Deception: The lesser part of Valour
A SOS call from the transport ship, SS Revagiant, has fighters & escorts dispatched from DS5 to guide her safely back to the station.
The Sarek has reached the Revagiant and fought off one of the pirates and the USS Pollux and USS Castor are seeing to the others, to get us underway into our main plot.
The Lady Moldriva has plans to leave, but will she escape? She was been apprehended, but now a more sinister force is looming on the horizon. The Oosami and the Flenetians.
The Oosami departed and the Flenetians are coming
Festivities are underway as the Flenetian Overlord cometh! to chastise his wayward daughter
The daughter of Lord Lonfrey has left the station and we now face our biggest threat to station harmony, the assassination attempt on Captain Tahir.
After the assassination attempt on the stations commander, a surreal interrogation is taking place. With the loss of one of the stations security officers who gave his life to protect the Captain, a period of mourning must be allowed for!

Mission Specifics
Start Date   Wednesday, March 19th, 2008 @ 05:18am
End Date   Monday, February 2nd, 2009 @ 07:57pm
Total Posts   134 [ View Posts ]
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