Interlude – Devil's Lullaby
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Devil's Lullaby
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Fri Feb 25, 2011 @ 5:43pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD36: 10:00pm
Getal huffed. After his conversation with Isha, a weight was removed. For once, he didn't need to threaten her, or attack her. She had given him what he wanted to hear. He believed it too.

"Watch your step!" Getal exclaimed, as he knocked someone onto the ground in his train of thought.

Eleni Monteros shrieked as she fell to the floor, a sound that brought her husband, Admiral R'Vek tr'Khellian, running to her, leaving in the middle of his conversation with another Romulan flag officer to tend to her, "Are you all right, my darling?" He asked as he helped her to her feet.

"Yes, I'm fine." Eleni nodded, "This buffoon didn't seem to be too concerned with where he was going."

"Yes, well, this man and I need to talk anyway." R'Vel replied, shooting Getal a nasty look that spoke volumes about one thing: Murder.

"Buffoon?" Getal asked as if she should've known who he was. "Admiral R'Vek if my sources are correct. What do you want."

"Well, an apology for you knocking my wife to the deck would be a good start." R'Vek replied, "But I feel we have greater issues to discuss, you and I, issues of great national importance to both our powers, issues of life and death." R'Vek sent Getal another glare, one that said 'I know what you did and I will kill you for it.'

"Apologies." Getal said with quick sarcasm. "Death? What do you know of death."

"Much, my dear Gul Getal." R'Vek said, his voice practically covered in ice as he spoke, "I'm an expert on that very subject, in fact."

"I managed to get your rank right R'Vek. See to it you return the gesture." Getal said in an utter display of annoyance. "My business is death. Don't preach to me your expertise. Now, if you don't mind... " Tharek made to shove past R'Vek and his wife.

The second Getal's hand made contact with Eleni R'Vek had it bent behind his back, "You seem to have a problem keeping your hands off the women in my house, Getal, see that you correct it."

Tharek struggled momentarily, before relaxing almost completely. "You should keep your women out of reach then, R'Vek." Getal said in a smug tone, as he pushed his way out of R'Vek's grip and stood to his full, dwarfing height.

"Don't worry, Getal." R'vek began, "I may be new to exterminating Voles, but I'm a quick study. And remember, I only ask nicely once."

"What are you blabbing about Romulan?" Getal asked in a tone that surpassed all respect and decency, he didn't care for hints.

"Try me." R'Vek replied icily, "Try me and find out."

"Luckily for you, I'm busy. Now, cut to the fucking point and tell me why you have the tenacity to manhandle me, and accuse me of events, which I'm not even sure on yet."

"Tell me why you have the gall to put your hands on my wife." R'Vek spat back, his voice monotone and cold, "And everything else you've done. OR, better yet, just pick a time and place where we can settle it, one man to another."

"Well, firstly, it adds spice to life, no? A man so daring he touches the wife of R'Vek tr'Khellian. Has a ring to it doesn't it?" He asks, slightly comic. "And secondly, everything I've done? Tell me what I've done so I might be able to settle it little man."

"Remember, Getal, that it's not the size of the dog in the fight." R'Vek snarled softly, "But the size of the fight within the dog. And I don't know for certain what you've done, but I know you've now laid hands upon two women of my house, and there will not be a third if you've half a brain. Do we understand each other, Vikar Gul?"

Tharek immediately burst into laughter, and slapped his own knee. "Isha got everything she deserved, and if you flipped out at somebody shoving your wife without malicious intent, then its no wonder the people of the quadrant 'pick' on the... What is it? t'Khelliana or something."

R'Vek fought back the urge to send Getal flying across the room, knowing that was exactly what the craven little bastard was hoping for, "Big talk coming from a man whose homeworld is the toxic waste dump of the quadrant these days." R'Vek smirked, "We've never lost our homeland, nor our identity. And when we have a problem with someone, we handle it ourselves, we don't have to run to another bunch of cowards for help the way Cardassians do. Wouldn't you love to know what it feels like to have a spine, Tharek?"

"I'm a Cardassian born out of the ashes of a foolish breed. Cardassians who believe in a higher power than themselves need shooting. And wasn't the Romulan Empire briefly controlled by a Shinzon? A Reman as I recall... " Getal knew this would boil his blood and send him right near the edge of outrage. What he wanted now.

"And it took us less than a month to overthrow and kill Shinzon, with only minimal help from our Federation friends." R'Vek replied matter-of-factly, "And the Empire is stronger now than it ever was. Meanwhile, through a bit of noblese oblige I find myself writing checks out to charities that feed Cardassian children once a month even after all these years. Lucky for them the Empire is still there to take care of those incapable of taking care of themselves."

"As I recall... Obsidian Order stated that the Federation done all the work in the Shinzon Coup, whilst two of your newest Warbirds sat disabled and dying. Some Empire."

"Yes, well, we all know the Obsidian Order has a tendency to get it wrong." R'Vek laughed.

"Says the Tal Shiar." Getal replied back with pin-point precision in his words.

"It's hard to worry too much about the status of my organization in the eyes of a defunct one." R'Vek retorted, his words just as precise as Getal's.

"Defunct? The Obsidian Order thrives once again, whilst the Tal Shiar sits underneath the sting of a Federation whip."

"My God, Getal, you've finally done it. You've finally rendered me speechless." R'Vek snickered, "You managed to say something too stupid for me to even reply to."

"Stupid? I'm not the one barking and biting to the Federation's will. That is what Romulus is doing these days, isn't it? The word Romulan no longer fills people with fear or respect, just another species obeying to the Federation. You say Cardassian and everyone fills up with images of the war, and how Cardassia could've won, if we had a proper leader, not some religious nutcase who believed in the Pah-Wraiths."

"The worst part of this is the fact that you truly believe the delusions you're spouting." R'Vek sighed, "My God, man, are all Cardassians incapable of learning from the past and seeing events as they are or is it just you?"

"I've learnt from my mistakes, and the mistakes the past Cardassia made. Now, if we've finished with the pleasantries, I'd like to move on. Your stench is filling up the corridor."

"My stench?" R'Vek laughed harder than ever, "My dear Gul Getal, I believe what we're all smelling is you. You know what they say, when you lie down with Voles...."

Tharek reacted instantly, standing millimetres from R'Vek's face. "Try it. I would like nothing better than to rip your head from your shoulders and hang your skull on my wall." He spat through gritted teeth.

"You see, darling." R'Vek laughed as he addressed Eleni, "Anthropology just keeps proving itself true. The lower species, like this one, will always pound their chests and threaten, even when they have no idea what they're up against. It's just the nature of the lower primates. Now, Gul Getal, if you'll excuse us, my wife and I have much better things to do than to waste our time at this circus of yours. But, I'll see you again very soon." With that, R'Vek took Eleni's hand and pushed past Getal, not the least bit interested in continuing this conversation with his next victim.

Getal turned to his side, and adressed R'Vek's back. "Mark my words you green-blooded Goblin. The time will come when it is my orders you follow. My race that stands tall. My race, that kills every single relative of you, your wife and Isha t'Khellian." Within seconds of Getal's speech, he turned and left, cursing in Cardassian, and hitting a bulkhead on his way.

"See what I mean, darling?" R'Vek laughed at Getal as he stormed away, "Totally uncivilized."


Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian ambassador

EnRiov R'Vek tr'Khellian
Tal Shiar

CEO Eleni Monteros-t'Khellian
CEO, Monteros Enterprises