Judgement – Unfortunate aide
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Unfortunate aide
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Sun Jan 23, 2011 @ 12:09am
Location   Arrienye's quarters
Timeline   SLIGHT BACKPOST - SD36 - 01:00hrs

It had been two hours since her punishment but to Arrienye it felt like a decade. The pain was excruciating and she'd spent those two hours trying depserately to bandage herself. But of course, it was impossible. Throwing the small piece of gauze away, Arrienye somehow pulled herself up from her chair and slid her robe back on slowly. Going over to her computer console, she hailed the most unlikely person.

Amalia heard the chiming of the console, even though Maiell didn't, and walked over to answer it, "Hello?"

"Ma'erlit?" Arrienye's began needlessly, as it was obvious who the answerer was. "It's t'Merek. I apologize for waking you but...I need your help" The last came out much quieter than usual, with a feeling of dread washing over Arrienye. She hated having to call someone like this for help. If only Maiell had known when to keep his mouth shut...

"Okay." Amalia answered, concerned as she listened to Arrienye's voice, something was very wrong, "What do you need?"

"Nothing. I have all necessary supplies. I just need some help applying them. Don't take too long." The connection ended.

Amalia still didn't know what the hell all of this was about, but she wasn't going to keep Arrienye waiting, something was obviously very wrong and she needed her there. Amalia dressed quickly, not even bothering with shoes as she scurried to Arrienye's quarters and rang the chime.

"Enter," t'Merek said, the door opening in front of Amalia. Her bedroom was lit well and Amalia could smell herbs and incense filling the room. Arrienye sat on a small stool and Amalia saw that her arms and legs were bandaged, with several medical supplies on a table within reach.

"My God, what happened to you?" Amalia gasped, rushing to Arrienye's side. The Romulan's back was a jigsaw puzzle of torn flesh and gaping wounds, "Who did this to you?"

"Don't ask, because I will not answer," she made clear. "And don't tell tr'Tahn," she told her. "Do I have your word?" It was a risk, but also a great test of character for Ma'erlit to prove herself.

"All right." Amalia nodded, she hated having secrets kept from her, hated more to keep them from Maiell, but this was obviously an extreme circumstance which called for extreme measures, "So what do you need me to do?"

Arrienye sighed, grateful for now. "I need the wounds on my back to be sterilized, antibiotic ointment put on and bandaged. Can you do that?" she asked.

"Of course I can." Amalia smiled, setting about it right away. The wounds had obviously been made by some sort of weapon, from the looks of it almost like a cane, ~My God, do they really still do that? No, the Cardies must have done this...~

As Ma'erlit moved behind her, Arrienye winced from the rush of air. "Don't hesitate, just do what you have to and pay no mind to me," she warned. This was going to be painful.

"All right." Amalia nodded, still nervous about hurting Arrienye in spite of her protestations to the contrary. She set about treating the wounds as gently as she could, though the herbs and medicines were clearly causing her some discomfort.

There was little that didn't cause Arrienye discomfort in her condition, but she stayed remarkably quiet, apart from a few flinching movements when Amalia touched any particularly sensitive area.

Amalia finished quickly, in spite of having to stop to say "Sorry" every time Arrienye flinched, "There, looks a lot better." She said, and it did, if for no other reason than the gaping wounds were now covered.

Arrienye reached up, wiping a few beads of sweat from her forehead that had formed from the stress. "Thank you," she said quietly, unable to turn around so not even trying to attempt it. Putting her hand on the nearby chair, she slowly tried to stand up. She stood, but then with a pained grunt sat again, her breathing picking up. She legs burned as blood rushed in when she stood and the pain the pressure brought with it was nearly unbearable.

"Okay, why don't you let me help you get wherever you're going?" Amalia offered, reaching a hand down to help Arrienye up.

"I should get to bed. I have work in the morning," t'Merek replied, taking her hand in her gloved one.

"Work?" Amalia shook her head in disbelief, "In your condition? You're kidding, right?"

"Do I give that impression?" Arrienye asked, standing up slowly. Suddenly, much to her embarrassment, the silence was filled with a rumble from her stomach. She actually blushed a bit, but hoped Amalia would blame it on the pain and frustration.

"You hungry?" Amalia asked, "I can make you something."

Arrienye sighed in frustration. Not at the Bajoran, of course, but because of this entire situation. "Maybe something light. You could just replicate it," she suggested, sitting down again.

"All right." Amalia nodded, "Maybe some plomeek soup?"

"Ew, no," Arrienye made a face. She hated plomeek soup. Her grandfather used to eat it all the time and the smell brought her lunch up every time. "Maybe something sweet."

"Okay, I know just the thing." Amalia smiled, punching in a recipe for a Bajoran pastry with icoberry jam, "Oh, and for the record, I hate plomeek soup, too."

"It's disgusting. I don't know how my grandfather ate it every day," Arrienye shook her head. As Amalia waited for the pastry to be replicated, her attention was grabbed by a picture in a frame on a nearby shelf. It was of two children, a girl with bright blue eyes with her arm around the shoulders of a familiar looking boy.

Amalia couldn't have missed that picture, let alone not known who those children were, "Oh my God! That's Maiell! And the little girl is you!" She gushed, "You two were such cute children!"

Arrienye watched her get excited over the picture and smirked. They were cute when they were children. Looking at the frame, Ma'erlit's finger slipped onto the touch-screen and the image changed to another one. This one was of eight children, a bit older this time. Maiell and Arrienye were there, along with another six boys, all of them dressed in mint green and white uniforms, standing in a large garden.

"Wow, you'd really blossomed by this time." Amalia smiled, "Who are the others beside you and Maiell?"

"My other cousins," Arrienye explained. Some of the boys were older than the rest, with Arrienye looking quite small and delicate in the middle of them.

"Okay." Amalia smiled, retrieving the pastries from the replicator and bringing them to Arrienye. She lifted the first to Arrienye's lips so she could take a bite, "I figure trying to do too much with your arms would be a terrible idea right now, so I'll do that for you."

But Arrienye shot her a look. This was just taking humiliation to a new level. Reaching up, she took the pastry from her before taking a small, cautious bite. Chewing, she tasted the jam burst with flavor. "Mm, this is good," she said.

"One day when we actually plan a get together I'll make you some real ones." Amalia promised, "If you think the replicated ones are good, wait until you taste one fresh from the oven."

"I think it's best you don't. I might enjoy them too much and I have a figure to maintain," Arrienye said with a smirk, finishing the first pastry.

"Actually, that's the great part about these." Amalia smirked knowingly, "They're actually low in fat and very healthy, they just taste like they have to be bad for you."

"Right," Arrienye nodded, eating another pastry before shaking her head at Amalia when she offered a third. "No, thank you. I've had enough. I should get to bed, but moving is not favorable right now."

"I'll help you." Amalia offered, reaching down to take Arrienye's hands.

As Amalia began to help her up, Arrienye groaned loudly. "Let go! Stop!" she said and when she did, Arrienye sat back down, breathing heavily in short breaths.

"Okay, oh my God, I'm sorry!" Amalia sputtered, "Did I hurt you?"

"No, I screamed because I'm feeling absolutely fantastic!" Arrienye exclaimed in frustration at her stupid question.

"Okay, look, no need to be rude." Amalia replied, "I've been trying to help, nothing else."

Arrienye sighed. "I know..." she just said, closing her eyes and waiting for the pain to subside.

"Let's just stay here for a bit." Amalia suggested, "See if the pain backs off any."

Arrienye nodded quietly, looking off to the side. She couldn't look her in the eye for now. She was in pain and frustrated, not in the mood to really be very good company to anyone.

Amalia knew what sort of mood Arrienye was in, couldn't blame her for it either, so, she just sat quietly beside her, they'd talk when she was ready.

"So...how long have you and tr'Tahn been together?" she finally asked after about five full minutes of silence.

"Since a few days after the CAG's incident." Amalia answered, she didn't like to refer to what had happened to Rianni as a suicide attempt, it bothered her too much to think of someone she cared for that much wanting to end their life.

"That's a long time," Arrienye stated, looking down at her hands, playing the the edge of her gloves. Well it wasn't, really, in her opinion. But it's too long to just accidentally not tell your cousin, the only family you had on board.

"Yeah, but it still feels so fresh and new, it's wonderful." Amalia smiled, noticing Arrienye playing with her gloves, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead," Arrienye allowed. ~You've already seen more of me than most, why not?~

"What's with the gloves?" Amalia asked, going straight to the point, "You never take them off and I was wondering why."

Looking down, Arrienye examined her gloves as if noticing them for the first time. "We're not that close," she answered, looking up at Amalia again.

"All right." Amalia nodded, "Sorry to ask."

"No, it's alright. I just don't want to talk about it," Arrienye said. "You'll find I'm difficult that way," she smirked.

"I find your whole species to be difficult in that way." Amalia laughed, "Even the CAG and she's only half Romulan."

"You'll find the Merek line to be slightly more difficult," t'Merek smiled. ~She doesn't seem like a bad girl. Pity she's Bajoran...~

"Yeah, I've heard a little about your mother, she's a Senator or something right?" Amalia said, "Heard she's a real hardcore traditionalist and not the most flexible of people."

Arrienye paused, giving Amalia a strange look. "No, my mother is the Vice-Admiral of a Fleet, but that second part is mostly true," she explained. "My father is a Senator, and that goes for him as well. Did tr'Tahn tell you this?"

"Nope." Amalia shook her head, "I've been spending more time around the Romulan cafe of late, trying to get a better understanding of your people. I overheard some members of the CAG's crew talking about them, seems your mom and dad aren't exactly fans of the CAG getting the Dhelan."

Arrienye blinked. "Well that's understandable," she admitted, deciding not to comment.

"Oh?" Amalia said, a little taken aback, "I take it you don't like the idea, either."

"It's not my place to comment on my superiors' choices," Arrienye told her neutrally.

"Uh huh." Amalia nodded, adding, "Give her a chance, I bet you'll come around."

Arrienye sighed. "Why do you care? I mean, yes, she's your friend, but if I don't like her, what would that have to do with you?"

"Mainly because I want her to be your friend, too." Amalia answered honestly, "Quite frankly I think you could use all the friends you could get, we all can."

"What is that supposed to mean? You people are pushy, you know that? Excuse me for being picky about the people I wish to surround myself with. Maybe I have all the friends I want and it takes me more than a month to actually call someone a friend."

"Okay." Amalia sighed, it seemed all the progress she thought she had made with Arrienye wasn't so much as she'd thought, "Never mind."

Arrienye sighed, looking away for a few moments. "The only reason I'm willing to give you a chance is because of tr'Tahn. Apparently, he likes you for some reason and I'm not saying I don't, because you seem like a nice enough girl. But I still don't agree with your relationship with my cousin, though I'm willing to tolerate it." t'Merek knew she had no reason to explain herself, but didn't want to give Ma'erlit the wrong impression. "I won't interfere, but you won't see me jumping with joy. Alright?"

"Right." Amalia nodded, ~Nope, same old Arrienye. Nasty to the very core.~

"Right." Arrienye sat with her quietly for a while, then looked at her again. "Thank you for tonight," she said softly, meeting her eyes.

"No problem." Amalia smiled, it was the least she would have done for anybody in the same situation.

Arrienye nodded. "Then you're a better person than I am."


JP by

Crewman Ma'erlit Amalia
NPC by Rianni


Arrain Arrienye t'Merek
Head of Security
Romulan Consulate