Incommunicado – A simple thank you
by Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC)

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Title   A simple thank you
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC)
Posted   Tue Feb 21, 2012 @ 7:19pm
Location   Raddon Corp.
Timeline   SD ??: 19:00
Gloria glanced from her console as the doctor walked through the doors and into the reception area.

"Welcome, you must be Dr. Murdoch," She said as she greeted him. "Mr. Raddon informed me that you would be responding to his request to see him." She said to the physician who wasn't 100% certain why he had been summoned.

"Please have a seat, Mr. Raddon will be with you shortly." she said with a smile.

Lance leaned casually on the counter overlooking her station, "I'd much rather talk to you gorgeous." He replied with a charming smile. "What's your name?"

The doors to Melvyn's doors slid open just as he caught the tail-end of the conversation. "Ahhh yes, Dr. Murdoch. I see your reputation of being the resident medical Lothario has not been undeserved." the older man said as he crossd the spacious foyer to greet the surgeon.

Lance looked round, the man walking accross the foyer was shorter than him and rather heavyset, the surgeon extended his hand, "And you must be Melvyn Raddon" as he shook the mans hand Lance had the unsettling feeling that he should count his fingers after he was done. Lance looked over his shoulder and mouthed "Call me" to the attractive desk clerk then turned back to Raddon.

"Please, join me in my office." Melvyn said as he ushered the man into his office. "Would you like something to drink?" He offered as he gestured towards the chairs in front of his desk.

"Uuuh No, thank you." Replied Lance. His recent unpleasant experiece with Arthur Glaston still fresh in his mind. "What can I do for you Mr Raddon?" He asked, glancing around the office.

Melvyn made his way across the carpetted floor over to his desk and seated himself in his chair before responding. "Oh, well I guess the question is what can I do for you, good sir." He said with that same warm smile.

Lance eased himself into one of the plush visitors chairs in front of the desk, noting that it was much shorter than the seat that Raddon was occupying, forcing the surgeon to look up at the businessman. Murdoch slouched even further into the chair, adopting and extremely casual posture. "I'm afraid I don't follow you." He replied carefully. "Why exactly did you invite me here?"

"Why, to thank you of course." Melvyn responded, enjoying the look of bewilderment that danced across the doctor's face.

Lance privately kicked himself for allowing his confusion to show. "Thank me for what exactly?" He pressed.

Before responding, Melvyn reached underneath his desk and withdrew a bottle of saurian ale. He poured its contents into a smaller glass while answering the question. "Mr. Arthur Glaston was an old. . .friend. . . of mine." he said as he finished pouring into the glass. He grasped the cooled beverage and sipped it slowly as he leaned back in his chair.

"Well, I guess 'friend' is too nice of a word for a man as duplicitous as he." Melvyn said while gazing upward at nothing in particular.

"Glaston had proven to be quite a hinderance to me and several business ventures of mine in the past." Melvyn said, taking a less jovial tone. "In too many times than I care to recall, he has either meddled in my affairs by creating significant hurdles." He continued. "The news of his passing was. . .quite welcomed." he added.

"Was it...?" Lance asked carefully. Using every once of self control to keep his outward appearance calm. Inside his heart was racing. The events of that terrible night still gave him a shudder when he thought about them. He didn't like being helpless, or manipulated. Glaston had been a trully diabolical man, and had deserved the brutal fate Lance had inflicted. Now he was in the presence of another wealthy individual, one who clearly had been involved with Glaston in some capacity.

It took every once of Lances self control to hear the man out and not bolt for the door.

Melvyn took another sip from the chilled glass. "Yes, Dr. Murdoch, your work that night was a true service to all of the Federation, if not humanity." he calmly said as he enjoyed the liquid as it passed beyond his lips. "Never wanting to be ungrateful, I wish to thank you for your service." He said.

"How may I do so?" he inquired as that smile of his returned to his face.

Lance shifted uncomfortably in his seat, he hadn't been expecting this. "No thanks necessary," He said with false modesty. "I was just saving my skin."

"Oh come now, Dr. Murdoch. Don't be too modest!" Melvyn said excitedly. "Take pride in your accomplishment. You did what was necessary. I see that killer instinct in your eyes, thinly hidden behind a caviler persona." Melvyn said he leand in on his desk. "Just between me, you, and this bottle of saurian ale, were the Orion girls 'appreciative' of your hardwork?" He said with a smirk.

Lance's mind flashed back to the week he had spent with the two Orions after they had gotten out of ICU. To say the girls had been appreciative was an understatement. He'd had to sit with an ice pack on his lap for two days after...

He smiled back at Raddon, "They might have thanked me in their own special way." He conceeded. He paused for several seconds then leaned forward, "Mr Raddon, it's clear to me that you are a man of considerable means," He waved his hand at the opulent office. "Money doesn't interest me," the surgeon continued. "Can I assume that you carry a certain amout of... shall we say...influence, in powerfull circles?"

Melvyn smiled as he listened to the younger man. "Influence? My dear boy, there's not a ship within a 100 light years of here that isn't running off of dilithuim from one of my facilities." He said boastfully. "I have Admirals and Generals by the balls and they thank me for the convenience." he added without hesitation.

Lance sat back and steepled his fingers, "Unfortunatly from time to time I find myself... at odds with those above me." The Surgeon explained carefully. "What I could really use, is a.. friend..." Lance smiled. "A friend who could pull a string here or there from time to time." He said with a smirk.

"Of coarse, friendship works both ways." Lance continued, "If ever needed a favour..." He allowed his voice to trail off.

"Bah! Say no more," Melvyn said with a wave of his aged hand. "You've saved me countless hours of grief and inconveience. Whatever it is you need, you must simply ask." He said with a reassuring smile.

Lance returned the smile and poured himself a shot of the saurian ale. "Excellent," he replied. "To new friends." He raised his glass.

"To new friends," Melvyn said as he raised his glass to toast.


Melvyn Raddon
CEO - Raddon Corp.

Dr Lance Murdoch
Head Surgeon
DS 5