Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Altercation
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno

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Title   Altercation
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno
Posted   Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 6:38pm
Location   Depths of DS5 - Cargo Hold
Timeline   SD4 after Isha takes the Romulan Consulate
Tag   Anyone haha

What was she thinking, Raedheol fumed as he strode down the promenade.

Less than a station day in charge of the consulate and she already demanded it be redecorated! Isha had it all planned, Isha and her sweet deceptive smile, Isha who insisted that he oversee the transfer of her goods stored all the way down on deck 882; it was a long way to cargo bay 347.

Rh’vaurek paused by the rail, rechecking the padd, there was no mistake. A look of grim determination on his face, he resumed his journey into the depths of DS5.

Ryan left sickbay hours ago, he hadn't even been back to his quarters yet, or contacted Chelsea. He had been wandering for hours and hours he didn't even realise he was getting deep into the lower decks of the station. Suddenly he heard a beeping of the PADD, and considering the eerie quietness of the area he was in, it made him jump slightly, he hadn't expected anyone else to be there. He carried on slowly and came to a corner and as he was turning it, someone was walking ahead of him, the person had their back to him.

Ryan stopped dead and frowned. ~Raedheol...~ he thought. He stepped back slowly and walked out of view. He removed his commbadge and placed it on the floor and proceeded to follow him. If there was a time for confrontation and to find out what the hell was going on, it was now.

Rh’vaurek heard a step but he didn’t pause, if someone had business with him they would show themselves soon enough; no point in alerting them that he was aware. Most likely it was some other poor soul sent down to this place by some crafty and unreasonable woman.

“Sehu-mne'lli,” he said, 347, He entered the access code that Isha had provided him with and sure enough the doors opened, but now among the stacks and shelves of crates and packing cases he had to find the ones that belonged to her. “I’m going to wring her neck,” he muttered with a shake of his head.

Rh’vaurek straightened and placed his padd on the nearest shelf, “Who’s there?” he said, if it was Pellan then Raedheol had seriously underestimated him.

Ryan waited until the heard the hum of the doors and followed him in. "Well well well...what you got here then?" he asked, breaking the quietness of the room. Ryan didn't think Raedheol would expect it to be him.

Raedheol turned slowly, “Doctor Milarno, what a pleasure,” he said without the slightest attempt to imbue his smile with sincerity.

Rh’vaurek did not know how much or how little Adams had told her boyfriend about her visit to the embassy, it didn’t really matter. The two men had taken an instant dislike to one another and the boy, in Rh’vaurek’s opinion, was a seething pot of unresolved conflict – he’d been that way himself once and it was only a matter of time before it frothed and spilled over the rim.

Cracking the knuckle of his left little finger Raedheol noticed the one missing detail from the doctor’s uniform, he understood Milarno’s intention.

“Boy like you shouldn’t be wandering down here alone,” Raedheol said. “Lost someone have you?”

Ryan looked squarely at him. "No, just decided to take a walk, ended up down here, bumped into you, and to be honest..." Ryan laughed. "It wasn't a surprise to find you lurking in the dark..." Ryan said as he stepped closer and leaned against a cargo crate.

He chuckled. “Well, doctor, its obviously not your wit that Chelsea finds attractive,” Raedheol said folding his arms. “Quite feisty, isn’t she,” he goaded.

Ryan lifted his head a little, the only light shining down on him made him look menacing as he looked at Raedheol. "How would you know how feisty she is? Been up to something you shouldn’t have been? I mean you've been with her plenty of times if I'm not mistaken..."

It was too easy! Milarno was obviously too passive aggressive to actually confront her about it and all that anger and jealousy was going nowhere. Raedheol had already sized Milarno up and he was the one with the advantage; the kid had no chance. This was going to be fun

“Ask Chelsea. I can’t think why she feels the need to sneak off in the middle of the night, can you?” Raedheol shrugged.

"I was aware she left in the middle of the night, on a medical emergency" Ryan stepped closer. "Don't push me Raedheol, you'll be surprised at what I can actually do that face of yours..." He threatened, he was angry right at that moment, it all came out bit by bit, each time he spoke.

So much tiresome posturing! Raedheol laughed unpleasantly, “You have no idea who you’re dealing with, son. Turn around and walk away,” he said, his hand flicking in a sharp dismissive gesture.

Ryan laughed. "I'm not going anywhere, what exactly could you possibly do to make me leave huh?" he asked.

Rh’vaurek shook his head and stepped forward, the distance between them narrowed to a foot or two, “I want you to stay, Ryaaan!” he drawled, “you really are the most annoying tick I’ve met since arriving in this dump. And what are you? A doctor! No use to anyone who hasn’t got a knife in his gut.”

Ryan smirked and looked away and let out a long breath. "And what is so special about you? I mean, nothing right? You're just worthless piece of scum and the sooner you're off this station, the better, I find it hard to believe you actually have any friends..." he spoke quietly but the tone of his voice was effective. "Does anyone actually like you?" he continued, looking directly at him.

“Chelsea does,” Raedheol replied with a wink.

Ryan knew she didn't but that statement from him stung like hell, and without thinking he lashed out and pushed him hard into the crate behind him.

As he caught his breath Raedheol straightened, “Alright,” he said the playful taunting gone from his tone. He paced forward, emphasising his words with each jab of his finger, “One last chance, boy. Walk away.”

He paused for just a second, not enough time to allow Milarno to reply or depart even had he wished to, “Didn’t your mother teach you it was rude to shove,” he said doing exactly that.

Ryan stepped back as he was shoved. "Probably at one time yeah, but who follows rules eh? I'm certainly sure you don't!" Ryan walked back up to him and was right in his face as he said it.

Raedheol’s face split into a dangerous and malevolent grin. He grabbed Milarno’s throat and crashed him back into the shelves bringing the back of his free hand down across Milarno’s nose.

“No, I don’t,” he agreed propelling him to the floor.

Ryan fell straight onto his back and slid across the floor a little. He seethed with anger and stood again, his eyes set on a barrel, he walked over to it and picked it up. "Wonder what this will feel like..." he said to him, a second before he hurled it towards him.

Raedheol ducked and shifted, grunting as the rim struck his sluggish shoulder. The barrel contacted the floor with a resonating clang; he noted that he no longer had the advantage of youth and speed, though he’d worry about that when the pain set in.

“Is that all you can do?” he growled, “throw things?”

"That my 'friend' was just the beginning..." Ryan said walking quickly over to him, his fists clenched together and within a second Ryan unleashed them fast and hard upon his face. After a few hits, Ryan grabbed Raedheol's throat. "You gonna leave me and Chelsea alone or not?!" he yelled, as he noticed the green blood on his hands from the punches he had given him. "Answer me!" he shouted.

Raedheol’s head lolled back and for a moment he relaxed before he coughed and choked. He clamped his fingers hard around Milarno’s wrist; enough to relieve the pressure on his windpipe. “I’ll do nothing by your demand!” he spat, wrenching the doctor’s hand away.

He tasted his blood in his mouth even as Milarno must be drinking his own from the wound he had given him, “As long as your woman has anything to do with mine, she’s my business.”

Ryan looked at him, the ridges on his nose wrinkled even more as he scrunched his face and punched him hard again.

Rh’vaurek reeled before regaining control of his feet and returning the blow, “I’ve been good to you, doctor,” he said as his fist struck Milarno’s jaw.

Ryan fell back as he was struck, he put one hand on his knee and another on his jaw, rubbing it. "Good to me..." he laughed. "I've put up with a lot of crap lately, this is nothing!" he told him as he stood straight and spat blood from his mouth.

“Oh yes, very good. As it is, I don’t give a flying fuck about your troubles. You have a mouthy girl you can’t control who seems intent on interfering with mine,” Raedheol rolled his eyes even as he wiped the back of his hand over his lips.

“You’re a failure, just like the rest of your federation friends,” Raedheol turned away, “You’re beneath me, Ryan,” he said.

"Excuse me?" Ryan asked as he walked up to him again and launched his foot into the back of Raedheols' leg which knocked him forward causing him to knock his head on a cargo container.

The words Raedheol said as he slumped to the floor did not translate. It could have been a minute or an hour before his eyes opened, but when they did he pushed to his feet using the container for support.

“You’re dead. Milarno,” It was the first and only thing that entered Raedheol’s mind before the sheering pain circled his skull and his legs gave way. Unwilling, he dropped to his knees.

"You'll pay for today and I can't wait until that day arrives..." Ryan said as he stood over him and kicked him hard in the stomach.

After the impact Rh’vaurek retched, his arms circling to protect his own gut. His head was not right as he pushed himself up, “I’ll …” he said pulling himself to his knees before the pain in his skull drove him down again.

"I'll be seeing ya..." Ryan said threateningly before wiping the blood from his face with the sleeve of his uniform. When he left the room he stood in the darkness leaning against the bulkhead. He took a breath and continued back the way he came. He grabbed his commbadge and put it back on and took the quieter route back to his quarters so not to arouse suspicions.


Lieutenant Ryan Milarno
Deep Space Five


Rh’vaurek Raedheol
Chief of Staff, Romulan Consulate