Things Past – The Sweetest Rose

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Title   The Sweetest Rose
Mission   Things Past
Posted   Mon Jun 11, 2012 @ 7:27pm
Location   Cavendish Hall, Surrey, England.

Friday had rolled around quickly for Rose, departure day for Deep space 5 and Rose couldn't help feeling slightly anxious and nervous about her new course in life. Something didn't feel right for Rose, events seemed to be falling into place with too many similarities and coincidences which all seem to connected to her father's disappearance.

Rose had spent her remaining time on Earth by organising the estate and wrapping up her affairs with Ruth her PA. Cavendish Hall was to be closed secured and placed onto a skeleton staff consisting of Branson and Ruth. Thunder was to be moved to her friend Camilla's stables and a majority of Rose's archaeological finds where to be moved and secured within the family vault.

Her collection was often targeted by collectors and smugglers often eager to make a profit and despite Rose's desperate attempts to prevent theft, several peices have been lost over the years. Branson had packed the vast majority of Rose's clothing and possessions and was currently in the process of what Rose would need on DS5 for her assignment.

Rose placed her feet upon the large oak desk within the library moments before her computer terminal flashed with 'Incoming transmission'. Tapping the console to accept the transmission, a Bolian face appeared that seemed familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time.

"Lady Corrigan, I'm Anlo Darr, from Darr, Dren and Grohn Solicitors - I'm calling on behalf of your Mother!" said the middle aged Bolian.

"My Mother?" Rose sat up quickly, taking her feet off the table.

"Yes we have transmission for you, she recorded it before her death to be delivered on the day you join Starfleet!" the Bolian continued as he tapped his console to play the message. "Transmitting now!" He said as the screen changed from the Bolians office to the familar office of her Mother, sitting exactly where she was sitting now, her mother's face appeared on the console. Rose's heart sank a little as her mother began to spoke.

"My sweetest Rose, if you are watching this then you have agreed to join Starfleet and I am unfortunately deceased, however I must place a burden on you to complete my work!" Her mother's message continued to play as her mother moved around her husbands office.

"The universe is filled with questions Rose, questions that should not be answered and there are those who seek an object of phenomenal destructive power. An object that grants its wielder the power to forsee events before they unfold!"

He mother paused as he picked a rose from the vase on his desk, gently raising it to her nose and smelling the sweet scent, "You cannot trust your father anymore Rose, trust no one!" Rose's mother smiled, a smile which seemed saddened by truth.

Suddenly the familar call of Rose's father sounded in the message and Rose's mother sprang into action.

"Remember, trust no one, even family, now I must go we are going ski-ing!" Rose's mother smiled, "Goodbye my love!" and with that the transmission ended and the console turned black.

Rose sank into the large chair somewhat dazed and confused. What did her mother mean? Was this the last thing my mother did before that fatal ski-ing trip shortly before her mother's death. What did she mean about trusting her father. Rose simply couldn't answer these questions swarming around her mind.

She jumped as Branson knocked against the door and burst through, "Excuse me Ma'am but your shuttle has arrived, time to go your Ladyship!" Branson spoke with his cheery disposition despite the distraught look on his mistresses face.

"Thank you Branson, for everything!" Rose replied, continuing to gaze at the blank screen of the console.


Reports Officer
Rose Corrigan