Beg, Steal or Borrow – Surfacing
by Commander Karen Villiers & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Surfacing
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Tue Jul 14, 2009 @ 7:38am
Location   Captain's Office
Timeline   SD9 - Just after 'Departmental Regroup' 08:15

Karen lingered as they began to leave the office, she had wanted to see how they would react to news of her appointment and had not been disappointed; that was one of the good things about being a lawyer - people did not expect you to be nice.

"Commander Davies," she said, "Do you have five minutes for me so I can introduce myself properly? I had assumed that you would have been given a little warning, but when you read that padd your expression said otherwise.

He waited for the last officer to leave and the door to close before he responded, his first thought was one of anger, but it was not Karen's fault so why should she be on the receiving end.

He took a deep breath, watching Tan make his way down the last steps onto Ops and then waved a hand to the chair next to his.

"Shock, confusion, anger many emotions but most of all surprise." He scratched his ear, not taking his eyes from Karen. "Why then, there, here and now. I would have thought it protocol to inform the station Commander first about your arrival, let alone make an announcement half way through a departmental meeting."

"Its all about efficiency - everyone was gathered there, everyone was wondering what I was doing there. I no longer have to waste time repeating the same story ten times over. I'm sure you have questions for me - so if now is not a convenient time please suggest another."

He fell forward onto his elbows. "Now is fine." He stated, "and as for questions, oh, Commander Villiers, I have lots of questions, but will I get truthful, exacting answers?" Davies enquired as his lips drew inward as his hands clasped together, index fingers joined and steepled as he pointed them at Karen.

"My answers will be exactly as they should, Commander, I assure you of that," she said taking the seat opposite. "As it is I had thought that you would have been informed, particularly because if my shuttle had not been delayed in a queue caused by your recent negotiations with the Romulans I'd have been here twelve hours ago. Brailsford was expecting something to happen but it looks like it came too soon for me to be of help."

Davies shook his head with an intentional slowness. "If it had not been the Romulans, it would have been something else, I'm sure. There is always some reason for a departmental cock up that can be allayed to an attack, a computer error or a lost transmission." He dropped his hands to the table. "What I don't understand though Commander, is why Star Fleet decide now is the time for a JAG office? The station has been fully operational for," He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know myself to be honest, but for a considerable amount of time and now they deem it that you're needed here." He stood, no longer feeling like sitting, "and to make things even more awkward, you must know what else is written in that text," David pointed at the PADD, "because I could not bring myself to announce you are to be elevated to Executive officer, especially with our current one sitting at the table!" He exclaimed, making his way to the replicator.

Karen shrugged, "Believe me Commander, if I'd thought it was news from the blue I'd not have put you or myself on the spot like that - I'll have words with Peter ... and I guess I should say sorry for my own part. Crap, which one is the current XO?"" she added, "While I'm getting my annual quota of apologies in maybe I should do one to them too?"

"Commander T'Lan, the Vulcan female. Computer, Iced Tea. Can I offer you anything Karen, er may I call you Karen?" He asked, not wanting to undermine her rank, even though it was the first time he had really looked at her rankwise.

Karen noted that. "Of course you can, red leaf tea, please. It hasn't been decided if a JAG presence is needed here - I've been briefed to make an assessment. Once I report my findings, well then a decision will be made. I can't help thinking that a bit of legal wrangling at the right time could have saved you quite a hefty repair bill on more than one occasion."

David ordered the tea and carried it over to Karen and playing the gentleman, placed it carefully in front of her.
"Legal wrangling would not have prevented anything. Red tape inflames people in my experience, so if anything, it would have made matters worse. Diplomacy was tried and thanks to some very important information given to our Chief Diplomat, Miss Kelan, what could have been a major incident was more contained." He lifted his own tea, sipping as he retook his seat shaking his head.

"Can I assume that neither your offices or quarters have been allocated?" He enquired, not knowing how long she had actually been aboard.

Karen was not so certain, in her experience a successful outcome when speaking with the RSE often relied on appearing to know the situation better than they did, but she let it pass. "I'm sure you did everything that was within your capabilities, Commander Davies," she said. "You're right about quarters though, offices were requisitioned ahead of my arrival - how else could I have picked up the message that this meeting was occurring," she said with an easy smile, "I'll hole up there until I can sort out quarters."

"Nonsense, we can't have a Commander 'Holed' up!" He said with a wry grin, watching her lift the cup to her mouth. "Ensign Petro, the J'Naii, is our quartermaster and I am sure she find you very respectable quarters, but please, finish your tea and all I can add, is welcome to Deep Space 5." He said, tipping his own half full glass at her and then emptying it's contents.

"Some people would say that one lawyer holed up is a good start," Karen observed, as she sipped her tea. "I'll speak with Ensign Petro. While I'm here, is there anyone I should watch out for or know about?"

David continued with the grin.

"In my opinion, everyone!" He remarked, leaning forward and placing the glass upon the table. "Major Darson, shady character, brilliant, but has a darker side." He didn't want to divulge too much about the crew, after all, he had only known them a little over 24 hours and though some he felt like he had known them forever, some were adept at concealing their weaknesses and indeed their failings.

"You will hear a great deal of complaining about Lieutenant Gabriel, the Chief security officer, but I have found him practical and useful. Lieutenant Freeman is a magical engineer. He seems to know when something needs repairing before the station does. As for the other crew, well, I think you should form your opinions yourself." He advised with a knowing nod. "It's the civilians that we have no control over, except for their safety that gives me the greatest concern, those and the marine contingent." Davies added, leaning back into his seat watching some rivulets of water track their way down the outside of the glass.

"I'll keep an open mind, then," Karen said placing her cup down. "If there's nothing else I'll thank you for the tea and wait to hear from you regarding your departing XO."

"Thank you Commander. I will keep you informed, once I have spoken to T'Lan." He said with a nod, "and then I will register you as active on DS5." He watched as she stood and could see she was as apprehensive as he had been yesterday. "Don't forget to see Petro." He Added as she turned, "Tell her I have requested special quarters for you, we don't want to let any cats out of the sack yet!" He grinned.

"Cats firmly in bag," Karen said with a wink. She was about to say something further, but it was that moment that Gabriel walked in.


Commander David Davies
Commander Karen Villiers