Arrival Atlana Durak’s Personal Log - More then I expected

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Title   More then I expected
Author   Arrival Atlana Durak
Posted   Sat Feb 16, 2013 @ 2:53pm
While I have only been here a few short days it has become clear that my past follows me like ghost in tow, whether through my own doings or the watchful eyes of others this inescapable history haunts me, taunts me and threatens to remove what little joy i have found in my antiques.
Sarish Anjar has taken refuge here as well, of all places of all the holes in the galaxy he find the one deep space platform that I have sought out. Perhaps it is for the best, as we cannot kill one another here, we are forced to take a different approach to our intimacies of hatred for each other. While Sarish Anjar hates everything Cardassian and all my kind I find myself as always decliciously devoted to learning more and more about their culture. The Order had always allowed it and called it intelligence research. I have always take it personally as they culture is rich with traditions that are alien to me. Our kinds are so different, it is easy to see how they have come to clash.
I'm getting off track...
Trellis has made it clear that I will not be getting a business license anytime soon because I will not share this personal conflict with him. and Trevan, the cardassian pro tempore Ambassador has made it himself known and most of his ambitions. Still the drama of politics is thick even within the loose folds of the federation. I should much perfer to associated with Klingons at the moment, of course at the moment of the three the only one I consider a worthy opponent is Sarish Anjar.