Judgement – {Relentless} A Visit to the Quality Personal Comm
by Commander Derek Yaist & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   {Relentless} A Visit to the Quality Personal Comm
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Derek Yaist & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Feb 05, 2011 @ 7:38pm
Location   Quality Personal Comm
Timeline   SD36 11:30

Yaist walked along the Promenade. He wasn't supposed to be away from his ship for that long this time of day, but what else was he supposed to do? He had completed the pile of paperwork on his desk, however he knew that there would be another pile when he got back.

Among the places he wanted to visit was the Quality Personal Comm. He had heard that they sold electronics, computers, and software. He was looking for a new PADD and an upgrade or two for his old one from a few years back. He saw it up ahead and went inside.

The store was filled from top to bottom with computers and other electronic devices. It would be a paradise if he were a about fifteen to twenty years younger.

"Help you mate?" A muffled voice called out from beneath a counter that was stacked precariously with devices from across the eras and gathered from every corner of the known universes. The voice continued. "If you can't see it, chances are we have got it, but it may take some time!"

"Yes, I'm looking for a new PADD. I need a high-end one with at least twenty gigaquads of memory and one teraquad of storage space." replied Yaist. He actually needed more than this, but he could find the other things by himself. He sensed that the shopkeeper was busy and didn't want to bother him any more than needed.

"Twenty gigaquads you say. High end you say. That's not normal spec." His head appeared above the counter. He was a short man, less than five foot tall and his complexion was badly pitted from the scars of solder that had splattered at his face over the years. "That is way more than a replicator could provide, but you have come to the right place." He mouth widened in a grin and his mouth showed about three crooked teeth.

Swan peered over the edge of his rimless glasses to the red suited fleeter and his hands slapped flat onto the small space that provided a view from behind the counter and as he did so, a cloud of dust rose into the air. The pips registered a Lieutenant Commander so as far as he was concerned, he was not in charge of his own ship, but was probably in the command staff, Operations Chief maybe or possibly Engineering, but the colour was wrong but these days, he could never be sure of anyone.

"The right place indeed. When do you need it?" He questioned as one hand came to his mouth and the squat fingers of his left hand drummed against his top lip. "Could make the alterations by tomorrow for you." He advised knowing that these fleeters never had the patience to wait that long and he could add an extra slip of latinum to the price to get it done today.

"Actually, is there any way I could get it sooner. If not, I'm fine with tomorrow. I'll be in dock for at least two weeks from now." replied Evan.

Swan felt the chance slip away but relied on honesty for a change.
He lifted his hands upwards as they shook in all directions in surrender.

"OK, OK, I was hoping to make a quick slip, but as you are not in a rush, I can make the alteration in a few hours." He glanced at his antiquated chronograph on his wrist. "Come back at 15:00 and I'll have it ready and I won't charge you the extra, but the cost remains the same, three slips." He added with a dip of his head.

"Great! Thanks! Actually, I need to pick up a few more things from another part of the store, can I just add them to this transaction?" replied Yaist enthusiastically. He was upset and a little bit angry about what Swan had just tried to pull; however, he didn't want to cause an incident.

Swan could see by the slight drop of the fleeters brow that he was not over impressed, but Swan had made a sale, only his second of the day but it was still early.
The dwarfish mans hand waved around the store in response.
"Depends on what you need, but peruse my good sir. I am sure that you will find something else of interest. Just call me if you require any assistance." He remained as cheerful as he could, knowing he would not be able to charge what he liked but a strip or two extra would not go amiss if the Commander found something else that took his fancy as he wandered amongst Swans little treasures.

With that, Yaist walked over to the PADD components section and picked up a 10 gigaquad PADD memory card and 750 gigaquad isolinear storage card. They were the latest technology supported on the somewhat outdated PADD he had already. After he had picked them up, he walked back towards Swan.

Swan had hardly had time to replicate himself a mug of Grogan Stew before the officer had appeared back at the counter.
"That was quick. A man who know what he wants. I must say that for a visitor, that is a rarity." He studied the two items in the mans opened hand and then brought his eye back to the Lieutenant Commander and nodded. "I'll add one strip to your bill. Fair?" He questioned knowing that the value was at least two strips but also grateful that the fleeter was spending his store rather than getting the replicator to try to make something similar but far less reliable.

"Sounds like a good deal! By the way, do you accept Federation credits?" replied Yaist as he pulled a card out of his pocket. He only had credits because that's what Starfleet paid him in.

Despite his diminutive size, Swan held his head up as he watched Yaist remove the Federation card from its place in his pocket. "Federation, Ferenghi, Oosamian, I really don't mind as long as it's credit in one form or the other." His hand rose to the scanner on the wall. "Flash once and your account will be debited with four credits and over there, just by that tower console" His small finger pointed to the green control bank from a Romulan ship, "you will find a satchel that will house your PADD, a gift, no charge but it will need a clean. Apparently it was made from the skin of a Boaoran, but I have about a hundred of them, if you'd like it of course." He smiled at his own generosity. Truth was, he hated the satchels, having bought them at a cut price form that strange Bolian trader that used to scavenge around the Promenade.

"The skin of a what?" replied Derek, somewhat in shock. He thought he heard Bajoran, but he just wanted to be sure.

"Boaoran. You must have heard of the battle we had here last year with the Boaorans? They attacked and lost and their hides and teeth were everywhere and some found a use for the bodies." He could see the look of puzzlement and disgust on the fleeters face and he dipped behind his desk and pulled out a conventional Padd. "Here, if this helps." He smiled as he slid the device across the counter top.

Yaist read it for a few minutes. "Oh, ok." he said after looking up from the PADD. He returned the PADD and walked over to the tower. Swiping his card, he still felt a bit uncomfortable about using the skin of a humanoid as a satchel. At least they had been dead at the time.

After this, Yaist walked over to the control bank, took his satchel, and put the all of the PADD upgrades inside it. "Thank you!" he said to Swan as he was about to leave the store.

"Don't forget to coma back later, I'll have your new PADD ready by 15:00." He smiled as the officer left.


Mr Swan
Owner 'Quality Personal Comm'
By Tasha


Lt. Cmdr. Derek Yaist
Commanding Officer
USS Relentless
