Small Things – A Newcomer
by Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   A Newcomer
Mission   Small Things
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Sun Sep 29, 2013 @ 1:07pm
Location   Deck 195. External Docking Port 21a
Timeline   Small Things Day 1, 06:00
“My name?”

The Betazoid’s black eyes glittered as he gazed at the clerk. She was dressed in a neat uniform He would have preferred not to step foot on board the space station but the vast accumulation of minds and races made it impossible even for him to identify every individual he needed to contact from the safety of his ship.

On a whim he had submitted a docking request and onward flight plan and once he had rolled this red-tape neatly into a skein he could be about his business.

“My name is Conoran Prin,” he told the clerk the name he had chosen to use in this place. His identity a merchant looking to find new markets beyond Federation borders.

Reaching in a pocket he drew out a padd. “All the data you require to confirm my identity is here. Would you care to begin the transfer?”

The clerk nodded, “We’ve had a bit of trouble recently,” she said with a smile intended to assure him that the laborious process was necessary without elaborating on the reasons for heightened security.

“That’s quite ok, my dear,” Prin replied as the files moved between his padd and hers. So much fear and uncertainty in her mind, he mused as he waited, yet her face hides it so well.

“Everything checks out Mister Prin,” the clerk said eventually, “Did you intend to take quarters?”

“I think, my dear that as I am docked I will stay in the comfort of familiar surroundings. I trust that I will not have to go through this process each and every time I come aboard?”

“No sir. This pin will make that unnecessary,” she said holding out a pin topped by a plain disc, “Please wear it at all times.”

“Of course,” he said taking the pin between long thin fingers and attaching it to the breast of his jacket, We wouldn’t want you not to be able to keep an eye on me, he thought as a wry smile twisted his lips.

“On behalf of Starfleet and the Federation, welcome to Deep Space Five.”