Beg, Steal or Borrow – Satisfaction
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   Satisfaction
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Sun Jun 28, 2009 @ 2:23am
Location   Secondary Operations
Timeline   SD9 08:00

=^= "Ensign Elliott, please respond." David called again. The computer was not able to accurately state his whereabouts and it annoyed the commander as Davies wondered why the ensign had not responded to his hails. His department heads were mainly gathered after the mornings happier events that had so quickly turned into a debacle.

John wandered around the unfamiliar halls of his new assignment with a mixture of awe and terror. He had only arrived maybe en hour or so prior and already he felt as overwhelmed as the first Warp-ships must have felt when they first left Earth. The last ship he had been on was under 50 decks while this station had more than a thousand! He thought it would have been easy to find his way to Operations, but he could now tell he was lost.

"Ensign Elliott to Operations," He spoke to his comm badge after a quick tap. He hoped his voice hid the feeling of despair he had. Despair and embarrassment. After several moments there was no response. He hit it the small badge again. "Ensign Elliott to Operations, anyone there?" Again, silence.

He grunted, quickly becoming angry. The comm badge was making an odd chirp instead of the normal pitch he knew. He had a feeling it was broken but he didn't have any sort of tools on him to work with it. He began to feel very agitated. He grabbed the badge from his chest and flung it against the nearest wall, startling some near-by civilians.

"Why am I always getting Starfleet hand-me-downs that are obviously brok-" he was starting to yell when he noticed that sound was coming from the badge. He scrambled to where it sat on the floor, scratched but possibly working.

"Ensign Elliott to Operations?" he asked faintly.

Ayren was walking to her office, but then halted, realizing that the repair crews still busy repairing the bulk head where the explosion took place in which she got hurt. Her mind went back to the events that took place there and the illusion she had created. At least *that* explosion never took place....

The cry of agony that bellowed forth from the young ensign could be heard from many decks around him, John's displeasure at being lost with his broken comm badge being shown blatantly.

"Aaaaagggh!" he yelled, careful this time not to throw his badge. He knew he was being ridiculous, throwing a tantrum like this, but he was sure now the Captain of this station would have him sent back to Earth for this. Not showing up on time, having a broken badge, being on an unauthorized level. The possibilities for his transgressions seemed endless.

He leaned forward and rested his forehead against the nearest wall, the cool metal making his otherwise warm head soothing him. He took several deep breaths and tried to relax. He knew he would find his way back but he just had to keep his cool. He would find a way, even if it jumped out at him and bit him.

Ayren shook her head and walked over the the obviously distressed young man. "Ensign, can I assist you," dark haired diplomat asked. She was dressed jeans today, knowing that there would be dust and debris and repair crews around. She wasn't going to get too much work done.

John was about to give up and look away when he heard a voice call to him. He looked over and say a very beautiful woman looking at him, her auburn seemingly flowing despite the fact she was stationary. It took him a moment to realize he was possibly staring at her. He could feel his cheeks glow.

"Yes ma'am," He began, his voice quiet. "I'm Ensign Elliott. John Elliott. I'm the new Assistant Chief of Operations here. I hope.." He muttered the last part to himself before continuing normally. "A Bajoran pointed me to this deck, but I don't know if he knew where I was trying to go. That and my Comm badge doesn't seem to be working." He sighed and shook his head. He then grinned weakly. "Dont suppose you know the way?"

Ayren smiled at the young man, noticing his embarrassment, but made sure he didn't know that. "To Ops?" She asked and when he nodded, she continued. "I am Ayren Kelan, CDO and I do indeed, you need to do up a bit. This is the diplomatic centre, Deck 59. You need to go down to Deck 2. She ushered him towards the turbo lifts. I think they had also had some damage, so be careful." On reaching the turbo lift, after weaving through the littered floor, she stopped. "I think the Commander Davies was looking for you, let me try him on my comm badge. He can become rather.....huffed," she offered with a wink, wondering who the Bajoran could be.

Up on the operations deck, David glanced at the clock in the captains office, before looking around the staff and was about to call again, when Ayren called him

=^= "Kelan to Davies," she said tapping her badge

=^= "Miss Kelan. What can I do for you?" Davies enquired.

=^= "I have ensign Elliot with me, his comm badge is not working. You can communicate with him through mine" she offered

=^= "As long as he is with you, can you both report to the Captains office for the department heads meeting?" Though he didn't show it, David was relieved that Mr Elliott was actually on his way.

Elliott licked his lips eagerly at the sound of Davies' voice. His voice was stern which made him worry somewhat, but he hoped thats just how he was. That and the fact one of his officers was going to be showing up late for his first duty shift. Hopefully the Commander will understand the situation and be leniant with him. Hopefully.

"That went better than I thought it would," Elliott admitted slowly, not really knowing how much he could trust the Diplomatic Officer standing next to him. Of course, he felt no reason why he couldn't trust her. "I still feel a little silly for getting lost on my first day. I'm just a little excited I suppose, this being my first real posting. Oh, the lift!" He laughed nervously for forgetting about actually getting to Operations.

Elliott took the liberty of pressing the call button for the Turbolift. Might as well show her how Californians behaved back home.

"So, what deck do we need to head to ma'am?" he asked, trying to keep his eyes focused elsewhere.

"Deck twelve," Ayren said half distracted, as they entered the turbo lift, at the same time giving the station computer the instruction as to their destination. "Ensign, I sensed an uncertainly to trust me, why is that?" she asked curiously, as the turbo lift whizzed into movement.

Elliott was already worried being in a lift with Ayren as it was, but after that sort of question he felt even more so uncomfortable. She seemed nice, but he wasn't ready to open up to a stranger. Even as one as pretty as her.

"Sense?" he asked, trying to sound nonchalant. "Hope I'm not being that easy to read, haha." He chuckled at his own small joke, though he knew it was not funny. "You're not human are you?" his voice dropped to a slower pace as he found his words a bit more uncertain. "Nevermind," he quickly added, realizing diplomats could very well sense things and would not need to be a tell-tale sign that she was an alien.

"Well, being the new officer on a ship, you don't know who is going to be there for ya," He explained, not really sure how to point out what he meant. "I dunno, this is just my first real assignment and I don't want anything to go wrong."

"I understand that," Ayren said, quite amused at the young man's discomfort. "I am half Betazoid," she said pointing to her black eyes. "I thought that part of my heritage was quite obvious, but I don't read people, I do sense your emotions, or the emotional content of your words, though." Ayren said gently. "And as officers on this station, we should all be there for one another, our loyalty to the Federation should bind us," she said. "Though I am not a Starfleet Officer at the moment, I am a senior staff member on this station so you should be 'safe' with me!" She chuckled.

"Oh, that would explain it," John replied. He grinned back weakly, feeling the color arise in his cheeks. "I never actually met a Betazoid. I mean, at the Academy they really stress Species equality so I would say I'm not used to looking. I mean you look Human. Human enough. Not that being Betazoid is bad. I really like it. Not that I am saying I like you. But I don't dislike you!" He closed his mouth, deciding that never opening it again would have been to soon.

The Turbolift began to slow before coming to a complete stop. He hardly noticed the computer's voice around them, announcing the deck. He peeked out a moment, trying to take in all he could.

"This is the correct deck, right?" He asked, content with a change of subject.

Ayren really had a hard time not to burst out laughing at Elliot's ramblings. She simply nodded, seeing his relief, not daring to open her mouth. She ushered him out as he was standing closer to the door and walked out behind him. At seeing Davies, she tried to be serious, but the small smile spread into a grin, back into a suppressed smile as the diplomat tried to contain her amusement, but gave in. "This... is Ens.... Elliot," she managed.

John followed his Betazoid companion into the office, not sure exactly who he was going to be speaking to. Upon entering the room he noticed another person there, clad in a Starfleet uniform with 3 rank pips on his lapel. He straitened as best he could, hoping he looked decent, but Ayren's jovial introduction made him feel he was at a slight disadvantage.

"Ensign John Elliott reporting as ordered, sir," He announced, as firm and official as he could.

"I apologize, Ensign..... I am usually a bit more composed," Ayren said still smiling. "This is Commander Davies, the station commander" she said, now having her amusement under control, eyeing the rest of the staff half apologetically. "I meant no harm... you are just ... so sweet," she said softly, obviously unperturbed by the station commander's presence.

Davies could see that Ayren was amused and by her own introduction of the Ensign, he had obviously said or done something that had tickled her and it no doubt rubbed off onto the other staff at the meeting.

"Welcome to the Command deck Ensign. If you would take a seat amongst the other officers, we will introduce each other shortly.


CO: Commander David Davies
ACOO: Ensign John Elliott
CDO: Ayren Kelan