Interlude – A Dog of Our Own?
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   A Dog of Our Own?
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Jul 03, 2010 @ 11:48am
Location   Corridors of DS5
Timeline   SD17 - 1230hrs - BACKPOST

"Would you like a dog?" Bryan asked Mercy as she led him out of the Counsellor's office.


"Oh yes, i'd love one... but only if you want one too otherwise it wouldn't be fair on you." Mercy replied unaware as she chattered, of the significance of the offer Bryan was making, commitment-wise. Slowly it began to dawn on her as they walked.

"Bryan?" she asked, her fingers still wound between his. "You know it's all going to be alright, don't you baby?" she promised him. "You know, you just need some time to recharge your batteries and recover? That's all. You've been through such a lot in a short time lately. Since we met actually.... I hope that isn't significant.... " she smiled, looking into his face for the hint of amusement but he seemed in a far away place and she wasn't sure he'd even heard her at first.

They had wandered hand in hand far enough from the counsellors office and his thoughts were on just getting away from the administrative duties and finding a little space and time for themselves. He had not really listened to her and he was wrapped in his own thoughts when she asked if it was going to be alright, or at least that was what he thought he heard.
"Yes, I ... we will be fine." He stopped midstep and turned reaching for her other hand. "Sorry baby, I was not really listening, what do you mean, significant?" He asked as he stared into her lily pond eyes and would have been happy to stand there for ever, just drowning in her glory.

"Well, what I meant was, first of all there were all those stroppy civilian business people all wanting supplies we didn't have, then there was that riot and you came to rescue me but got trampled, and I nearly lost you completely. And there was also that time I went into the Bajoran gardens and you saved my life and got badly hurt then too, and before you had time to say Jack Robinson, there we were being attacked in a riot in that new bar!" She shook her head as if in amazement at her own recollection of the events.

"It hasn't seemed like a week goes by without a major dramatic trauma happening to us, the kind of thing that happens to most people only once in their whole lifetime!" she explained, not seeming to pause for breath.

He smiled as he leant forward and kissed her softly. He released her small hand and retook his position at her side and continued walking.
"Yep, a lot has happened and that is the main reason we need time on our own, not in the middle of any situation. Lets be safe in our surroundings and ourselves." The corridor widened as the began to merge with the larger crowds. Bryan didn't even know where they were. "That was my point to the counsellor, too much happens here. I took an administrative position, because, well, honestly, I am a bit of a coward, I dislike confrontation, but I do know how to run our department and with you at my side, as both an officer and as my partner, I cannot help but be stronger. I love you, so passionately, but we keep finding ourselves in dire situations and if it wasn't for you, I don't think that strength would be available to me any longer."

"Sweetheart... " She stopped in the middle of a busy walkway and turned, standing in front of him and causing several people to swerve around the suddenly stationary pair, then creating a stream of diverted passers-by beginning to flow around them like water trickling around a rock in the middle of it's path downstream.

Looking up into his troubled eyes, Mercy's adoring upturned face gazed earnestly at the man who was the centre of her whole universe and the fingertips of her free hand softly touched his lips as she spoke at little above a whisper.

"If I didn't have you, I would have run home with my tail between my legs long ago. It's because you're here and you're the most caring, deep, honest, loyal, fun, compassionate, loving, special person I have ever known that I can still walk these corridors without caring what might be around the next corner, waiting." she said, opening her soul.

He wrapped his hands around her, pulling her closer, feeling each exhalation of her breath on his chin and he grinned, the cat who got the cream.
"Exactly." His lips parted in a wide smile, "and that is mirrored from you. I knew from the first moment I saw you four months ago, that you were special, but I never thought you and I would ever become a couple, that is why I teased you so badly, because I fell for you instantly and was afraid that if I asked you out, you would reject me, but look at us." He rubbed her nose with his own.

"I know there might be another trauma tomorrow, but whatever it might be, nothing could ever be so bad that I would prefer to be safe somewhere else than to be able to wake up in the morning next to you." A tear welled in her eye. "Nothing could ever be so bad that it would take the magic out of the adventure that is being with you every day." she promised him.

He laughed aloud. "Magical adventure describes us perfectly." He placed his lips on hers and kissed her passionately, ignoring the idiot who bumped into them. Suddenly he pulled back from her and held her at her shoulders. "Did you say that you wanted a dog?" He asked with a grin as the response kicked into his thoughts. "What sort? Poodle? Targ?" He teased, looking over her shoulder to the bar off to his left. "C'mon, lets get a drink?" He stated, guiding her towards the well lit bar.

"A targ!" she said, radiating with happiness. ".... but i promise not to train it to bite you.... unless you tease me!" she grinned.

~Does he really want to go in here?~ she wondered as she walked into the bar beside her love. "You know what? You've lied to me...." she said, taking half a breath as she waited for his reaction, hiding the mischief in her eyes.

The bar was open, clean and bright with only a few customers as Bryans hand came to rest around Mercys waist as they stood at the bar.
"And there was I thinking we could both train it." His turned to look at Mercy, her eyes wide and sparkling with happiness and her lips were slightly parted. "Lied?" He asked, confused as his head cocked slightly, "I don't think I have, not purposely." He said with a light bounce to his tone, wondering if this was a ruse that Mercy was playing. "I would never lie to you, tease, yes, bend the truth, yes, elaborate yes, but not lie." He said with a wink and a grin widening.

"You did so!" she declared, a sparkle of mischief in her eyes. "You told me you weren't brave, yet here you are volunteering to visit this bar and not even hesitating like I did." She folded her arms in a determined manner that told him clearly that she wasn't taking any denial on this one.

He chuckled as he flung his arms around her and pressed his lips against hers.
Taking a shallow breath, "I can't deny it, but this place looks friendly enough, better than some and besides, I don't want to go to the Box of Delights for a while, just staying out of harm's way." He said, turning at the cough from the bartender beside them. "White wine spritzer, with a dash of Jack Daniels, Merc?" He said turning back to his lover perched on the stool ahead of him.

"Sumarian Sunrise please, my favourite!" she enthused, wriggling to get up onto the stool which was higher than she was used to. Once she was installed she pulled her hemline back down modestly and shifted a little more to get comfortable, giggling at the fuss and slightly pink-cheeked at the temporary dishevelment.

The barman was totally professional and it was impossible to tell from his poker-face if he'd even noticed as he went on with fetching the drinks unperturbed.

Glancing around, it was apparent that no-one else had even noticed Mercy's mountaineering escapade or near slip back to the floor so she felt relief that she hadn't made *quite* such a public event of it after all. "Ooops" she muttered to Bryan surreptitiously, still trying not to giggle again but not really succeeding.

"Shall we try that again, without the oops!" He replied, grinning widely from ear to ear, his eyes not leaving hers as his hand gently caressed hers as it lay upon her leg and leant a little closer. "Sumarian surprise, you know what the 'Surprise' is, don't you?" He questioned with a glint in his eye as the bartender lay two placemats on the bar and topped them off with their drinks.

Mercy sparkled at Bryan's touch. Her eyes wide with adoration she replied "No? But I expect I could guess?" her cheeks began to show a growing pink glow. "I hope it involves you and me getting to be alone together? Perhaps somewhere where we could see a Sumarian Sunrise for real... well, holo-real....?" she suggested, careful not to move her hand and disturb his or cause him to remove it from hers.

His eyes went from hers to the their drinks and then back to Mercy's. He could not resist her lustrous gaze. He leaned on the stool and withdrew 2 strips of latinum and placed them on the bar.
"Your place or yours?" He rasped, already sliding off the stool.

"What about that holo..... " she laughed but didn't get to finish as he tugged her hand and overbalanced her into sliding off her stool too.

Quickly grabbing her drink with her free hand she threw it down her throat and immediately began to choke from the ferocity of the normally smooth and sweet liqueur sensation that in a 'down in one' had turned into a fireball in her throat. Spluttering and unable to speak she allowed herself to be led outside so she could let it go down and get her breath back.

As the spluttering subsided, Mercy began to giggle again, Bryan's concerned face seemed to lighten as she recovered, her cheeks now brightly flushed with the rush from the drink. She hugged him and whispered something in his ear that sent him a matching shade of red and the two of them scampered like naughty children happily back to her quarters, unaware of anyone in the universe but each other.


Bryan 'Delirious' Surzchenko
By Mark


CWO (2) Mercedes Denoublier
Administrator - DS5
NPC'd by Jools