Unity – Welcome to the Science Department
by Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Ensign Piers Madigan

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Title   Welcome to the Science Department
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Ensign Piers Madigan
Posted   Tue Dec 22, 2009 @ 8:58pm
Location   Deck 61 - Chief Science Officer's Office
Timeline   SD16 - 17:30

Greo tapped ferociously at the PADD and placed it on the table. He had only taken his most essential pieces of work with him, yet he still felt an intruder in the office. He'd told himself that the acting chief needed a place to work in private and this was it.

One PADD showed the latest data compilation on the romulan core, another showed material testing data from the Dunhamite experiments and a third laid out the datastreams received by the Tempus Array during the anomaly incident. It was a lot to take in and process.

He turned to the blank computer screen and rubbed the faint neck ridges behind his ears. He was glad he hadn't had the full Cardassian ridges of his mother, she always complained about them aching. He was rubbing at his neck and ears as the door chime sounded.


Piers Madigan had been standing nervously in front of the set of double doors before he mustered up the get-go to ring the door on the office before him.

Piers waited for the double sliding doors to open before carefully walking into the acting Chief of Science's office, pulling at the neck on his uniform slightly. Eight years had certainly been too long to be away, but he was glad to be back in the field. He fidgeted before the Lieutenant Commander

"Sir, I am Ensign Piers Madigan, Service Number 909 Dash 8256G. I am," he paused for a moment, stammering.

"Take your time ensign, this isn't a court marshal." Greo smiled warmly at the nervous man before him.

"I'm sorry, I really haven't been in Starfleet since 2375. You'll see in my service record that after I was injured at the Battle of Cardassia, I took a medical leave, and then an extended personal leave. But I'm back for good now!" He smiled and chuckled a bit anxiously.

"Good to hear. Please have a seat." As the ensign sat Greo moved over to the replicator. "Raktajino." The klingon coffee materialised and Tovon turned back to his 'guest'. "Did you want anything ensign?"

Piers shook his head. "No sir, I'm fine. Thank you though." He rubbed the arms of the chair thoughtfully.

"Very well." Greo took his seat again and sipped on his drink. "I have only had a few minutes to look over your service record, but I can say everything looks fine. I'll let you know now I have no problems with medical leave, I myself had to transfer here for personal reasons. I think you'll find DS5 an interesting place to recuperate."

Piers chuckled, looking down. "That's very considerate of you, sir, but my medical leave was terminated several years ago. See," he said, then paused, gathering his thoughts. "I suppose I saved the USS Ares, but in the process I suffered a head injury. My subsequent coma lasted 5 months. After some time of rehabilitation, my aptitude scores were actually better than when I applied to the Academy."

"Fascinating." Greo realised he was trivialising the man's long term re-habilitation. "Anyway, it's good to have you on board. We always need eager minds here in the Science Department. Tell me, aside from Stellar Cartography and Astrophysics do you have any other field specialties or division preferences?" He had to place this man within the Science Department and he wanted to give Madigan a posting that would challenge him as well as maintain the man's enthusiasm for the discipline.

"Well," Piers began. "I prefer hands-on work, and even tactical work if there's any available. I work better under pressure, to be honest. In terms of fields though, I'm pretty diverse. During my refresher time, I ran over some courses in quantum chemistry, xenobiology, and xenovirology." Piers smiled weakly, eager to please Lt. Cmndr. Tovon.

"Hands-on you say." He rubbed his ear slightly, considering his options. "I am planning a mission to take a runabout out around the system. Recently we had an extremely powerful anomaly affect this region and I need to ascertain whether or not there has been any permanent damage to subspace or local conditions. Here are the situation reports."

Greo tossed Madigan a PADD containing a series of files (see these posts - http://ds5.co.uk/sms/index.php?page=post&id=709, http://ds5.co.uk/sms/index.php?page=post&id=748, http://ds5.co.uk/sms/index.php?page=post&id=778, http://ds5.co.uk/sms/index.php?page=post&id=771).

"Take a look over these situation reports. I'll also be preparing a summary report. I want you to accompany me on the runabout. I'm yet to clear this with the commander, but I plan to leave at 08:00 hours tomorrow morning. Two heads are always better than one. Any questions?" He looked at the man as he gave him his first orders, trying to gauge the ensign from his facial expression.

Piers looked over the PADD and the files, his mouth twitching as he look over them. After a short moment, he shook his head.

"No sir, everything seems to be in order," he said a bit distractedly, the gears in his head hard at work already. "Although, a permanent disruption to subspace has a high probability from some of these energy spikes measured in the array" He frowned for a moment.

"We should definitely exercise caution," Piers finished dryly, looking back to his superior.

"It's good to hear you saying so. However, remember the main threat has gone this is a fact finding mission. Keep your eyes and your mind open at all times." He took another sip of his coffee. "Well it's been a pleasure to meet you ensign, I look forward to working with you. As you can see I have a mountain of paperwork to sort through and a mission proposal to write, so unless you have any other questions?" Greo smiled, gesturing at the PADDs on his desk.

Piers rose instantly, the PADD tucked under the crook of his arm, shaking his head vigorously.

"No sir, absolutely not."

"Excellent well get settled in tonight and take a look over those PADDS." Greo smiled at the ensign.

"Very well, sir. I will see you at 0800 then."

Tovon watched as the ensign left the room. He seemed eager and fresh, if a bit nervous. We'll see tomorrow, he thought. He picked up the PADD he'd been compiling the mission plans on. He was nearly done. If he hurried he might be able to run things by Commander Villiers before filing the request. He returned to his work, checking the search pattern once more.


Lt Cmdr Greo Tovon
Assistant Chief Science Officer

Ensign Piers Madigan
Stellar Cartographer