Cascade – New Awakening
by Radmi Porkar

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Title   New Awakening
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Radmi Porkar
Posted   Wed Mar 13, 2013 @ 11:00pm
Location   Ivor Prime
Timeline   Unknown
Blurry images slowly emerged as he opened his eyes. Instinctively he tried covered them with his hand to block the bright light that suddenly penetrated his vision, but he couldn't move it. He was bound. Tied to a chair. Struggling slightly he tested the strength of the rope.

“Good to see you're finally awake.” A voice came from directly in front of him. His vision was clearing, but he could still only make out a blurry form of a man. “I'm the foreman of this facility. And according to the documentation you had on you when you were captured; You are Mr. Henry Green. A Botanist. But botanist's rarely enter secure facilities so heavily armed. So tell me Mr. Green; who are you really?”

“I...” Something wasn't right. The more he tried to remember the more it seemed to evade him. His name, what he was doing here, everything. He had no memory of any of it. “I don't know.”

“You don't know? You don't know what? Who you are?”

“That's correct. I can't remember anything.”

The foreman let out a short annoyed laugh, “How convenient. Your cover's blown and now you don't remember who you are. What about who you're working for or what your mission is?”

“It's not very convenient for me. Without my memories I'm not sure what my exit strategy was or what contingency plans I had in place.”

“And yet you know you had one?”

“Oddly enough, yes. That coupled with the fact that I'm talking with you must mean my semantic memory is fine.”

“Ok. If your trying to convince me that you've lost your memory your doing a horrible job. How would you know what sem... whatever you called it is if...”

“Because I can't access my episodic memory for some reason.” At that moment he received a blow to the face. Someone who'd been standing next to him had punched him. His vision had cleared up enough to make out the tall brawny man. “Yeah, thanks nitwit. That helps a lot.” He said sarcastically. The man swung again causing him to spit blood this time.

“The brotherhood will get answers from you one way or another. I'll give you some time to think about that.” The foreman turned his attention to the brawny man, “Take him to his cell.”

The brawny man untied his hands and positioned them behind his back. Pulling magnetic cuffs from his belt the man moved to restrain his hands. The next actions were swift and came without thought. Green, or whoever he was managed to free one of his hands before the cuffs were placed and grabbing a lock of the brawny man's brown hair slammed his head against the metallic table in front of him. Eying a knife on the man's belt he quickly cut the binds holding his legs. Apparently unaccustomed to having to defend himself the foreman made a run for the door, but before he could reach it the knife was thrown and lodged itself in his right shoulder blade. Before the foreman could fall to the ground Green was at his side. Supporting the foreman's weight and placing a hand on the handle of the knife he pushed him towards the door, “You're going to get me out of this place.”

“You'll never make it out of here alive.” The foreman grimaced as an alarm sounded.

Green slightly twisted the knife in the man's shoulder. “Unless you want to suffer a most painful, drawn-out death; You'll ensure I do.”

“Alright.” The foreman whimpered. “There's a transporter down the hall. My security pass code will unlock it for use. But it's range is limited. It'll only get you out of the complex.”

“Let's move.”

Unlocking the door the hallway appeared clear, but the alarm was still blaring. Cautiously making their way out the pair began to traverse the distance at a steady pace. As they came to a fork in the hallway the foreman painfully nodded to the right. But as they turned the corner four men lunged for them. Pulling the knife from the foreman's shoulder he allowed him to crumble to the floor turning his attention to his attackers.

Green barely had time to react to the first man, but in a swift motion the knife slit the man's throat before he could touch him. That motion had given the second man the opportunity to tackle Green to the floor knocking the knife from his hand. Taking his knee to the man's groin Green managed to free himself and prepare for the other two men. The third took a swing for Green's gut, but as Green dodged he snatched his arm in a firm grip before slamming the man's elbow against his leg effectively severing the bones at their joint. Pushing the man to the floor he turned to face the final man, but just a moment too late. The forth man had gone for the knife and swinging it at Green sliced into his left arm. Recoiling Green prepared for the next blow. As the man lunged forward to stab him Green grabbed the man's hand and with a quick jerk forced his whole body to flip. As the man fell to the floor he landed on the knife; Gasping for air as it entered his lung.

Taking a second to view the now blooded corridor it was clear that his Procedural Memory was completely intact. Pulling the foreman off the floor he pressed his thumb against the man's shoulder blade to edge him onward. Sealing the doors behind them as they entered the transporter room Green led the foreman to the controls so he could unlock the device. Soon they could hear weapons fire against the sealed door. The reinforcements had arrived. Luckily the first group hadn't been armed or Green probably wouldn't have made it this far.

“It's ready.” The foreman said. Now that the foreman had served his purpose every muscle in his body told Green he should kill the man. Yet at the same time that seemed rather unnecessary. An internal debate raged inside his mind, but the men on the other side of the door were getting closer to breaking in. He was out of time. Pushing the man's head against the wall he knocked him unconscious. The man would live, but at least this way he wouldn't see the quadrants entered into the console.

With a beam of light Green found himself outside the complex in a forested grove. Moving with remarkable speed he began to put as much space between the complex and himself as possible. Twenty minutes passed before he saw a town in the distance. It appeared to have been attacked. Shaking his head he looked around him for a safe place to sleep. He was tired and sore. Grabbing some nearby leaves he pushed them against the wound on his arm. He wasn't sure how he knew this would help, but somehow he did.

Lying down in a covered area he closed his eyes. Immediately his eyes flung open again. A woman. He'd seen a woman when he'd closed his eyes. Looking around he saw no one. “Hello” He called. There was no answer but the steady rustle of leaves in the wind. Slowly closing his eyes again he could see her clear as day. With long brown hair and hazel eyes she smiled at him. “Radmi, let's go to sleep. It's been a long day.” Her smile was constant as she repeated herself, “Come on, Radmi. Let's go to sleep. It'll help you clear your head.” Radmi. There was no doubt in his mind that that was his name. His real name. And somehow, he knew this woman. At least now he had something. A name. Radmi.


Radmi Porkar
Bounty Hunter