Time is Fleeting – A voice in the Dark
by Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat

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Title   A voice in the Dark
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Posted   Thu Sep 10, 2009 @ 5:42pm
Timeline   Back post to Late SD 13
[Deep Space 5 - VIP Quarters]

Ralnath was concerned. He listened to the letter from his son again, and again there was distortion then an abrupt end. He knew his son was in enemy territory, that being Romulan space. Regardless of the current
peace that existed he knew the Romulans all too well.

"Computer. Analyze the transmission. What is the cause of the distortion?"


He silently waited as the computer worked over the file. He had a hunch as to why, but a hunch was not proof.

"Analysis complete. The transmission was terminated at the transmissions source."

That was all Ralnath needed to hear, he rose and headed down the VIP section to Ambassador Toran's quarters.

[Ayren's quarters - DS5] (minutes later)

Ayren was feeling, well shocked, surprised, elated... Ahkil had just left after a visit and had brought Garath and Ariella with her. Ayren never tired of seeing Da`nal's children. Even though they were not her children the time they spent together filled something within her. It was almost like, for a time, they were.

Her terminal had gone off during the visit but she had merely muted the computer. She could get the message...what ever it was...later. Well now that her guests were gone she sipped her tea and sat at the
terminal. She had expected it to be some 'urgent matter from the Cardassians or the Romulans; even if it was she didn't care. Right now all was right in her world...well almost.

Her heart began to race as she saw who had sent her the message she had ignored earlier. Her Heart raced out of surprise and that she was angry with herself for not getting to it what in had arrived. She listened to
the message as he asked if she had spoke with his family and hope she like the surprise of seeing the children again. He hesitated slightly as he mentioned the Batleth that he had made. His hesitation made her heart race again and he palms began to sweat in anticipation. His face looked into the monitor as he began to go into the reason for his gift. As he did the screen froze and skipped his words were chopped and distorted. The screen filled more and more with static until it ended abruptly.

"Computer! The transmission that was just played...what happened?"

"The transmission was degraded and terminated at the transmissions source."

She began to panic at the abrupt end and now her heart raced with fear. Fear for Da`nal, fear for his children, his parents....fear that she would never know what he had said. But what could she do?

[Toran's Quarters]

Toran and Yzalla had just completed there evening meal and she was clearing the table while Toran finished off the last of his wine. He was preparing to pour another when the chime to his quarters sounded. Rising from the table he moved from the dining area to the central area, "Enter." As the doors parted Ralnath of the House of Varal entered.

"Ahhh, Ralnath. Come." Lifting his goblet, "bloodwine?"

"Thank you no. I'm afraid I cannot. I must ask a favor of you Lord Toran."

Ralnath's use of title...coming from the head of another house indicated the seriousness of his visit. Toran's own manner shifted and he indicated the seat opposite himself. "Sit, what is it you would ask of me?"

"I need you ship"

Toran leaned back slightly. That is no small request. The Hed'not is assigned to this station under my command. If I turn her over to you and she is needed that would put me in a difficult position. Perhaps one of the escorts..."

Ralnath raised his hand as he shook his head. "I thank you for your offer but, if I am correct something more powerful than a Bird of Prey is going to be needed."

At first Toran was offended at being cut off but with Ralnath's explanation, offence turned to curiosity. "Why?"

Ralnath launched into his explanation and his suspicions. "You know my House's history with the Romulans....He is my last remaining son. I cannot wait for Federation bureaucracy. Will you grant my request?"

Toran thought for a moment. "Ralnath...If Da`nal has been attacked. There is nothing you can do. By the time you arrive he will either have won the battle or is lost. Either way we should know soon."

Ralnath stood, "I lost one son to Romulan treachery. If I am to loose another I must avenge my families honor. I will track those responsible for the rest of my days! If he was victorious, his ship will no doubt be damages...he will need the aid. He is behind enemy lines and you know the Federation will nor risk a war over one ship. "Will you Grant my Request?"

Toran stood slowly. He knew well the concerns of a father. "What you ask, is no small favor..."

"As the Head of the House of Varal I pledge my loyalty to the House of Morqhat. Call when you need of me. Ask what you will of me. My blade, my service are yours."

Toran was inwardly surprised at the sudden oath of loyalty from Ralnath, such an oath far exceed the cost of one ship. As the two men clasped forearms Toran tilted his head to the side. "Toran to Na'Shara."

=^=Yes, My Lord?=^=

"Prepare the Hed'not for departure. Lord Ralnath will be bringing your orders."

Na'Shara looked up, puzzled but obedient. =^=Understood My Lord.=^=

[Starbase 47]

A communications officer looked up from his station. "Sir we've received garbled communications coming out of Romulan space."

The Officer of the day stepped over. "Source?"

"It doesn't originate from and planet or system...and it is directly along the path the USS Freedom was to take to Romulus."

"Let's hear the transmission..."

Static filled station operations as the strained to hear anything at all. "...Free...(static)...Escort....(static)...ire"

A hollow feeling formed in the officers gut. ~this isn't good....~ "Can you clean that up?"

"It's as good as its going to get sir. There is nothing along their flight path that would be hindering communications...nothing natural at least."

"I want a complete analysis of that transmission, compare the interference to known Romulan jamming frequencies. In the mean time get me Deep Space Five."


(Ayren written by Chris with Sharon's permission. At least until her hands are better.)