Incommunicado – Final arrangements
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Final arrangements
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Thu Jan 26, 2012 @ 8:23pm
Location   Intelligence office
Timeline   SD51 1500 hrs

Rhiana had been swamped with requests from starfleet, security arrangements for two of the Admirals, the third was not going to arrive on time due to a travel issue. Admiral James was arriving with one body guard, Admiral Edwards had an aide and a body guard, sadly Admiral Janeway was not going to be there.

She looked over the security arrangements for the memorial they were in order, sadly enough the Wallace family would not be present as Mrs Wallace was in poor health, Rhiana thought it was for the better too. She looked over the list of VIPs and shook her head, it was just long enough to to make her realize that if he was alive somehow he was going to be welcomed back, or loathed by those who thought he was gone. An odd and rather unusual last minute addition was an individual who the record showed as Suzanne Delbert, she showed up in the records as a retired CIO from USS Melbourne, but for some reason there had to be more there that she thought, she made a note to do a quick check when she had time.

She made one final look at the information at hand, excluding the bodyguards there was a reasonable amount of security, the catering was pretty mixed considering the number of attendees. She wanted more time to ensure that this wasn't all for nothing, there was too many questions as to the actual status of Lieutenant Wallace and that made her uncomfortable, and she wasn't to certain that Martina wasn't going to give up either, the two of them were debating conducting an investigation into the raid on the pirate base, plus the evacuation of the surviving people from the science ship.

She saw Chief Ayers walk by an odd grin on his face, ~What was that about?~

John walked in, "So boss, whens the big boohoo fest?"

"shortly, Admiral James is aboard the Halifax, you can greet him."

"Oh" John felt two inches tall at that moment.

"Yeah, Marti is going to meet Admiral Edwards when he arrives later on." Rhiana leaned back "I'm trying to get the Romulan ambassador to greet this senator that is arriving, but none of the embassy staff have replied to my requests as of an hour ago, and I don't want to do it personally."

"Let me find out from the first officer if she can help." he paused taking another long pull from his coffee "What is it with you and the Romulans around here besides the obvious?"

"I am just uncomfortable around them, I haven't been around many Romulans since I was 14 Terran years old, my parents and a few others fled in a very old ship, we were rescued by a federation vessel, that when I met the Lieutenant for the first time."

"Never knew that about you, I met him at a shoot competition while I was still a cadet, I was one of the few remaining cadets still in the competition, and I was in the final with him and a marine, the marine missed and the lieutenant and I wound up tied for first." John paused "The only recorded tie in that category ever."

"Marti was recruited directly out of the academy by the lieutenant, and the Chief and him go back to the days of team seven."

"He had quite an interesting career, do you really think hes gone?"

Rhiana looked over at John "If he is, chances are hes in some kind of protection right now, or he was to badly injured hes been forced into retirement and they simply put him in hiding to protect his children."

"That's right she is due soon, damn." John cursed

"Yeah, has anyone attempted to locate Suzanne Wallace yet?" Rhiana asked

"That's been the easy part, shes back on Earth teaching at some school in north America." John reported "I asked the public information office to contact her about events not sure how to deal with anything else that pops up after that."

"I'll take care of it, was there something we missed?" Rhiana asked

"Nope, I'm done for the day, see you at 0700." John said as he stood up.

"Ok John, have a good one."


Lt jg Rhiana T'sahen

Ens John Maxwell