Unity – Dinner at t'Jay's
by Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk

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Title   Dinner at t'Jay's
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk
Posted   Fri Jan 01, 2010 @ 11:46pm
Location   Lieutenant JG Kreallia t'Jay's Quarters
Timeline   SD17
Tag   20:30 hrs

Kreallia was just finished giving the nameless dog she had taken in a bath, and tied a little bow around it's head and within seconds of Kreallia going to get the door she was already pawing at it to get it off. Kreallia straightened her black turttleneck and pulled her sleaves down to cover the lower half of her hands before opening it.

Dunham was adjusting his clothes as the door opend. He smiled and offered up the vintage bottle of Romulan ale that he had borrowed from the consulate. "Hi, hows it going?"

Chelsea noticed the bottle he'd been carrying for the first time. It looked like something Isha had served up when they had been commiserating one another over their relationships with Ryan and Rh'vaurek. Her heart ached to think of Isha and how much she missed her lovely friend.

It seemed so very long ago, that evening when they had so much fun and 'gone on the town' in rebellion together. Rh'vaurek had been forced to rescue them from the attentions of a stalker and ...... the fond memories brought a moistness to her eyes and an ache to her heart as she brought herself back to the present and pushed thoughts of Isha away for now.

Kreallia looked at the bottle as she held it in her hands. She personally hated the stuff but she might as well try it again. "Thank you, come in come in." She said as she gestured for them to come in. Her German Shepard puppy was still trying to rip the bow off with her teeth as she held one of the ends of string between her paws as her head jerked back and forth trying to get it off.

"so urrrm, have you given the puppy a name yet?" siad Dunham, patting the little dog on the head.

The pup was still to occupied to notice Rick's hand and still continued on it's endevour to rip the bow off.

"Nope." Kreallia said.

Chelsea dropped to her knees. "OH!" she gasped, instantly in love with the gorgeous fluffball. "She's a Terran German Shepherd isn't she?" she asked, taking the bundle of mischief and tiny needle-sharp first teeth into her arms. "It won't be long before she's enormous!" she commented, fluffing up the hugely out of proportioned ears. "She'll have to grow into these and there's a VERY long way to go yet!" she laughed as the bundle freed herself and resumed her battle with the bow, skidding across the floor in a circle as she seemed to use all four legs in her efforts.

"Beautiful, proud and elegant." Chelsea admired the breed. "My Grandfather kept this breed. I spent my whole childhood with one of these 'super-nannies' at my little heels. I love them. Our last long-coated bitch was called 'River'...... " she smiled, another set of fond memories crossing her thoughts.

Kreallia picked up the little pup and put her by her food dish.

"River..............hmmmmmmmmmm, well I guess that's fitting, she likes the water." Kreallia said as she pup started drinking and then returned to the battle of the bow.

Chelsea smiled. "Rick, you must have a favourite pet or something that you could suggest? Perhaps a favourite plane with a pretty name? Something Germanic in nature? 'Schone' means beautiful in German - it's pronounced a bit like Shona because the *o* bears an umlaut making it say *er* instead of *oo* but *oh* would cover any regional variations such as Bavarian or the like where their vowels are very different...." she realised she was waffling on about an ancient language that few used nowadays and fell silent, embarrassed.

It was at this awkward point that she realised they hadn't actually been introduced, but it was obvious who they each were so she thought better of mentioning this.

"Lovely quarters" she said instead. "Level 2. Very nice".

Kreallia nodded. "They're a little big though, I dont know what to do with the extra space." She explained.

"I'm not sure if Spitfire is such a good name for a puppy," said Dunham scratching the stubble on his chin rather sheepishly.

"I wonder when you figured that out?" Kreallia laughed.

"I had a Gold fish called Boris once." Said Dunham with a smile.

Chelsea grinned. "Boris is a very dignified name" she lied, feeling sorry for the little fish.

Dunham scratched the stubble on his chin. "Yeah he died," said Dunham in a very dead pan fashion. "He got eaten by a Heron."

There was a silence for a full couple of shocked seconds while the girls worked out if Rick was being serious or not. Chelsea was taken in.

"Oh Rick, I'm *so* sorry!" now she regretted grinning so insensitively about the name. She moved towards him, her arms out to offer a hug and genuine regret on her face.

Dunham couldn't keep the stifled laugh in much longer and as the two hugged, it blurted out between pursed lips. He smiled. "True story honest. But it wasn't my pet, it was my sisters."

Chelsea drew back and cuffed his upper arm in mock remonstration. "You fraud!" she accused him with a grin. "Anything to get a hug, eh?"

She turned to Kreallia. "Men!" she complained but still grinning. "They're incorrigible. Well, this one is, anyway" She looked back at Rick, rolling her eyes. Fortunately, the next awkward gap in conversation was erased by the puppy who again drew the group's attention with her triumphant final scratch that sent the bow skidding across the floor to their feet.

"Awwww!" Chelsea said. "She's sooo cute".


"Thats dinner!" Kreallia jumped up and picked up the pup that had turned to biting on Rick's shoe.

"oooh, lovely. I'm starving." Chelsea smiled wondering whether to wait there or follow Kreallia. She decided to follow and offer to help in the kitchen.

"Can I do anything?" she asked hopefully.

Kreallia pulled the burned pasta dish from the replicator slot and gave a slight smile. "A new Replicator?" Kreallia asked showing the burned mess to Chelsea.

"Never mind" Chelsea commiserated. "Why don't we go out to eat? We know a really great Italian place on the Promenade."

"Mmmmmm pizza," said Dunham drifting off a little at the thought of a double pepperoni, he snpped out of it, and puts his arms around Chelsea. "Its were we had our first date."

Chelsea grinned. "You remembered!" she pretended to be surprised but actually, Rick was so thoughtful and such a romantic that in fact she was getting used to him coming out with such lovely things. That wasn't to say that she wanted to get so used to it that she would come to take it for granted. She had promised herself never to let that happen. This timely reminder of how special he was came at a time when she was still battling with her mixed feelings, worrying about his upcoming mission and struggling not to be a wet blanket on his moment of glory doing what he loved, i.e flying.

She made a silent mental decision and hugged him tightly. "I wouldn't change a hair on your head" she whispered. "Everything about you is just perfect, including that you volunteer for lunatic rescue missions". She grinned up at him mischievously teasing him about his bravery, but the pride and love in her eyes told him the truth.

"SO!" she turned back to Kreallia "Deep crust with anchovies?"

They all began towards the door, ready to go to the promenade and dinner.

Dunham held Chelsea's hand tightly as they left, smiling to himself.


A JP Between:

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

Lt Cmdr Chelsea Adams


Lieutenant JG Kreallia t'Jay
Assistant Counsellor