Judgement – Payday
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Payday
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Sun May 22, 2011 @ 12:19am
Location   Personal quarters of Legate Hydel Turvan
Timeline   SD 37 - 02:00hrs
"Yes, Representative Madred. I understand the seriousness of the situatio---" he began to respond.

"I don't think you do Hydel." The younger Cardassian woman respond vigorously. "The political and military unrest on Feltor Prime is not just a 'situation'; it is a threat to our people! Without their regular shipment of resources, we face an outbreak within the Rhodian Providence and a loss of the crops in the Kalreen district." the young daughter to famed Gul Madred said angrily.

"I fully plan on investigating the mat---" Hydel began to respond when he was interrupted by his attache.

"Sir, a Federation officer is here to see you." Glin A'dan Galen stated from the doorway.

Legate sighed in a slight manner of relief. "Very Well, A'dan." He said as he turned back towards the main communication viewer. "Representative, I will have to continue this discussion with you at another time. I have matters to tend to here. Legate Turvan out." He said as he cut the communication.

"I swear, that woman is almost worst than her father! I can only imagine how drunk with power she would ever become if she ever was allievated to the Detapa Council's High Chamber." He said as he sat down in his chair; slightly frightend by the prospect of a "Councilwoman Madred".

"How can I help you Mr. Kel'tor?" He said as he rose from his chair to address the gold-clad Federation officer. that walked uneasily into his inner officer.

Kel'tor observed his surroundings of the Cardassian visitor for several moments before entering the office. He had never been to Cardassian Prime himself, but he could tell that their idea of "art" left much to be desire.

"Welll, Mr. Hydel, I'm assuming that you haven't forgotten about our little arrangement?" Kel'tor said, not wanting to waste time with pleasantries.

~Direct, isn't he?~ Turvan thought to himself as he stood to walk across the carpeted room towards his cabinet. He pressed his palm against the sensor in order to unlock one of his more favored possessions: A 2249 bottle of Kanar. He reached for a glass and poured the contents of the bottle into the glass as he turned to the security officer.

"Can I offer you a glass?" The Legate offered.

"Sure, why not?" Kel'tor replied as he crossed the room and accepted the offered beverage. Kel'tor had noticed that other races on the station had a negative reaction to the thick viscous liquid. However, Kel'tor's kind had cultivated several drinks that were similar to Kanar and had grown to accepted, if not enjoy the drink.

"Now, about our arrangement?" Kel'tor continued to press.

"Of course, of course. How could I forget the wonderful assistance you provided in dealing that unpleasant fellow, Ambassador Getal." Turvan stated as he walked back to his chair and re-claimed his seat.

"I'm sure that it was no simple task on your behalf." Turvan added.

"You damn right it wasn't." Kel'tor said as he sipped his drink. "I spent hours searching the lower decks trying to find a piece of DNA evidence belonging to the Cardassian that could be planted." He said. "Not to mention, I had to alter the sensor logs around that area to insert the Ambassador's vocal patterns." He added.

"So then, the sensors show him entering her quarters?" Turvan added.

"No, that'd be too easy to spot. Instead, there will be evidence of him being in the vicinity of her quarters during the time of her death. It ain't conclusive, but it is enough to place him near the scene and if anybody questions the integrity of the logs, then it can be chalked up to someone's attempt to "sabotage" the records." Kel'tor added, quite proud of himself.

"I must admit that I'm impressed, how were you able to pull off such a feat without detection?" Turvan inquired.

"It was easier due to the Intelligence Chief being off the station. Without him around I was able to use the access codes from his department without anybody batting an eye." He stated. "IF anybody checks, it'll seem as if the Intell department was conducting some type of review of sensor log information."

Turvan smiled to himself as the officer recounted the steps taken. He knew that with the Cardassian Ambassador out of the way, it would leave a power vacuum for the Legate himself to assume the coveted position of power. Now all that was necessary was to simply sit back and wait for the Federation authorities to do their job.

"Very well, Mr. Kel'tor. You will find that your payment has been remitted to the designated account." Turvan said as he stood up, indicating that it was time for the officer to leave, less he actually become too comfortable.

"Yeah, no problem. Glad to have been of service." Kel'tor said as he took one final gulp from his drink and proceeded to exit the room.


Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Union

Starfleet Security