arrienye and shot her a look that said 'get him out of here, or I will kill him'.

"He's not your little errand boy. And besides, we're here together," Arrienye jumped in, the look in Sotar's eyes clear. "How about this, you leave us alone now and you and I have a drink later in the week?" she suggested, crossing her arms over her chest.

"OK, but I'm going to hold you to that!" Lance smiled.

"Alright," Arrienye nodded in agreement. "I'll call you," she told him before leading Sotar back to their table.


JP by

Arrain Arrienye t'Merek
Head of Security/Diplomatic Aide
Romulan Consulate

Glen Sotar Telet
Head of Cardassian Staff
Cardassian Consulate

Dr Lance Murdoch
Chief of Surgery
Deep Space 5