Beg, Steal or Borrow – Getting back into the swing of things
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Chief Executive Officer Johan Weiltzer

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Title   Getting back into the swing of things
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Chief Executive Officer Johan Weiltzer
Posted   Mon Jul 13, 2009 @ 10:32pm
Location   Weiltzer Office
Timeline   SD 9 - 12:30
Tag   Dorian Gabriel
"I'm here to see Weiltzer" Dorian said to the attended at the front desk of the facility. Dorian always felt that there was not enough oversight concerning the non-military installations on the station. With Rakka gone and him in charge he was going to keep more of a closer eye on things, but at the same time try to get answers of his own.

"I'm sorry sir, but is Fleet Admiral Weiltzer expecting you? If you don't have an appointment, I'm afraid I can't permit you to see him at this moment," said the attendant calmly.

As the attendant finished speaking, Johan's door whooshed open and he stepped out of his office. Immediately upon seeing Dorian, he looked at the attendant and quickly spoke to her. "Marleen, I will handle this one. Lieutenant Commander Gabriel here is an old friend of mine, and quite frankly, his interests and mine tend to be quite similar, isn't that right, my dear young Commander?" said Johan as he began to guide Lieutenant Commander Gabriel towards his office.

Dorian followed the man into his office and took a seat while admiring the decorations on the wall. He waited until he was seated before speaking. "Well, it is good to see that your fleet managed to fair well during the attack on the station." he said with slight indignation. He knew that Starfleet didn't have the power to conscript any civilian vessel into service, but it can't be denied that the vessels docked at the station would have been put to better use against the Romulans.

"My dear friend, you have no need to be upset about it. Quite frankly we were expecting more ships to have arrived before the battle but there were delays with many of them. Besides, as I have made quite clear to the command staff on this fine station, if Starfleet ever needs assistance defending this station and my corporations headquarters, I am quite willing to give the orders for every one of my ships to leave dock and launch a full scale offensive or defensive, strictly under my commands, or if necessary under the orders from the Station Commander. Besides, what good would the damages to my ships and the expensive repairs that would have been necessary, done for this station, especially with most of our heavy hitting ships currently away from our station?"

"Riiight," Gabriel responded with a smile. "I'm really here because there is a new character that just arrived on the station. She claims to be an 'Astronaut' for the NASA." he stated.

"Quite fascinating. Have you attempted to speak with her? Have you been able to get any names or anything? It seems quite odd to me that we would run into an Astronaut who claims to work for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, which ceased to exist centuries ago. Did she come aboard suit an all?"

"Yes, helium-3 fusion-powered reactor and all. It is possible that her story is legitimate, but I want to find out as much as possible on this woman. The Vulcan has taken responsibility for her, thereby hindering my ability to find out anything. Therefore, I need for you use what you have at your disposal to find out all that you can on this new 'visitor'" he said leaning forward in his chair.

"Mr. Gabriel," said Johan in a very reprimanding way, "You know damned good and well that I am not allowed to use my authority as a Federation Intelligence Service agent to find out anything much less to relay anything to Starfleet, the exception to that rule being that it puts the organization in question in immediate danger. Now, as I'm sure you know, that is the official policy. Give me a minute or two and we will speak again."

"Computer, disengage all monitoring devices. Authorization code, Weiltzer-5299-Black-5-Pi-Alpha," ordered Weiltzer.

"Monitoring devices disabled. Monitoring devices will remain disable for exactly 4 minutes and 55 seconds," came the annoying male voice of the Weiltzer Corporation Computer.

"Unofficially, Mr. Gabriel, you have worked with me before, at that point in time all the work was done by me. I cannot in any official or unofficial capacity allow that to happen again. Quite frankly the Director of the FIS was not pleased with my abuse of my authorities and powers during the last incident, however, he was very pleased with the results and with the intelligence reports that he was given. Now, if I am to handle the collection of any Intelligence, I will need your help during all off duty hours. If you are on-duty and I need your help, I will see if you can help me, however, I refuse, under any and all circumstances to reveal my presence to the Commanding Officer of this station as anything more than a civilian unless a time comes that forces my hand. First and foremost, whoever is guarding or watching her needs to get really distracted really quick. If you can't distract them, then you will need to disable them. I myself will capture this so-called 'NASA' operative. When I finish interrogating and investigating her, I will tell you everything she has told me and I will leave it as your call on what to do. I also want you after we capture her to use these items on her room, her computer, her replicator, her guards, her guard's combadge or combadges, and anyone and anything associated with her," said Johan pulling out several tiny monitoring devices. "These will record any and all conversations, replicator usages, computer usages, combadge usages, everything on all those involved in this matter, and will thus reveal much more information to me."

Gabriel remembered what happened the last time Weiltzer was left to his own devices. He quickly realized that it would be best to give him a set of parameters. "Actually, I don't need you to capture her. For the time being it seems our station's Intelligence Officer, Jarrad Wallace seems to be smitten with her and has remained close by." Gabriel said as he leaned closer. "What I need from you is use whatever devices you have at your disposal to keep tabs on her. I want to be aware of every detail of every communication that she has while on this station. I even want to know every search she performs on the computers." He said as he leaned back in his chair.

"I can make sure that you are given brief access to her personal quarters to perform what needs to be done. Other than that, I'll collect the information and neither you nor your 'Director' need worry about any further incidences." He stated.

"Dorian, I may call you Dorian, right Commander...I am afraid I cannot at all allow that. It is not the policy of the FIS to allow anyone to receive any of our intelligence unless it applies to them. Therefore, with all do respect to standard policies, I am required to sift through any and all information. I do, however, promise that you will have full access to my hourly or daily reports as they come up. That is the terms of my ability to cooperate. If you wish, however, I could give you the necessary tools created by Weiltzer Corp specifically, for a small price, and you could utilize them in any manner you so would be faster than trying to deal with or route through the FIS, not to mention it is a way around the standard procedures," said Johan hinting around the issue.

Policies, since when did a *true* Intelligence Officer listen to "policies". It was a polite way of trying to pass the buck. Whatever Weiltzer's reasons were, Gabriel was not about to spend too much time delving into them. He certainly wasn't about to use someone else's equipment for a job like this. He figured that reading an updated report would have to suffice.

"Fine, I'll keep in contact with you in regards to those reports." Gabriel said as he stood up and began o turn to exit the room, but before he did he stopped and turned.

"What do you know about our new Strategic Operations Officer, Vincent Tan?" Gabriel asked.

"I don't know much about the man. Why do you ask? Is there some reason to have him under a bit of monitoring? Do you have any suspicions about him?" Asked Johan cautiously.

"There is something off-putting about that man. He's only a Lieutenant Junior Grade, but he seems to ask questions that someone of his rank should have no reason to know about, not to mention that I've caught him in areas that he did not have authorization to enter. I do not trust the man, something is up." He said.

"Now, that is quite interesting. I will be sure to try and keep him under surveillance and monitoring. If I catch him in areas he should have no access to or no authorization to answer, he'll have a lot of explaining to do. By the way, that equipment I was telling you could use, you have my word not only as a CEO but also as an honest intelligence agent that it is clean and was manufactured by my company. My offer still stands, and it in fact circumvents those policies that require that I listen to everything and give you reports. Not to mention the fact that it would be yours to use from now on given that it would be a personal gift from me for you to permanently have. It would also prevent having my nosy agency poking around your matter," said Johan being sincerely honest and hoping that Dorian would understand it and accept it rather than putting Weiltzer in an awkward position.

Gabriel thought about it. "Fine, have it delivered to my office. My eyes only." he replied.

"The equipment will be there in exactly one hour. Anyways, I will investigate this Lieutenant Junior Grade Vincent Tan, and if I catch him doing anything questionable or suspicious, after FIS has him for dinner, you and Starfleet Intelligence can also have him for dinner," Johan said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He had no doubt that the Lieutenant would slip and that he would be the one to catch him.

"Fine," Gabriel nodded as he turned to exit.


Lt. Cmdr.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security

Fleet Admiral
Johan Albrecht Weiltzer
Regional FIS Agent
Weiltzer Corporation